Jesus: My Savior and Friend 5-Day Ministry Kit ESV
Jesus: My Savior and Friend lesson flashcards and text; Operation Auca missionary lesson flashcards and text
Visualized songs: Have You Heard, Jesus Is the Good News, and No Turning Back
Includes Music CD, Word-Up teaching booklet, ESV verse visual booklet, 25 ESV verse token sheets, 2x3 Wordless Book, How to Lead a Child to Christ leaflet, Guiding a Child to the Savior, prayer visual, map, and UPs rules.Great for summer ministry: VBS, 5-Day Club®, camp, and mission trips.
Jesus: My Savior and Friend 5-Day Ministry Kit KJV
Jesus: My Savior and Friend lesson flashcards and text; Operation Auca missionary lesson flashcards and text
Visualized songs: Have You Heard, Jesus Is the Good News, No Turning Back
Includes music CD, Word-Up teaching booklet, KJV verse visual booklet, 25 KJV verse token sheets, 2x3 Wordless Book, How to Lead a Child to Christ leaflet, Guiding a Child to the Savior, prayer visual, map, and UPs rules.Great for summer ministry: VBS, 5-Day Club®, camp, and mission trips.
God's Plan in Action: The Early Church Resource & PPT CD
PowerPoint visuals to teach six lessons for God's Plan in Action: The Early Church ppt visuals for flashcards, memory verses (ESV and KJV), lyrics to suggested songs, and John Cook mission story
PDFs of lesson include text, visuals and review, mission teaching, reproducibles (quiet time sheets, memory verse bookmarks, coloring sheets, sheet music for songs)—everything in digital format that is in the printed resource pack.
Lesson 1 - Jesus Is Alive! (Doctrinal Growth) (Matt. 28; Luke 24; Acts 1:1-14)
Memory verse: 1 Corinthians 15:3-4
Lesson 2 - The Helper Has Come! (Growth Narrative) (Acts 2:1-41)
Memory verse: 1 Corinthians 15:3-4
Lesson 3 - God's Church Is Persecuted (Growth Narrative) (Acts 5:12-42)
Memory verse: John 14:27
Lesson 4 - Saul Trusts in Jesus as His Savior (Evangelistic Narrative) (Acts 8:3-4; 9:1-22) Memory verse: Romans 5:8
Lesson 5 - Paul Trusts God's Strength (Growth Narrative) (Acts 9:20-31)
Memory verse: Romans 5:8
Lesson 6 - Colorful Candy Party (Review lesson) -
God: The Creator King Demo DVD Set
(2017 version)
Two disc demonstration DVDs for God: The Creator King
Disc 1: Series overview, counseling and complete Bible lesson demonstrations.
Disc 2: Full demonstration song videos of all songs suggested in the series
He Is God
Jesus Is the Good News
Salvation Poem
Three Questions
Ephesians 2:8-9 (By Grace)
Genesis 1:1 (In the Beginning)
Isaiah 40:8 (The Grass Withers) -
Jesus: God Who Saves Resource & PPT CD
Revised 2020 (Replaces Life of Christ 4)
PowerPoint visuals to teach six lessons for Jesus: God Who Saves ppt visuals for flashcards, memory verses (ESV and KJV), lyrics to suggested songs, and Martin and Gracia Burnham mission story
PDFs of lesson include text, visuals and review, mission teaching, reproducibles (quiet time sheets, memory verse bookmarks, coloring sheets, sheet music for songs)—everything in digital format that is in the printed resource pack.
Lesson 1 - Jesus the Promised Messiah (Topical Evangelistic) (Isa. 35:4-6; Mic. 5:2; Zech. 9:9; Matt. 21:1-17; Luke 19:39-48) Memory verse: 1 John 4:14
Lesson 2 - Jesus the Passover Sacrifice (Doctrinal Evangelistic) (Ex. 12:1-28; Zech. 11:12; Matt. 26:1-5, 14-50; Luke 22:39-46) Memory verse: Isaiah 53:6
Lesson 3 - Jesus the Suffering Savior (Doctrinal Evangelistic) (Isa. 50:6; 53:7a; Matt. 26:57-68; Luke 22:50-51, 55-62; 23:1-25) Memory verse: 1 Peter 3:18a
Lesson 4 - Jesus the Perfect Substitute (Doctrinal Evangelistic) (Psalm 22; Matt. 27:38-51, 54-66; Luke 23:33-43; John 19:25, 30) Memory verse: 2 Corinthians 5:21
Lesson 5 - Jesus the Risen Lord (Doctrinal Growth) (Luke 24:1-48; Acts 1:3-9; 1 Cor. 15:3-6; 1 Pet. 3:22) Memory verse: John 20:31
Lesson 6 - Eye Spy (Review Lesson) -
Jesus: God Who Saves Demo DVD Set
Two disc demonstration DVDs for the Jesus: God Who Saves lesson
Disc 1: Overviews and Bible lesson and The Burnhams missions story demonstrations.
Disc 2: Full demonstrations of all songs suggested in the series
Do You Believe
Jesus Is the Good News
Stop/Go/One Way
Isaiah 53:6 (All We Like Sheep)
John 20:31 (Life in His Name)
2 Corinthians 5:21 (For Our Sake)
1 Peter 3:18 (Christ Also Suffered)
1 John 4:14 (The Savior of the World) -
God's Power: Escape from Egypt Demo DVD Set
Disc 1: Series Overview and complete Bible lesson demonstrations.
Disc 2: Full demonstrations of songs suggested in the series: God is Our Refuge (Psalm 46:1); God's Way; I Am the Lord (Isaiah 45:5); I Look to You; Jesus Loves Me/Amazing Grace; One Way; Tell Everone; The Lord Is (2 Samuel 22:2); The Seven Most Important Things Song (7MIT); You Shall Love (Matthew 22:37-39). -
Jesus: My Savior and Friend Demo DVD Set
Two disc DVDs for Jesus My Savior and Friend series
Disc 1: Series overview, counseling, complete Bible lesson Jesus: My Savior and Friend and Operation Auca missionary story. This DVD is for teacher trainging purposes.
Disc 2 - Song Videos: Full demonstrations of songs suggested in the series:
Have Your Heard
Jesus Is the Good News
No Turning Back
ESV Verse Songs: Isaiah 45:5a (I Am the Lord), John 14:27 (Peace I Leave with You), Acts 4:12 (Salvation), Luke 5:24 (That You May Know)Optional songs: Christ Redeemed Us, His Name Is Jesus, Jesus Loves Me/Amazing Grace (Visuals not included in kit.)
God Rules: Be Strong Demo DVD Set
Two disc demonstration DVDs for God Rules: Be Strong series
Disc 1: Series overview and complete Bible lesson demonstrations.
Disc 2 - Song Videos: Full demonstrations of songs suggested in the series:
Children All around the World
Did You Ever Talk to God Above?
God's Way
His Name Is Jesus
Jesus Is Caring for You
No Turning Back
Ephesians 6:10 (Be Strong in the Lord)
1 John 1:9 (If We Confess)
James 1:5 (If You Lack Wisdom) -
Jesus: God Who Came to Earth Resource & PPT CD
(2018 Version) (Replaces Life of Christ 1)
PowerPoint visuals to teach six lessons for Jesus: God Who Came to Earth ppt visuals for flashcards, memory verses (ESV and KJV), lyrics to suggested songs, and Cameron Townsend mission story
PDFs of lesson include text, visuals and review, mission teaching, reproducibles (quiet time sheets, memory verse bookmarks, coloring sheets, sheet music for songs)—everything in digital format that is in the printed resource pack.
Lesson 1 -The Savior Is Born! (Evangelistic Narrative) (Matt. 1:19-25; Lk. 1:26-38; 2:1-20) Memory verse:Luke 2:11
Lesson 2 - Wise Men Worship the Savior King (Evangelistic Narrative) (Matt. 2:1-23; Lk. 2:39-40) Memory verse: Luke 2:11
Lesson 3 - Jesus Obeys His Heavenly Father (Growth Narrative) (Lk. 2:40-52)
Memory verse: Philippians 2:13
Lesson 4 - Jesus Is the Promised Savior (Evangelistic Narrative) (Matt. 3:1-6, 13-17; Lk. 1:5-24, 39-45, 57-65; Jn. 1:26-29) Memory verse: Philippians 2:13
Lesson 5 - Jesus Is the Sinless Savior (Doctrinal Growth) (Matt. 4:1-11)
Memory verse: Hebrews 2:18
Lesson 6 - Happy Birthday Review Party -
Jesus: God Who Came to Earth Demo DVD Set
Two disc demonstration DVDs for Jesus: God Who Came to Earth series
Disc 1: Overviews and complete Bible lesson demonstrations.
