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  • 雅各.德沙哲——繁體課文PDF和PPT下載版 Jacob DeShazer - Traditional Chinese text PDF & PPT download

    雅各.德沙哲——繁體課文PDF和PPT下載版 Jacob DeShazer - Traditional Chinese text PDF & PPT download

    Jacob struggled to obey God and love his enemies while imprisoned in a Japanese prison camp during World War II but later returned to Japan as a missionary. Children will be encouraged to love and share the Gospel with those who persecute them even when it's hard.

    Can be taught in six short sessions or one longer session.

    (Also included in God Rules: Be Strong resource packs and as a PowerPoint Download.)

    • $2.49
  • 雅各.德沙哲——简体课文PDF和PPT下载版 Jacob DeShazer - Simplified Chinese text PDF & PPT download

    雅各.德沙哲——简体课文PDF和PPT下载版 Jacob DeShazer - Simplified Chinese text PDF & PPT download

    Jacob struggled to obey God and love his enemies while imprisoned in a Japanese prison camp during World War II but later returned to Japan as a missionary. Children will be encouraged to love and share the Gospel with those who persecute them even when it's hard.

    Can be taught in six short sessions or one longer session.

    (Also included in God Rules: Be Strong resource packs and as a PowerPoint Download.)

    • $2.49
  • 耶穌:大能榮耀的神——繁體課文 PDF下載版 Jesus: God of Power and Glory --Traditional Chinese text PDF download

    耶穌:大能榮耀的神——繁體課文 PDF下載版 Jesus: God of Power and Glory --Traditional Chinese text PDF download

    The powerful ministry of Jesus is explained through this six-lesson series. Lesson text includes lesson outlines, detailed story line, review questions, memory verse teaching and more! Memory verses teaches the Lord's Prayer.


    Lesson 1 - Jesus Teaches with Power (Topical Evangelistic) (Heb. 1:1-2; Matt. 4:23-25; Jn. 10:22-31; 14:1-6; Mk. 1:21-22; 7:1-9) Memory verse: Matthew 6:9
    Lesson 2 - Jesus Calms a Terrible Storm (Growth Narrative) (Mark 4:35-41)
    Memory verse: Matthew 6:10
    Lesson 3 - Jesus Feeds a Huge Crowd (Evangelistic Narrative) (John 6; Mark 6:30-44) Memory verse: Matthew 6:11
    Lesson 4 - Jesus Offers Hope to a Samaritan Leper (Evangelistic Narrative) (Lk. 17:11-19; Lev. 13:45-46; 14:2) Memory verse: Matthew 6:12
    Lesson 5 - Jesus Explains His Awesome Plan (Doctrinal Evangelistic) (Matt. 16:13-17, 21-23; 17:1-9) Memory verse Matthew 6:13
    Lesson 6 - Penguin Party! Review Lesson and Memory verse review: Matthew 6:9-13

    第1課——耶穌帶著權柄教導 (主題佈道課程) (來 1:1-2; 太 4:23-25; 約10:22-31; 14:1-6; 可 1:21-22; 7:1-9) 金句:馬太福音6:9
    第2課——耶穌平靜可怕的風浪(靈命成長敘述課程) (可 4:35-41)金句:馬太福音6:10
    第3課——耶穌餵飽了一大群人(佈道敘述課程) (約 6; 可 6:30-44)金句:馬太福音6:11
    第4課——耶穌賜盼望給撒馬利亞痲瘋病人(佈道敘述課程) (路17:11-19; 利13:45-46; 14:2)
    金句: 馬太福音6:12
    第5課——耶穌講解祂的奇妙計劃 (佈道教義課程) (太16:13-17, 21-23; 17:1-9)金句: 馬太福音6:13

    Suggested mission story (in resource pack): Angie Goes West


    Flashcard visuals and mission story must be purchased separately


    • $2.49
  • 耶稣:大能荣耀的神——简体课文 PDF下载版 Jesus: God of Power and Glory -Simplified Chinese text PDF download

    耶稣:大能荣耀的神——简体课文 PDF下载版 Jesus: God of Power and Glory -Simplified Chinese text PDF download

    The powerful ministry of Jesus is explained through this six-lesson series. Lesson text includes lesson outlines, detailed story line, review questions, memory verse teaching and more! Memory verses teaches the Lord's Prayer.