Disc 2 - Song Videos: Full demonstrations of all songs suggested in the series:
Christ Redeemed Us
Go Tell It on the Mountain
His Name Is Jesus
Joy to the World, Jump
Luke 2:11 (Unto You Is Born)
Hebrews 2:18 (Because He Suffered when Tempted)
Philippians 2:13 (For It Is God Who Works in You) -
The Wordless Book Visualized Demo DVD Set
Two disc demonstration DVDs for The Wordless Book Visualized lesson
Disc 1: Series Overview, complete Bible lessons demonstrations and Growth Tree Preparation
Disc 2: Demonstrations of songs suggested in the series
God Wants to Spend Time with Just You
I Look to You
Jesus is the Good News
Salvation Poem
Seven Most Important Things (7MIT)
Wordless Book Song
ESV Verse Songs: According to the Scripture (1 Corintians 15:3-4), All Have Sinned (Romans 3:23), Amen (2 Peter 3:18), For God So Loved the World (John 3:16), and To All Who Did Recieve Him (John 1:12) -
The Wordless Book Visualized Resource & PPT CD
PowerPoint visuals to teach five lessons for The Wordless Book Visualized. Includes ppt visuals for flashcards, memory verses (ESV and KJV), lyrics to suggested songs, and What is Missions? story.
PDFs of lesson include text, visuals and review, mission teaching, reproducibles (quiet time sheets, memory verse bookmarks, coloring sheets, sheet music for songs)—everything in digital format that is in the printed resource pack.
Lesson 1 - The Gold Page (Topical Evangelistic) (Heaven, God's holiness, Gen. 1--2; Rev. 21--22) Memory verse: John 3:16
Lesson 2 - The Dark Page (Evangelistic Narrative) (Sin and its consequences--Adam and Eve, Gen. 1--3) Memory verse: Romans 3:23
Lesson 3 - The Red Page (Doctrinal Evangelistic) (Jesus, God's promised Messiah, Matt. 1:18-25; 4:1-11; 26:1-5; Lk. 1:26-38; 2:1-21,41-52; 23:34; Jn. 19:1--20:10) Memory verse: 1 Corinthians 15:3-4
Lesson 4 - The Clean Page (Doctrinal Evangelistic) (Believe Jesus as risen Lord and Savior, Jn 20; Acts 1:6-11) Memory verse: John 1:12
Lesson 5 - The Green Page (Growth Narrative) (God's Word helps us grow--Young King Josiah reads God's book of the law, 2 Kings 22--23:8) Memory verse: 2 Peter 3:18
Lesson 6 – Crazy Color Celebration Review Lesson -
God's Love: Hope for the Outcast Resource & PPT CD
PowerPoint visuals to teach five lessons for Gods Love: Hope for the Outcast. Includes ppt visuals for flashcards, memory verses (ESV and KJV), lyrics to suggested songs, and Joni Eareckson Tada mission story.
PDFs of lesson include text, visuals and review, mission teaching, reproducibles (quiet time sheets, memory verse bookmarks, coloring sheets, sheet music for songs)—everything in digital format that is in the printed resource pack.Lesson 1 - You Are Valuable to God! (Topical Evangelistic) (Gen. 1:1, 26-27, 31; 3:1-15; Ps. 139:13-18; 1 Cor. 15:3-5; Rev. 21:1-6) Memory verse: Psalm 139:14
Lesson 2 - God Shows Mercy to Nineveh (Evangelistic Narrative) (Jonah 1—4)
Memory verse: Psalm 86:1
Lesson 3 - Jesus Shows Love to a Samaritan Woman (Evangelistic Narrative) (John 4:1-30, 39-42) Memory verse: Ephesians 4:32
Lesson 4 - Jesus Offers Hope to a Samaritan Leper (Evangelistic Narrative) (Luke 17:11-19; Lev. 13:45-46; 14:1-2) Memory verse: Romans 8:38-39
Lesson 5 - Jesus Died for the Outcasts (Doctrinal Evangelistic) (Luke 23—24:9)
Memory verse: Romans 8:38-39
Lesson 6 - Go Team! Review Party -
Jesus: God Who Saves, Flashcard visuals
This six lesson series covers the final days of Jesus' life on Earth from his triumphal entry to his death, resurrection and ascension. Jesus: God Who Saves will help children see and appreciate who Jesus is and what he did for them. (Replaces Life of Christ 4)
13” x 9 5/8” (33 x 24.4 cm) 5-6 full-color visuals per lesson
See description on lesson text for specific details (titles, memory verses, etc.,). Lesson text must be purchased separately. -
Little Kids Can Know God Songbook and CD
Includes Songbook and CD with 20 songs recommended in the "Little Kids Can Know God" lesson series. A dynamic collection for any preschool ministry!
Songs in the songbook and on the music CD are: The Angel Told the News, God Is So Good, God Made Me, God Made the Mountains High, God Makes Me Glad, Have You Any Fear?, Have You Heard about Jesus, Hear God's Word, I Believe the Bible, I Can Know God, I Can Pray, I Will Trust, Jesus Loves Me, Jesus' Love Is Sweet and Wonderful, Nothing But the Blood, Oh Be Careful, Praise Him, Praise Him, The Prayer Song, Tell the Story True, and Three in One.(Split Track)
I Don't Want Your Money Kit (English) (Christmas) visuals with PPT Download
I Don't Want Your Money kit includes brand new flashcard artwork, verse visual in ESV and KJV, song visual for Joy to the World, Word UP!, teacher's text, and Resource PPT download.
The lesson is about an orphan who finds a home but then learns the greater value found in knowing Jesus Christ.
Because this lesson is based on a story rather than a Bible lesson about the Christmas story, it can easily be adjusted to be used for a party club at a different time of year if desired.Download files include invitations, games, activities, memory verse teaching, lesson text and visuals to conduct an exciting Christmas Party ClubTM.
Suggested songs: Go Tell It on the Mountain, To All Who Did Receive Him (John 1:12), Joy to the World (all available as MP3 and MP4)The Resource PPT download includes an All-in-1 PPT presentation with games and suggested song MP4s. (verse song is ESV. It also includes teaching text, reproducibles, and forms.
I Don't Want Your Money Kit (Spanish) (Christmas)visuals & text
I Don't Want Your Money kit includes brand new flashcard artwork, verse visual, song visual, teacher's text, and Resource PPT download.
The lesson is about an orphan who finds a home but then learns the greater value found in knowing Jesus Christ.
Because this lesson is based on a story rather than a Bible lesson about the Christmas story, it can easily be adjusted to be used for a party club at a different time of year if desired.Resourse PPT download included in English only.
The Resource PPT download includes an All-in-1 PPT presentation with games and suggested song MP4s. Verse song is ESV. It also includes teaching text, reproducibles, and forms.
The King's Crown (Easter) Resource & PPT CD
"Here Ye! Hear Ye! The King of Kings died to pay for your sins and now He is alive!" Children everywhere need to hear this good news and you can share it with them by planning a party that is "fit for a king!”
Most kings wear royal robes and majestic crowns, but The King’s Crown will help children learn that Jesus, the mighty King of Kings, clothed himself as a servant and a sacrifice to become the Savior of the world.
This Resource & PPT CD includes PowerPoint visuals for lesson, memory verse (John 1:12) songs and Kingdom-themed game pieces. Reproducibles in B&W and color, KJV and ESV. Suggested song "Jesus Is the Good News." -
Always True Treasure Hunt (Easter) Resource & PPT CD
You can use this NEW Easter party to lead children on an exciting treasure hunt to discover the Good News that Jesus is truly alive and can save them from their sin!
Resource & PPT CD includes:
-PowerPoint visuals for the lesson, memory verse 1 Corinthians 15:3b-4 in ESV and KJV and suggested songs (Have You Heard About Jesus and Happy Easter to You)
-Reproducibles for invitations, nametags, tokens
-Lesson text
(Spanish text available as a separate item) -
Stop, Go, & Only One Way (Multi-song visual)
Made to accompany the One Way series, this multi-song visual includes the lyrics to "Stop", "Go," and "Only One Way" songs.
11" x 17", 16 full-color pages -
Backwards Birthday Bash (Christmas Party Club Kit)
Backwards Birthday Bash is the true Christmas story where the visuals are displayed behind gift wrapping. As the "present" is unwrapped, different aspects of the Christmas story are revealed.
Suggested songs:* Happy Birthday Jesus, Go Tell it on the Mountain, By Grace (Ephesians 2:8-9)Christmas Party Club Kit Includes: English text (revised 2020), lesson visuals and Resource & PPT CD. Resource & PPT CD includes visuals for lesson, memory verse (ESV and KJV), song lyrics and reproducibles for invitations, Quiet Time sheets (ESV and KJV), game pieces for suggested games, song sheets. (use the text on the PPT CD for most updated version)
*Songs are included on Sing about the King 3 music CD. -
The Thank You Spy
The Thank-You Spy Party Club(formerly “Caleb, The Thank-You Spy)
In this Party Club lesson, Carlos doesn’t feel like giving thanks or playing his favorite spy games because the military has moved his family again! His dad’s imminent deployment weighs heavily on Carlos’ mind. Through a series of clues and hidden messages children will discover that because of Jesus, Carlos always has reasons to thank God. Children will be sure to enjoy this story with a spy-themed game, activity ideas and teaching helps!
Includes suggestions for using with military children
Comes with 11 X 17 visuals and lesson text
Recommended songs
“His Name Is Jesus” and “Three Questions" -
Always True Treasure Hunt (printed visuals, text & FREE Resource PPT download)
This Easter Party Club is from the story of the disciples on the road to Emmaus. You can use this Easter party to lead children on an exciting treasure hunt to discover the Good News that Jesus is truly alive and can save them from their sin!
Kit includes 11" x 17" flashcard, that open to 22" x 17" English text
English text includes everything fun to have an Easter Party: craft, game, snack ideas and more.
Resource Download includes:
-PowerPoint visuals for the lesson, memory verse 1 Corinthians 15:3b-4 in ESV and KJV
-Reproducibles for invitations, nametags, tokens
(Spanish text available as a separate item)(download included with purchase online)
(Physical PPT CD is now sold seperately) -
The King's Crown (printed visuals, text, & FREE Resource PPT download)
"Here Ye! Hear Ye! The King of Kings died to pay for your sins and now He is alive!" Children everywhere need to hear this good news and you can share it with them by planning an Easter Party Club that is "fit for a king!” Most kings wear royal robes and majestic crowns, but The King’s Crown will help children learn that Jesus, the mighty King of Kings, clothed himself as a servant and a sacrifice to become the Savior of the world.
Suggested song: "Jesus Is the Good News."
Product includes 17" x 22" fold-up visual and English text
Free Download (when purchased online) includes PowerPoint visuals for lesson, memory verse (John 1:12) songs and Kingdom themed game pieces. Reproducibles in B&W and color, KJV and ESV. (Physical PPT CD is now sold separately) -
God: The Creator King Song Video Album MP4 'Download'
MP4 Album Download
Full demonstration videos of songs suggested in the God: The Creator King series:
- Jesus Is the Good News1
- Three Questions1
- In the Beginning (Genesis 1:1)1
- The Grass Withers (Isaiah 40:8)2
- Salvation Poem3
- By Grace (Ephesians 2:8-9)4
1© Child Evangelism Fellowship Inc. All rights reserved.
2© Steve Green Ministries Inc. All rights reserved. Used by permission.
3© Salvation Poem Foundation, Inc. All rights reserved. Used by permission.
4© SwordSmith Records. All rights reserved. Used by permission.Warning: Unauthorized reproduction prohibited.
For additional copies contact CEF Press® at cefpress.com or 1-800-748-7710.He Is God is not included in the download due to copyright restrictions.
Jesus: God Who Cares for People Song Video Album MP4 'Download'
MP4 Album Download
Full demonstration videos of songs suggested in the Jesus: God Who Cares for People series:
- Christ Redeemed Us1
- God Wants to Spend Time with Just You1
- Have You Heard?1
- His Name is Jesus1
- Jesus is the Good News1
- That the World Might Be Saved (John3:16-17)2
- What's the News?2
- Whoever Believes in the Son (John 3:36)1
1© Child Evangelism Fellowship Inc. All rights reserved.
2© SwordSmith Records. All rights reserved. Used by permission.Warning: Unauthorized reproduction prohibited.
For additional copies contact CEF Press® at cefpress.com or 1-800-748-7710. -
God's Plan in Action: The Early Church Song Video Album MP4 'Download'
MP4 Album Download
Full demonstration videos of songs suggested in the God's Plan in Action:The Early Church series:
- God Wants to Spend Time With Just You1
- His Name Is Jesus1
- Trinity Song2
- Stop/Go1
- According to the Scriptures (1 Corinthians 15:3-4)1
- God Shows His Love (Romans 5:8)3
- Peace I Leave with You (John 14:27)1
1© Child Evangelism Fellowship Inc. All rights reserved.
2© Edna Zuraw. All rights reserved. Used by permission.
3© SwordSmith Records. All rights reserved. Used by permission.Warning: Unauthorized reproduction prohibited.
For additional copies contact CEF Press® at cefpress.com or 1-800-748-7710. -
God Rules: Be Strong Song Video Album MP4 'Download'
MP4 Album Download
Full demonstration videos of songs suggested in the God Rules: Be Strong series:
- Children All Around the World2
- Did You Ever Talk to God Above?1
- God's Way3
- His Name Is Jesus1
- I'll Stand for God1
- Jesus Is Caring for You1
- No Turning Back4
- Be Strong in the Lord (Ephesians 6:10)1
- If We Confess (1 John 1:9)1
- If You Lack Wisdom (James 1:5)1
1© Child Evangelism Fellowship Inc. All rights reserved.
2© Evelyn Pulkin. All rights reserved. Used by permission.
3© Keith Settle. All rights reserved. Used by permission.
4© David Guyatt. All rights reserved. Used with permission.Warning: Unauthorized reproduction prohibited.
For additional copies contact CEF Press® at cefpress.com or 1-800-748-7710. -
Jesus: God Who Came to Earth Song Video Album MP4 'Download'
MP4 Album Download
Full demonstration videos of songs suggested in the Jesus: God Who Came to Earth series:
- Christ Redeemed Us1
- His Name Is Jesus1
- Jump1
- Joy to the World1
- Go Tell It on the Mountain1
- Because He Suffered when Tempted (Hebrews 2:18)1
- For It Is God Who Works in You (Philippians 2:13)2
- Unto You Is Born (Luke 2:11)1
1© Child Evangelism Fellowship Inc. All rights reserved.
2© Steve Green Ministries Inc. All rights reserved. Used by permission.Warning: Unauthorized reproduction prohibited.
For additional copies contact CEF Press® at cefpress.com or 1-800-748-7710. -
Jesus: My Savior and Friend Song Video Album MP4 'Download'
MP4 Album Download
Full demonstration videos of songs suggested in the Jesus My Savior and Friend series:
- Have You Heard?1
- Jesus Is the Good News1
- No Turning Back3
- I Am the Lord (Isaiah 45:5a )1
- Peace I Leave with You (John 14:27)1
- Salvation (Acts 4:12)2
- That You May Know (Luke 5:24)2
Optional Songs
- Christ Redeemed Us1
- His Name Is Jesus1
- Jesus Loves Me/Amazing Grace
1© Child Evangelism Fellowship Inc. All rights reserved.
2© SwordSmith Records. All rights reserved. Used by permission.
3© David Guyatt. All rights reserved. Used by permission.Warning: Unauthorized reproduction prohibited.
For additional copies contact CEF Press® at cefpress.com or 1-800-748-7710. -
The Wordless Book Visualized Song Video Album MP4 'Download'
MP4 Album Download
Full demonstration videos of songs suggested in the The Wordless Book Visualized series:
- God Wants to Spend Time with Just You1
- I Look to You1
- Jesus Is the Good News1
- Salvation Poem3
- The Seven Most Important Things Song (7MIT)4
- Wordless Book Song1
- According to the Scriptures (1Corinthians 15:3-4)1
- All Have Sinned (Romans 3:23)2
- Amen (2 Peter 3:18)2
- For God So Loved the World (John 3:16)2
- To All Who Did Receive Him (John 1:12)1
1© Child Evangelism Fellowship Inc. All rights reserved.
2© SwordSmith Records. All rights reserved. Used by permission.
3© Salvation Poem Foundation, Inc. All rights reserved. Used by permission.
4© Lyrics John Blake. Music Sean Blake. All rights reserved. Used by permission.Warning: Unauthorized reproduction prohibited.
For additional copies contact CEF Press® at cefpress.com or 1-800-748-7710. -
Jesus: God Who Saves Song Video Album MP4 'Download'
MP4 Album Download
Full demonstration videos of songs suggested in the Jesus: God Who Saves series:
- Do You Believe?2
- Jesus Is the Good News1
- Jump1
- Stop/Go1
- One Way1
- Isaiah 53:6 (All We Like Sheep)1
- John 20:31 (Life in His Name)3
- 2 Corinthians 5:21 (For Our Sake)1
- 1 Peter 3:18 (Christ Also Suffered)3
- 1 John 4:14 (The Savior of the World)3
1© Child Evangelism Fellowship Inc. All rights reserved.