    Lesson 1 - Jesus Teaches with Power (Topical Evangelistic) (Heb. 1:1-2; Matt. 4:23-25; Jn. 10:22-31; 14:1-6; Mk. 1:21-22; 7:1-9) Memory verse: Matthew 6:9
    Lesson 2 - Jesus Calms a Terrible Storm (Growth Narrative) (Mark 4:35-41)
    Memory verse: Matthew 6:10
    Lesson 3 - Jesus Feeds a Huge Crowd (Evangelistic Narrative) (John 6; Mark 6:30-44) Memory verse: Matthew 6:11
    Lesson 4 - Jesus Offers Hope to a Samaritan Leper (Evangelistic Narrative) (Lk. 17:11-19; Lev. 13:45-46; 14:2) Memory verse: Matthew 6:12
    Lesson 5 - Jesus Explains His Awesome Plan (Doctrinal Evangelistic) (Matt. 16:13-17, 21-23; 17:1-9) Memory verse Matthew 6:13
    Lesson 6 - Penguin Party! Review Lesson and Memory verse review: Matthew 6:9-13

    第1课——耶稣带着权柄教导 (主题布道课程) (来 1:1-2; 太 4:23-25; 约10:22-31;14:1-6; 可 1:21-22; 7:1-9) 金句:马太福音6:9
    第2课——耶稣平静可怕的风浪(灵命成长叙述课程) (可 4:35-41)金句:马太福音6:10
    第3课——耶稣喂饱了一大群人(布道叙述课程) (约 6; 可 6:30-44)金句:马太福音6:11
    第4课——耶稣赐盼望给撒马利亚麻疯病人(布道叙述课程) (路17:11-19; 利13:45-46; 14:2)
    金句: 马太福音6:12
    第5课——耶稣讲解他的奇妙计划 (布道教义课程) (太16:13-17, 21-23; 17:1-9)金句: 马太福音6:13

    Suggested mission story (in resource pack): Angie Goes West


    Flashcard visuals and mission story must be purchased separately


    • $2.49
  • 神:唯一值得跟隨的那位——繁體課文 PDF下載版 God: The One to Follow   -Traditional Chinese text PDF download

    神:唯一值得跟隨的那位——繁體課文 PDF下載版 God: The One to Follow -Traditional Chinese text PDF download

    This six-lesson series from the life of Peter encourages children to follow God each day. Text includes a master planning chart, schedule, lesson overview and outline, detailed story line, review questions, memory verse teaching and more!


    Lesson 1 - Peter Meets Jesus (Growth Narrative) (Lk. 5:1-11; Jn. 1:35-42)
    Memory verse: 2 Peter 3:18
    Lesson 2 - Peter Walks on Water with Jesus (Growth Narrative) (Matt. 14:22-33)
    Memory verse: 2 Peter 3:18
    Lesson 3 - Peter's Denial and Restoration (Growth Narrative) (Lk. 22:31-34, 54-62; 24:1-10; Jn. 21:1-19) Memory verse: 2 Corinthians 5:17
    Lesson 4 - Peter Learns the Gospel Is for Everyone (Evangelistic Narrative) (Acts 10:1-48) Memory verse: 2 Corinthians 5:17
    Lesson 5 - Peter and Rhoda (Growth Narrative) (Acts 12:1-19) Memory verse: 1 Peter 5:7
    Lesson 6 - Under the Sea Review Party

    第1課——彼得遇見耶穌(靈命成長敘述課程)(路5:1-11; 約1:35-42)金句: 彼得後書3:18
    第2課——彼得與耶穌在水面上行走(靈命成長敘述課程)(太14:22-33)金句: 彼得後書3:18
    第3課——彼得不認主和被赦免(靈命成長敘述課程) (路22:31-34, 54-62; 24:1-10; 約21:1-19) 金句: 哥林多後書5:17
    第4課——彼得學會福音是給每一個人的!(佈道敘述課程)(徒 10:1-48)金句: 哥林多後書5:17
    第5課——彼得與羅大(靈命成長敘述課程) (徒12:1-19)金句: 彼得前書5:7

    Suggested mission story (in resource pack): Pete Menjares


    Flashcard visuals and mission story must be purchased separately


    • $2.49
  • 神:唯一值得跟随的那位 ——简体课文 PDF下载版 God: The One to Follow   -Simplified Chinese text PDF download

    神:唯一值得跟随的那位 ——简体课文 PDF下载版 God: The One to Follow -Simplified Chinese text PDF download

    This six-lesson series from the life of Peter encourages children to follow God each day. Text includes a master planning chart, schedule, lesson overview and outline, detailed story line, review questions, memory verse teaching and more!