2© Keith Settle. All rights reserved. Used by permission.
3© SwordSmith Records. All rights reserved. Used by permission.Warning: Unauthorized reproduction prohibited.
For additional copies contact CEF Press® at cefpress.com or 1-800-748-7710. -
God's Power: Escape from Egypt Song Video Album MP4 'Download'
MP4 Album Download
Full demonstration videos of songs suggested in the God's Power: Escape from Egypt series:
- God Is Our Refuge (Psalm 46:1)1
- God's Way2
- I Am the Lord (Isaiah 45:5)1
- I Look to You1
- Jesus Loves Me/Amazing Grace
- One Way1
- Tell Everyone2
- The Lord Is (2 Samuel 22:2)3
- The Seven Most Important Things Song (7MIT)4
- You Shall Love (Matthew 22:37-39)1
1© Child Evangelism Fellowship Inc. All rights reserved.
2© Keith Settle. All rights reserved. Used by permission.
3© Steve Green Ministries Inc. All rights reserved. Used by permission.
4© Lyrics John Blake. Music Sean Blake. All rights reserved. Used by permission.
Warning: Unauthorized reproduction prohibited.
For additional copies contact CEF Press® at cefpress.com or 1-800-748-7710. -
Starter Resource Pack
Includes Books of the Bible poster, UPs rules, map, and timeline.
The Starter Resource Pack is designed to be used with the Resource Packs for the following lesson series:God's Sovereignty: The Life of Joseph, God Protects His People: The Life of Esther, Jesus: God of Power and Glory, God's Church Expands: The Ministry of Paul, The Wordless Book Visualized.
God: The One Who Knows My Heart (David), God Rules: Be Strong (Daniel), Jesus: God Who Came to Earth, God: The One to Follow (Peter)
The Creator King: Jesus: God Who Cares for People; God's Plan in Action: The Early Church, The Patriarchs: God's Plan Unfolds, God's Love: Hope for the OutcastPurchase the Resource Packs with specific lesson titles for additional teaching helps.
Spanish Starter Resource Pack
Includes Books of the Bible poster, UPs rules, map, and timeline -- all in Spanish.
The Starter Resource Pack is designed to be used with the following lesson Series:
God's Sovereignty: The Life of Joseph, God Protects His People: The Life of Esther, Jesus: God of Power and Glory, God's Church Expands: The Ministry of Paul, The Wordless Book Visualized.
God: The One Who Knows My Heart (David), God Rules: Be Strong (Daniel), Jesus: God Who Came to Earth, God: The One to Follow (Peter), God: The Creator King, Jesus: God Who Cares for People, God's Plan in Action: The Early Church, The Patriarchs: God's Plan Unfolds, and God's Love: Hope for the Outcast.
Purchase Resource Packs with specific lesson titles for additional teaching helps. -
I Believe
11" x 17", 16 full-color pages with lyrics to the song "I Believe"
This visualized song helps children and even adults learn a complete biblical statement of faith!
Music found on Sing about the King CD 4. -
Jesus Is the Good News
11" x 17", 12 full-color pages with lyrics to the song "Jesus Is the Good News"
This exciting visualized song gives children reasons to celebrate that Jesus is the Good News!
View song demonstration here. -
What's the News?
11" x 17", 12 full-color pages with lyrics to the song "What's the News?"
Use this lively visualized song as a Good News Club theme song and to remind children that Jesus is the way to have their sin washed away!
View song demonstration here. -
Cristo Buenas Nuevas Da (Jesus Is the Good News)
11" x 17", 12 full-color pages
This exciting visualized song gives children reasons to celebrate that Jesus is the Good News. -
God's Way
11" x 17", 16 full-color pages with lyrics to the song "God's Way"
Kids question the right way to act or make a decision. This song teaches children that God's Word, the Bible, tells them how to live God's way.
View song demonstration here -
Tell Everyone
11" x 17", 12 full-color pages with lyrics to the song "Tell Everyone"
When childen have good news they want to share it. Tell Everyone encourages girls and boys to share the very best news of all--salvation through Jesus, God's Son!
View demonstration of song here. -
His Name Is Jesus
11" x 17", 12 full-color pages with lyrics to the song "His Name is Jesus!"
It’s no mystery-- kids will love singing this song that is jam-packed with truth about who Jesus is!
View demonstration of song here. -
Christ Redeemed Us
11"x17", 12 full-color pages with lyrics to the song "Christ Redeemed Us"
This visualized song teaches children the important who, what, when, where and how of redemption. More importantly they will realize they are in need of a Savior.
View demonstration of song here. -
Joy to the World, song visual
This CEF version of Joy to the World shares the joyful message that Jesus the Lord has come as King and Savior. Children will learn how they should respond to the exciting news. (See lyrics at bottom)
11" x 17", 12 full-color pages
Suggested song in "Light of Life" Christmas lesson
Music is on Sing about the King 1 and Sing about the King 4 music CDs.
View demonstration here -
Go Tell It on the Mountain
11" x 17", 12 full-color pages with lyrics to the song "Go Tell It on the Mountain". This song emphasizes the important message that Jesus came to Earth as a baby to be the Savior. That is news worth sharing with everyone!
Suggested song in Light of Life Christmas lesson
View demonstration here. -
Di las Buenas Nuevas (Go Tell It on the Mountain)
11" x 17", 12 full-color pages with lyrics to the song "Go Tell It on the Mountain"
This song emphasizes the important message that Jesus came to Earth as a baby to be the Savior. That is news worth sharing with everyone! -
Canticos de Crecimiento (Growing Songs CD)
Split-track recording.
Canticos de Crecimiento (Growing Songs Music CD)
Songs on this Spanish CD are:
Because He Set Me Free, Countdown, Did You Ever Talk to God Above?, Four-Letter Words, From Pennsylvania to California, God's Power, Good News, G-O-S-P-E-L Means Good News, Hear No Evil, Here Am I Send Me, How Do I Look to Jesus?, I Praise Him, In My Own Neighborhood, In the Twinkling of an Eye, I've Got a Wonderful Savior, Jesus Is Caring for You, Let the Lord Have His Way, Let’s Talk about Jesus, Lord Send Me, My Song of Praise, One Way, Stop-Go-Watch, Take Me, It Is Good, Talk to Jesus, The Bible Tells Me So, The Lord Is Good, The Lord Is My Shepherd, The Wonderful Word of God, There is Victory for Me, Thou Art a Wonderful God, and Wonderful Counselor -
Ninos Cantan Los Clasicos 1 (Kids Sing the Gospel Classics)
Upbeat versions of 15 of your favorite children's songs.
Cánticos para Niños Preescolares (Little Kids Can Know God CD)
Canticos para Ninos Preescolares (Little Kids Can Know God Music CD)
A dynamic collection for any preschool ministry.
All songs are in spanish
Spanish Music CD includes 20 songs in the "Little Kids Can Know God" lesson series.
The Angel Told the News, God Is So Good, God Made Me, God Made the Mountains High, God Makes Me Glad, Have You Any Fear?, Have You Heard about Jesus, Hear God's Word, I Believe the Bible, I Can Know God, I Can Pray, I Will Trust, Jesus Loves Me, Jesus' Love Is Sweet and Wonderful, Nothing But the Blood, Oh Be Careful, Praise Him, Praise Him, The Prayer Song, Tell the Story True, and Three in One. -
Sing about the King 1 Music CD
Songs on this CD are recommended for use in the following lessons:
(Beginnings series)
God: The Creator King
The Patriarchs: God's Plan Unfolds
Jesus: God Who Came to Earth
God's Plan in Action: The Early Church
Songs: Books of the New Testament, Books of the Old Testament, Christ Redeemed Us, God Wants to Spend Time with Just You, Have You Heard?, He Is God, His Name Is Jesus, Jesus Is the Good News, Jesus Loves Me/Amazing Grace, Jump, Salvation Poem, Stop/Go, Three Questions, Trinity Song, and What's the News?
Bible Verse Songs (ESV): (Genesis 1:1) In the Beginning, (Isaiah 40:8) The Grass Withers, (Luke 2:11) Unto You Is Born, (John 1:12) To All Who Did Receive Him, (John 14:27) Peace I Leave with You, (Romans 5:8) God Shows His Love, (1 Corinthians 10:31) Do All to the Glory of God, (1 Corinthians 15:3-4) According to the Scriptures, (Ephesians 2:8-9) By Grace, (Philippians 2:13) For It Is God Who Works in You, (1 Thessalonians 5:24) He Will Do It, and (Hebrews 2:8) Because He Suffered When Tempted.
Chrimas Songs: Go Tell It on the Mountain and Joy to the World
Spanish Songs: El Es Dios (He Is God) -
Sing about the King 2 Music CD
Songs on this CD are recommended for use in the following lessons:
God's Sovereignty: The Life of Joseph
God Protects His People: The Life of Esther
Jesus: God of Power and Glory
God's Church Expands: The Ministry of PaulSongs: Christ Redeemd Us, Did You Ever Talk to God Above?, Have You Heard? His Name Is Jesus, I Look to You, I'll Stand for God, Jesus Is Caring for You, Jump, No Turning Back, Salvation Poem, Stop/Go, Three Questions, Trinity Song, and What's the News?
Bible Verse Songs (ESV): Proverbs 3:5-6 (Trust in the Lord), Matthew 6:9-13 (The Lord's Prayer), Romans 1:16 (I Am Not Ashamed), Romans 8:28 (All Things), Ephesians 1:7 (In Him We Have Redemption), Ephesians 6:10 (Be Strong in the Lord), Philippians 1:6 (He Who Began), Philippians 4:6 (Everything by Prayer), and 1 John 4:4 (He Is Greater)
Christmas Songs: Christmas Bells, Joy to the World, and (Luke 2:11) For Unto You
Easter Songs: Jesus is the Good News and (John 11:25) Yet Shall He Live -
Sing about the King 3 Music CD
Songs on this CD are recommended for use in the following lessons:
God's Love: Hope for the Outcast
God's Power: Escape from Egypt
God's Faithfulness: Return to Canaan
Jesus: God Who Saves
Songs: Christ Redeemed Us; Do You Believe?; God's Way; Good News to All the World; Go Tell it on the Mountain; Happy Birthday, Jesus; I Believe; I Look to You; Jesus is the Good News; Jesus Loves Me/Amazing Grace; Jump; Let's Get Started; No Turning Back; One Way (Full Version); One Way (Short Version); Salvation Poem; Stop/Go; Tell Everyone; The Seven Most Important Things (7 MIT); Turn Your Eyes to Jesus; and What's the News?
Bible Verse Songs (ESV): (2 Samuel 22:2) The Lord Is; (Psalm 46:1) God is Our Refuge; (Psalm 86:15) A God Merciful and Gracious; (Psalm139:14) I Praise You; (Proverbs 3:5-6) Trust in the Lord; (Isaiah 45:5a) I Am the Lord; (Isaiah 53:6) All We Like Sheep; (Matthew 22:37-39) You Shall Love; (John 20:31) Life in His Name; (Romans 8:38-39) Nothing Can Separate; (I Corinthians 15:57-58) Thanks Be to God; (2 Corinthians 5:21) For Our Sake; (Ephesians 4:32) Be Kind to One Another; (1 Peter3:18) Christ Also Suffered; (1 John4:14) The Savior of the World; (Ephesians 2:8-9) By Grace; and (John 1:12) To All Who Did Receive Him. -
Little Kids Can Know God Music CD
Little Kids Can Know God Music CD includes 20 songs recommended in the "Little Kids Can Know God" lesson series. A dynamic collection for any preschool ministry!
Song on CD include: The Angel Told the News, God Is So Good, God Made Me, God Made the Mountains High, God Makes Me Glad, Have You Any Fear?, Have You Heard about Jesus, Hear God's Word, I Believe the Bible, I Can Know God, I Can Pray, I Will Trust, Jesus Loves Me, Jesus' Love Is Sweet and Wonderful, Nothing But the Blood, Oh Be Careful, Praise Him, Praise Him, The Prayer Song, Tell the Story True, and Three in One. -
Los Ninos Pueden Alabar a Dios (Children Can Worship God)
Use this Spanish music CD of 17 songs in your children's ministry to help children worship God!
Songs on the CD include: 365 Días, Alto/Anda, Cristo Buenas Nuevas da, Cumpleaños feliz, Di las Buenas Nuevas, El poder de Dios, Feliz Cumpleaños, Jesús, ¿Has hablado alguna vez con Dios?, He decidido, Hoy nació, Jesús es la luz, Oh Señor, envìame a mì, Poema sobre la salvación, ¿Qué me puede dar perdón?, Una vía, Vendrá, Yo tengo un Amigo (version en español), and Yo tengo un Amigo1 (version en español e inglès)
Each song on this music CD is available as a Spanish visualized song -
Sing about the King 4 Music CD
Songs on this CD are recommended for use in the following lessons:
Jesus: God Who Cares for People
God: The One Who Knows My Heart (David)
God Rules: Be Strong (Daniel)
God: The One to Follow (Peter)
Songs: Books of the New Testament, Books of the Old Testament, Children All around the World, Christ Redeemed Us, Did You Ever Talk to God Above?, God Wants to Spend Time with Just You, God's Way, Have You Heard?, His Name Is Jesus, I'll Stand for God, Jesus Is Caring for You, Jesus Is the Good News, Jump, Let's Get Started, No Turning Back, and What's the News?
Bible Verse Songs (ESV): (Psalm 119:9-11) Keep Your Way Pure, (John 3:16-17) That the World Might be Saved, (John 3:36) Whoever Believes in the Son, (Romans 5:8) God Shows His Love, (2 Corinthians 5:17) New Creation, (Ephesians 6:10) Be Strong in the Lord, (James 1:5) If You Lack Wisdom, (1 Peter 5:7) Casting All Your Anxieties, (2 Peter 3:18) Amen, and (1 John 1:9) If We Confess
Christmas Songs: Go Tell It on the Mountain and Joy to the World -
Jesus: My Savior and Friend Music CD
Jesus My Savior and Friend Music CD
Recommended to use with Jesus My Savior and Friend lesson.
Songs: Have You Heard?, Jesus is the Good News, and No Turning BackBible Verse Songs (ESV): I Am the Lord(Isa.45:5a), That You May Know(Luke 5:24), Peace I Leave with You(John 14:27), and Salvation(Acts 4:12)
Preschool Songs: I Believe the Bible, I Can Pray, Nothing but the Blood, and Tell the Story TrueSpanish Songs: Cristo Buenas Nuevas da, He decidido, and Yo tengo un Amigo
Additonal Songs: Christ Redeemed Us, His Name is Jesus, and Jesus Loves Me/ Amazing Grace (Not on schedule nor in kits) -
The Wordless Book Visualized Music CD
Songs on this music CD are:Seven Most Important Things (7MIT), God Wants to Spend Time with Just You, I Look to You, Jesus is the Good News, Salvation Poem, Wordless Book SongESV Verse Songs:To All Who Did Recieve Him (John 1:12), For God So Loved the World (John 3:16), All Have Sinned ( Romans 3:23), According to the Scripture (1Corintians 15:3-4),Amen ( 2 Peter 3:18) -
Sing about the King 4 Music Album MP3 Download
Songs on this Album are recommended in the series: Jesus: God Who Cares for People, God: The One Who Knows My Heart (David), God Rules: Be Strong (Daniel), God: The One to Follow (Peter).
Books of the New Testament, Books of the Old Testament, Children All around the World, Christ Redeemed Us, Did You Ever Talk to God Above?, God Wants to Spend Time with Just You, God's Way, Have You Heard?, His Name Is Jesus, I'll Stand for God, Jesus Is Caring for You, Jesus Is the Good News, Jump, Let's Get Started, No Turning Back, What's the News?, Go Tell It on the Mountain, Joy to the World
Bible Verse Songs (ESV): (Psalm 119:9-11) Keep Your Way Pure, (John 3:16-17) That the World Might be Saved, (John 3:36) Whoever Believes in the Son, (Romans 5:8) God Shows His Love, (2 Corinthians 5:17) New Creation, (Ephesians 6:10) Be Strong in the Lord, (James 1:5) If You Lack Wisdom, (1 Peter 5:7) Casting All Your Anxieties, (2 Peter 3:18) Amen, (1 John 1:9) If We Confess -
Little Kids Can Know God MP3 Download
Little Kids Can Know God Music Download includes 20 songs recommended in the "Little Kids Can Know God" lesson series. A dynamic collection for any preschool ministry!
Song on download includes: The Angel Told the News, God Is So Good, God Made Me, God Made the Mountains High, God Makes Me Glad, Have You Any Fear?, Have You Heard about Jesus, Hear God's Word, I Believe the Bible, I Can Know God, I Can Pray, I Will Trust, Jesus Loves Me, Jesus' Love Is Sweet and Wonderful, Nothing But the Blood, Oh Be Careful, Praise Him, Praise Him, The Prayer Song, Tell the Story True, and Three in One. -
Sing about the King 3 Music Album MP3 Download
Songs on this Download are recommended for use in the following lessons:
God's Love: Hope for the Outcast
God's Power: Escape from Egypt
God's Faithfulness: Return to Canaan
Jesus: God Who Saves
Songs: Christ Redeemed Us; Do You Believe?; God's Way; Good News to All the World; Go Tell it on the Mountain; Happy Birthday, Jesus; I Believe; I Look to You; Jesus is the Good News; Jesus Loves Me/Amazing Grace; Jump; Let's Get Started; No Turning Back; One Way (Full Version); One Way (Short Version); Salvation Poem; Stop/Go; Tell Everyone; The Seven Most Important Things (7 MIT); Turn Your Eyes to Jesus; and What's the News?
Bible Verse Songs (ESV): (2 Samuel 22:2) The Lord Is; (Psalm 46:1) God is Our Refuge; (Psalm 86:15) A God Merciful and Gracious; (Psalm139:14) I Praise You; (Proverbs 3:5-6) Trust in the Lord; (Isaiah 45:5a) I Am the Lord; (Isaiah 53:6) All We Like Sheep; (Matthew 22:37-39) You Shall Love; (John 20:31) Life in His Name; (Romans 8:38-39) Nothing Can Separate; (I Corinthians 15:57-58) Thanks Be to God; (2 Corinthians 5:21) For Our Sake; (Ephesians 4:32) Be Kind to One Another; (1 Peter3:18) Christ Also Suffered; (1 John4:14) The Savior of the World; (Ephesians 2:8-9) By Grace; and (John 1:12) To All Who Did Receive Him. -
Let's Get Started
11" x 17", Eight full-color pages with lyrics to the song "Let's Get Started"
Children will learn through this visualized song that telling others about Jesus is an important job that they can do now!
View song demonstration here -
Stop song visual (while supply lasts)
13 1/4", Two two-color signs
A favorite visualized song that inspires children to stop and share the good news of Jesus Christ.
Includes wooden sticks for mounting.
This is only the Stop song visual, the Go sign visual has been discontinued.
Click here to buy the MP4 of this song -
God's Plan in Action: The Early Church - English Text
Take children through the book of acts with this six-lesson series over the early church. Text includes a master planning chart, schedule, lesson overview and outline, detailed story line, review questions, memory verse teaching and more!
Lesson 1 - Jesus Is Alive! (Doctrinal Growth) (Matt. 28; Luke 24; Acts 1:1-14)
Memory verse: 1 Corinthians 15:3-4
Lesson 2 - The Helper Has Come! (Growth Narrative) (Acts 2:1-41)
Memory verse: 1 Corinthians 15:3-4
Lesson 3 - God's Church Is Persecuted (Growth Narrative) (Acts 5:12-42)
Memory verse: John 14:27
Lesson 4 - Saul Trusts in Jesus as His Savior (Evangelistic Narrative) (Acts 8:3-4; 9:1-22) Memory verse: Romans 5:8
Lesson 5 - Paul Trusts God's Strength (Growth Narrative) (Acts 9:20-31)
Memory verse: Romans 5:8
Lesson 6 - Colorful Candy Party (Review lesson)
Suggested mission story (in resource pack): John CookFlashcard visuals and mission story must be purchased separately.
El Plan de Dios en acción: El texto iglesia primitiva (God's Plan in Action: The Early Church - Text)
Spanish Text
Take children through the book of acts with this six-lesson series over the early church. Text includes a master planning chart, schedule, lesson overview and outline, detailed story line, review questions, memory verse teaching and more!
Lesson 1 - Jesus Is Alive! (Doctrinal Growth) (Matt. 28; Luke 24; Acts 1:1-14)
Memory verse: 1 Corinthians 15:3-4
Lesson 2 - The Helper Has Come! (Growth Narrative) (Acts 2:1-41)
Memory verse: 1 Corinthians 15:3-4
Lesson 3 - God's Church Is Persecuted (Growth Narrative) (Acts 5:12-42)
Memory verse: John 14:27
Lesson 4 - Saul Trusts in Jesus as His Savior (Evangelistic Narrative) (Acts 8:3-4; 9:1-22) Memory verse: Romans 5:8
Lesson 5 - Paul Trusts God's Strength (Growth Narrative) (Acts 9:20-31)
Memory verse: Romans 5:8
Lesson 6 - Colorful Candy Party (Review lesson)
Suggested mission story (in resource pack): John CookFlashcard visuals and mission story must be purchased separately.
Jesus: God Who Saves - English Text
(Revised 2020)
This six lesson series covers the final days of Jesus' life on Earth from his triumphal entry to his death, resurrection and ascension. Jesus: God Who Saves will help children see and appreciate who Jesus is and what he did for them.
(Replaces Life of Christ 4)
Text includes a master planning chart, schedule, lesson overview and outline, detailed story line, review questions, memory verse teaching and more!
Lesson 1 - Jesus the Promised Messiah (Topical Evangelistic) (Isa. 35:4-6; Mic. 5:2; Zech. 9:9; Matt. 21:1-17; Luke 19:39-48) Memory verse: 1 John 4:14
Lesson 2 - Jesus the Passover Sacrifice (Doctrinal Evangelistic) (Ex. 12:1-28; Zech. 11:12; Matt. 26:1-5, 14-50; Luke 22:39-46) Memory verse: Isaiah 53:6
Lesson 3 - Jesus the Suffering Savior (Doctrinal Evangelistic) (Isa. 50:6; 53:7a; Matt. 26:57-68; Luke 22:50-51, 55-62; 23:1-25) Memory verse: 1 Peter 3:18a
Lesson 4 - Jesus the Perfect Substitute (Doctrinal Evangelistic) (Psalm 22; Matt. 27:38-51, 54-66; Luke 23:33-43; John 19:25, 30) Memory verse: 2 Corinthians 5:21
Lesson 5 - Jesus the Risen Lord (Doctrinal Growth) (Luke 24:1-48; Acts 1:3-9; 1 Cor. 15:3-6; 1 Pet. 3:22) Memory verse: John 20:31
Lesson 6 - Eye Spy (Review Lesson)
Suggested mission story (in resource pack): The Burnhams
Flashcard visuals and mission story must be purchased separately -
Jesús: Dios queien salva texto (Jesus: God Who Saves - Text)
Revised 2020
Spanish lesson text for six lessons on Jesus: God Who Saves. Includes lesson outlines, detailed story line, review questions, memory verse teaching and more.
Lesson 1 - Jesus the Promised Messiah (Topical Evangelistic) (Isa. 35:4-6; Mic. 5:2; Zech. 9:9; Matt. 21:1-17; Luke 19:39-48) Memory verse: 1 John 4:14
Lesson 2 - Jesus the Passover Sacrifice (Doctrinal Evangelistic) (Ex. 12:1-28; Zech. 11:12; Matt. 26:1-5, 14-50; Luke 22:39-46) Memory verse: Isaiah 53:6
Lesson 3 - Jesus the Suffering Savior (Doctrinal Evangelistic) (Isa. 50:6; 53:7a; Matt. 26:57-68; Luke 22:50-51, 55-62; 23:1-25) Memory verse: 1 Peter 3:18a
Lesson 4 - Jesus the Perfect Substitute (Doctrinal Evangelistic) (Psalm 22; Matt. 27:38-51, 54-66; Luke 23:33-43; John 19:25, 30) Memory verse: 2 Corinthians 5:21
Lesson 5 - Jesus the Risen Lord (Doctrinal Growth) (Luke 24:1-48; Acts 1:3-9; 1 Cor. 15:3-6; 1 Pet. 3:22) Memory verse: John 20:31
Lesson 6 - Eye Spy (Review Lesson)
Flashcard visuals must be purchased separately -
Jesus: God Who Came to Earth - English Text
In this six lesson series children will learn about the life of Jesus from birth through the beginning of His early ministry and why He's the only one qualified to be the Savior.
Text includes a master planning chart, schedule, lesson overview and outline, detailed story line, review questions, memory verse teaching and more!
(Replaces Life of Christ 1)Lesson 1 -The Savior Is Born! (Evangelistic Narrative) (Matt. 1:19-25; Lk. 1:26-38; 2:1-20) Memory verse:Luke 2:11
Lesson 2 - Wise Men Worship the Savior King (Evangelistic Narrative) (Matt. 2:1-23; Lk. 2:39-40) Memory verse: Luke 2:11
Lesson 3 - Jesus Obeys His Heavenly Father (Growth Narrative) (Lk. 2:40-52)
Memory verse: Philippians 2:13
Lesson 4 - Jesus Is the Promised Savior (Evangelistic Narrative) (Matt. 3:1-6, 13-17; Lk. 1:5-24, 39-45, 57-65; Jn. 1:26-29) Memory verse: Philippians 2:13
Lesson 5 - Jesus Is the Sinless Savior (Doctrinal Growth) (Matt. 4:1-11)
Memory verse: Hebrews 2:18
Lesson 6 - Happy Birthday Review Party
Suggested mission story (in resource pack): Cameron Townsend
Flashcard visuals and mission story must be purchased separately. -
Jesús: Dios el que vino a la Tierra texto (Jesus: God Who Came to Earth - Text)
(2018 Version)
Spanish lesson text for six lessons about the life of Jesus from birth through the beginning of His early ministry. Text includes a master planning chart, schedule, lesson overview and outline, detailed story line, review questions, memory verse teaching and more!
(Replaces Life of Christ 1)Lesson 1 -The Savior Is Born! (Evangelistic Narrative) (Matt. 1:19-25; Lk. 1:26-38; 2:1-20) Memory verse:Luke 2:11
Lesson 2 - Wise Men Worship the Savior King (Evangelistic Narrative) (Matt. 2:1-23; Lk. 2:39-40) Memory verse: Luke 2:11
Lesson 3 - Jesus Obeys His Heavenly Father (Growth Narrative) (Lk. 2:40-52)
Memory verse: Philippians 2:13
Lesson 4 - Jesus Is the Promised Savior (Evangelistic Narrative) (Matt. 3:1-6, 13-17; Lk. 1:5-24, 39-45, 57-65; Jn. 1:26-29) Memory verse: Philippians 2:13
Lesson 5 - Jesus Is the Sinless Savior (Doctrinal Growth) (Matt. 4:1-11)
Memory verse: Hebrews 2:18
Lesson 6 - Happy Birthday Review Party
Flashcard visuals must be purchased separately -
Growing Songs for Children 1 Songbook
This songbook includes 60 exciting songs with sheet music to help kids grow in their faith.
5" x 8.5"
Some of the songs in this songbook are: The Bible Tells Me So, Countdown, Did You Ever Talk to God Above?, Go, God's Power, Good News, G-O-S-P-E-L Means Good News, I've Got a Wonderful Saviour, Jesus Is Caring for You, Let the Lord Have His Way, The Lord is My Shepherd, One Step At a Time, One Way, Stop, There Is Victory for Me, Watch, Wonderful Counselor, You are a Wonderful God and more! -
Cumpleaños feliz (Happy Birthday)
11" x 17", six full-color pages
Children sing birthday greetings to friends . . . now they can celebrate the Savior’s birth by singing happy birthday to Jesus! The lyrics emphasize how Jesus died and rose to life and how they can believe and receive the gift of salvation.
(Tune is traditional Happy Birthday.)
Lyrics to this visualized song are:
Cumpleaños feliz. Yo te amo, Jesús.
Yo te amo a Ti. Cumpleaños feliz.
En un pesebre naciste, siendo el Hijo de Dios.
Para mostrar Tu amor a la humanidad.
Y moriste por mí para que pueda yo
Ir al cielo un día a vivir junto a Ti. -
God's Plan in Action: The Early Church Resource & PPT Download
This product is a download. Once purchased, you will get a link sent to your email address to access the files
PowerPoint visuals and PDF teacher text to teach six lessons for the God's Plan in Action: The Early Church seriesPDFs of lesson text and other helps: teaching cards, resource booklet, Wonder Time teaching, PPT games, preschool helps, reproducibles (quiet time sheet, memory verse bookmarks, coloring sheets), and John Cook mission story --everything in digital format that is in the printed resource pack.
Lesson 1 - Jesus Is Alive! (Doctrinal Growth) (Matt. 28; Luke 24; Acts 1:1-14)
Memory verse: 1 Corinthians 15:3-4
Lesson 2 - The Helper Has Come! (Growth Narrative) (Acts 2:1-41)
Memory verse: 1 Corinthians 15:3-4
Lesson 3 - God's Church Is Persecuted (Growth Narrative) (Acts 5:12-42)
Memory verse: John 14:27
Lesson 4 - Saul Trusts in Jesus as His Savior (Evangelistic Narrative) (Acts 8:3-4; 9:1-22) Memory verse: Romans 5:8
Lesson 5 - Paul Trusts God's Strength (Growth Narrative) (Acts 9:20-31)
Memory verse: Romans 5:8
Lesson 6 - Colorful Candy Party (Review lesson) -
Jesus: God Who Saves Resource & PPT Download
This product is a download. Once purchased, you will get a link sent to your email address to access the files
PowerPoint visuals and PDF teacher text to teach six lessons for the Jesus: God Who Saves series.PDFs of lesson text and other helps: teaching cards, resource booklet, Wonder Time teaching, PPT games, preschool helps, reproducibles (quiet time sheet, memory verse bookmarks, coloring sheets), and Missonary Story Martin and Gracia Burnham--everything in digital format that is in the printed resource pack.
Lesson 1 - Jesus the Promised Messiah (Topical Evangelistic) (Isa. 35:4-6; Mic. 5:2; Zech. 9:9; Matt. 21:1-17; Luke 19:39-48) Memory verse: 1 John 4:14
Lesson 2 - Jesus the Passover Sacrifice (Doctrinal Evangelistic) (Ex. 12:1-28; Zech. 11:12; Matt. 26:1-5, 14-50; Luke 22:39-46) Memory verse: Isaiah 53:6
Lesson 3 - Jesus the Suffering Savior (Doctrinal Evangelistic) (Isa. 50:6; 53:7a; Matt. 26:57-68; Luke 22:50-51, 55-62; 23:1-25) Memory verse: 1 Peter 3:18a
Lesson 4 - Jesus the Perfect Substitute (Doctrinal Evangelistic) (Psalm 22; Matt. 27:38-51, 54-66; Luke 23:33-43; John 19:25, 30) Memory verse: 2 Corinthians 5:21
Lesson 5 - Jesus the Risen Lord (Doctrinal Growth) (Luke 24:1-48; Acts 1:3-9; 1 Cor. 15:3-6; 1 Pet. 3:22) Memory verse: John 20:31
Lesson 6 - Eye Spy (Review Lesson) -
Jesus: God Who Came to Earth Resource & PPT Download
This product is a download. Once purchased, you will get a link sent to your email address to access the files
PowerPoint visuals and PDF teacher text to teach six lessons for the Jesus: God Who Came to EarthPDFs of lesson text and other helps: teaching cards, resource booklet, Wonder Time teaching, PPT games, preschool helps, reproducibles (quiet time sheet, memory verse bookmarks, coloring sheets), and Cameron Townsend mission story --everything in digital format that is in the printed resource pack.
Lesson 1 -The Savior Is Born! (Evangelistic Narrative) (Matt. 1:19-25; Lk. 1:26-38; 2:1-20) Memory verse:Luke 2:11
Lesson 2 - Wise Men Worship the Savior King (Evangelistic Narrative) (Matt. 2:1-23; Lk. 2:39-40) Memory verse: Luke 2:11
Lesson 3 - Jesus Obeys His Heavenly Father (Growth Narrative) (Lk. 2:40-52)
Memory verse: Philippians 2:13
Lesson 4 - Jesus Is the Promised Savior (Evangelistic Narrative) (Matt. 3:1-6, 13-17; Lk. 1:5-24, 39-45, 57-65; Jn. 1:26-29) Memory verse: Philippians 2:13
Lesson 5 - Jesus Is the Sinless Savior (Doctrinal Growth) (Matt. 4:1-11)
Memory verse: Hebrews 2:18
Lesson 6 - Happy Birthday Review Party -
The Wordless Book Visualized Resource & PPT 'Download'
Revised 2023
This product is a download. Once purchased, you will get a link sent to your email address to access the files
PowerPoint visuals and PDF Teacher texts to teach six lessons for The Wordless Book Visualized series.PDFs of lesson text and other helps: teaching cards, resource booklet, Wonder Time teaching, PPT games, preschool helps, reproducibles (quiet time sheet, memory verse bookmarks, coloring sheets) and mission story -- everything in digital format that is in the printed resource pack.
Lesson 1 - The Gold Page (Topical Evangelistic) (Heaven, God's holiness, Gen. 1--2; Rev. 21--22) Memory verse: John 3:16
Lesson 2 - The Dark Page (Evangelistic Narrative) (Sin and its consequences--Adam and Eve, Gen. 1--3) Memory verse: Romans 3:23
Lesson 3 - The Red Page (Doctrinal Evangelistic) (Jesus, God's promised Messiah, Matt. 1:18-25; 4:1-11; 26:1-5; Lk. 1:26-38; 2:1-21,41-52; 23:34; Jn. 19:1--20:10) Memory verse: 1 Corinthians 15:3-4
Lesson 4 - The Clean Page (Doctrinal Evangelistic) (Believe Jesus as risen Lord and Savior, Jn 20; Acts 1:6-11) Memory verse: John 1:12
Lesson 5 - The Green Page (Growth Narrative) (God's Word helps us grow--Young King Josiah reads God's book of the law, 2 Kings 22--23:8) Memory verse: 2 Peter 3:18
Lesson 6 – Crazy Color Celebration Review Lesson -
God's Love: Hope for the Outcast Resource & PPT Download
This product is a download. Once purchased, you will get a link sent to your email address to access the files.
PowerPoint visuals to teach six lessons for God's Love: Hope for the Outcast. Includes PPT visuals for flashcards, memory verses (ESV and KJV), lyrics to suggested songs and the lesson on Joni Eareckson Tada in digital format.
PDFs of lesson text and other helps: Word Up, master planning chart, preschool helps, Books of the Bible poster, map, timeline, UPS rules, teaching cards, resource booklet, reproducibles (quiet time sheets, coloring sheets, sheet music for songs)--everything in digital format that is in the resource pack.
Lesson 1 - You Are Valuable to God! (Topical Evangelistic) (Gen. 1:1, 26-27, 31; 3:1-15; Ps. 139:13-18; 1 Cor. 15:3-5; Rev. 21:1-6) Memory verse: Psalm 139:14
Lesson 2 - God Shows Mercy to Nineveh (Evangelistic Narrative) (Jonah 1—4)
Memory verse: Psalm 86:1
Lesson 3 - Jesus Shows Love to a Samaritan Woman (Evangelistic Narrative) (John 4:1-30, 39-42) Memory verse: Ephesians 4:32
Lesson 4 - Jesus Offers Hope to a Samaritan Leper (Evangelistic Narrative) (Luke 17:11-19; Lev. 13:45-46; 14:1-2) Memory verse: Romans 8:38-39
Lesson 5 - Jesus Died for the Outcasts (Doctrinal Evangelistic) (Luke 23—24:9)
Memory verse: Romans 8:38-39
Lesson 6 - Go Team! Review Party -
The King's Crown (Easter Party Club) Resource & PPT Download
"Here Ye! Hear Ye! The King of Kings died to pay for your sins and now He is alive!" Children everywhere need to hear this good news and you can share it with them by planning an Easter Party Club that is "fit for a king!”
Most kings wear royal robes and majestic crowns, but The King’s Crown will help children learn that Jesus, the mighty King of Kings, clothed himself as a servant and a sacrifice to become the Savior of the world.
This Resource & PowerPoint download includes PowerPoint visuals for 17" x 22" fold-up lesson, lesson text, memory verse (John 1:12) songs and Kingdom-themed game pieces. Reproducibles in B&W and color, KJV and ESV. Suggested song "Jesus Is the Good News."
Digital download product only. -
Always True Treasure Hunt (Easter Party Club) Resource & PPT Download
You can use this Easter Party Club to lead children on an exciting treasure hunt to discover the Good News that Jesus is truly alive and can save them from their sin!
Resource & PPT download includes:
-PowerPoint visuals for the lesson, memory verse 1 Corinthians 15:3b-4 in ESV and KJV and suggested songs (Have You Heard About Jesus and Happy Easter to You)
-Reproducibles for invitations, nametags, tokens
-Lesson text
Digital Download Only -
The Pinedas: Faith in the Storm PPT Download
This product is a download. Once purchased, you will get a link sent to your email address to access the files
PowerPoint visuals and PDF teacher text
The Great Commission calls believers to share the Good News of Jesus Christ to all the world. Abner and Susan Pineda heard that call and followed God’s leading to a life dedicated to ministry in the Dominican Republic. This missionary story contains six thought provoking lessons about reliance on God to provide and protect.
Can be taught in six short sessions or one longer session.
(Also included in God's Power Escape from Egypt resource packs or PowerPoint Download.) -
尋找永遠真實的寶藏 (復活節)資源和PPT光碟下載(繁體)Always True Treasure Hunt (Easter) Resource & PPT Download-Traditional Chinese
This is a PowerPoint version to Download.
這是要下載的PowerPoint版本。You can use this NEW Easter party to lead children on an exciting treasure hunt to discover the Good News that Jesus is truly alive and can save them from their sin!
你可以採用這個全新的復活節派對,帶領孩子們進行一場刺激好玩的尋寶活動,藉以發現耶穌是真正活著並能將他們從罪中拯救出來的好消息。Resource & PPT CD includes:
-PowerPoint visuals for the lesson, memory verse 1 Corinthians 15:3b-4 and suggested songs (Have You Heard About Jesus and Happy Easter to You)
-Reproducibles for invitations, nametags, tokens
-Lesson text
-本課程的視覺教材簡報(PPT)、金句 (哥林多前書15:3下-4)及建議的詩歌(《你是否聽過?》和《復活節真快樂》)。
-課文Digital Download Only
僅限電子檔下載 -
寻找永远真实的宝藏 (复活节)资源和PPT光盘下载(简体)Always True Treasure Hunt (Easter) Resource & PPT Download- Simplified Chinese
This is a PowerPoint version to Download.
这是要下载的PowerPoint版本。You can use this NEW Easter party to lead children on an exciting treasure hunt to discover the Good News that Jesus is truly alive and can save them from their sin!
你可以采用这个全新的复活节派对,带领孩子们进行一场刺激好玩的寻宝活动,藉以发现耶稣是真正活着并能将他们从罪中拯救出来的好消息。Resource & PPT CD includes:
-PowerPoint visuals for the lesson, memory verse 1 Corinthians 15:3b-4 and suggested songs (Have You Heard About Jesus and Happy Easter to You)
-Reproducibles for invitations, nametags, tokens
-Lesson text资源和PPT光盘中包括:
-本课程的视觉教材简报(PPT)、金句 (哥林多前书15:3下-4)及建议的诗歌(《你是否听过?》和《复活节真快乐》)。
-课文Digital Download Only
仅限电子档下载 -
I Don't Want Your Money Resource & PPT 'Download'
I Don’t Want Your Money includes invitations, games, activities, memory verse teaching, and lesson text and visuals to conduct an exciting Christmas Party ClubTM. The lesson is about an orphan who finds a home but then learns the greater value found in knowing Jesus Christ.
Because this lesson is based on a story rather than a Bible lesson about the Christmas story, it can easily be adjusted to be used for a party club at a different time of year if desired.
Suggested songs: Go Tell It on the Mountain, To All Who Did Receive Him (John 1:12), Joy to the World (all available as MP3 and MP4)The Resource PPT download includes an All-in-1 PPT presentation with games and suggested song MP4s. (verse song is ESV. It also includes teaching text, reproducibles, and forms.
Jesus Is the Good News MP3
Also available on iTunes and Amazon.
© 2012 Child Evangelism Fellowship®Inc. All rights reserved.
Cristo-Buenas Nuevas Da MP3
(Jesus is the Good News)
Also available on iTunes and Amazon.© 2012 Child Evangelism Fellowship Inc. All rights reserved.
Yet Shall He Live (John 11:25) ESV MP3
Also available on iTunes and Amazon.
"Jesus said to her, 'I am the resurrection and the life.Whoever believes in me though he die, yet shall he live.' " (John 11:25 ESV)
© 2016 Child Evangelism Fellowship Inc. All rights reserved.Lyrics of "Yet Shall He Live" derived from the ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright ©2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. ESV® Text Edition: 2016. Used by permission. All rights reserved. The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®, is adapted from the Revised Standard Version of the Bible, copyright Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A. All rights reserved.
Life in His Name ( John 20:31) MP3
Copyright © 2015 SwordSmith Records. All rights reserved. Used by permission.
"But these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name." (John 20:31 ESV)Lyrics of "Life In His Name" derived from the ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright ©2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. ESV® Text Edition: 2016. Used by permission. All rights reserved. The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®, is adapted from the Revised Standard Version of the Bible, copyright Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A. All rights reserved.
Thanks Be to God (1 Corinthians 15:57-58) MP3
Also available on iTunes and Amazon
"But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain." (1 Corinthians 15:57-58 ESV)© 2020 Child Evangelism Fellowship Inc. All rights reserved.
Lyrics of "Thanks Be to God" derived from the ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright ©2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. ESV® Text Edition: 2016. Used by permission. All rights reserved. The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®, is adapted from the Revised Standard Version of the Bible, copyright Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A. All rights reserved.
Nothing Can Separate (Romans 8:38-39) MP3
Also available on iTunes and Amazon
© 2020 Child Evangelism Fellowship Inc. All rights reserved.
"For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord." (Romans 8:38-39 ESV)Lyrics of "Nothing Can Separate" derived from the ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright ©2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. ESV® Text Edition: 2016. Used by permission. All rights reserved. The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®, is adapted from the Revised Standard Version of the Bible, copyright Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A. All rights reserved.
Jesus Is the Good News MP4 'Download'
© 2012 Child Evangelism Fellowship®Inc. All rights reserved.
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