    Lesson 1 - Peter Meets Jesus (Growth Narrative) (Lk. 5:1-11; Jn. 1:35-42)
    Memory verse: 2 Peter 3:18
    Lesson 2 - Peter Walks on Water with Jesus (Growth Narrative) (Matt. 14:22-33)
    Memory verse: 2 Peter 3:18
    Lesson 3 - Peter's Denial and Restoration (Growth Narrative) (Lk. 22:31-34, 54-62; 24:1-10; Jn. 21:1-19) Memory verse: 2 Corinthians 5:17
    Lesson 4 - Peter Learns the Gospel Is for Everyone (Evangelistic Narrative) (Acts 10:1-48) Memory verse: 2 Corinthians 5:17
    Lesson 5 - Peter and Rhoda (Growth Narrative) (Acts 12:1-19) Memory verse: 1 Peter 5:7
    Lesson 6 - Under the Sea Review Party

    第1课——彼得遇见耶稣(灵命成长叙述课程)(路5:1-11; 约1:35-42)金句: 彼得后书3:18第1课——彼得遇见耶稣(灵命成长叙述课程)(路5:1-11; 约1:35-42)金句: 彼得后书3:18
    第2课——彼得与耶稣在水面上行走(灵命成长叙述课程)(太14:22-33)金句: 彼得后书3:18
    第3课——彼得不认主和被赦免(灵命成长叙述课程) (路22:31-34, 54-62; 24:1-10; 约21:1-19) 金句: 哥林多后书5:17
    第4课——彼得学会福音是给每一个人的!(布道叙述课程)(徒 10:1-48)金句: 哥林多后书5:17
    第5课——彼得与罗大(灵命成长叙述课程) (徒12:1-19)金句: 彼得前书5:7
    第6课——海底复习派对! 第1課——彼得遇見耶穌(靈命成長敘述課程)(路5:1-11; 約1:35-42)金句: 彼得後書3:18第2課——彼得與耶穌在水面上行走(靈命成長敘述課程)(太14:22-33)金句: 彼得後書3:18第3課——彼得不認主和被赦免(靈命成長敘述課程) (路22:31-34, 54-62; 24:1-10; 約21:1-19) 金句: 哥林多後書5:17第4課——彼得學會福音是給每一個人的!(佈道敘述課程)(徒 10:1-48)金句: 哥林多後書5:17第5課——彼得與羅大(靈命成長敘述課程) (徒12:1-19)金句: 彼得前書5:7

    Suggested mission story (in resource pack): Pete Menjares


    Flashcard visuals and mission story must be purchased separately


    • $2.49
  • 神的教會在擴展:保羅的事奉——繁體課文PDF下載版 God's Church Expands:  The Ministry of Paul – Traditional Chinese text  PDF download

    神的教會在擴展:保羅的事奉——繁體課文PDF下載版 God's Church Expands: The Ministry of Paul – Traditional Chinese text PDF download

    This six-lesson series teaches children about the ministry of Paul and encourages them to live a life boldly for Jesus.


    Lesson 1 - Paul Boldly Tells Others about Jesus (Growth Narrative) (Acts 1:8-9; 9:1-23, Acts 13) Memory verse:Romans 1:16a
    Lesson 2 - God Is with Paul in Prison (Growth Narrative) (Acts 16) Memory verse: Romans 1:16a, b
    Lesson 3 - God Sends Paul to Athens (Evangelitic Narrative) (Acts 17) Memory verse: Romans 1:16
    Lesson 4 - God Keeps His Promise to Paul (GrowthNarrative)(Acts 19:21; 23:11; 27; 28:1, 7-11, 16) Memory verse: Ephesians 6:10
    Lesson 5 - Paul Encourages Believers to Stand Firm (Topical Growth) (Acts 18:18-21; Eph. 1:4-13; 3:1; 6:10-20) Memory verse: Ephesians 6:10
    Lesson 6 - Review Party -

    第一課——保羅放膽傳講耶穌(靈命成長敘述課程)(使徒行傳1:8-9;9:1-23;13 章)(金句:羅馬書1:16上)
    第二課——神與監獄中的保羅和西拉同在(靈命成長敘述課程)(使徒行傳16章)(金句:羅馬書1:16上-中) 第三課——神差派保羅去雅典(佈道敘述課程)(使徒行傳17章)(金句:羅馬書1:16)
    第四課——神信守對保羅的應許(靈命成長敘述課程)(使徒行傳 19:21;23:11;27章 ;28:1, 7-11, 16)(金句:以弗所書 6:10)
    第五課——保羅鼓勵信徒站立得穩(靈命成長主題課程)(使徒行傳 18:18-21; 以弗所書 1:4-13;3:1; 6:10-20)(金句:以弗所書 6:10)

    Suggested mission story (in resource pack): A Special Job for an Ordinary Boy


    Text includes a master planning chart, schedule, lesson overview and outline, detailed story line, review questions, memory verse teaching and more!


    Flashcard visuals and mission story must be purchased separately.


    • $2.49
  • 神的教会在扩展:保罗的事奉——简体课文PDF下载版 God's Church Expands:  The Ministry of Paul –  Simplified Chinese text  PDF download

    神的教会在扩展:保罗的事奉——简体课文PDF下载版 God's Church Expands: The Ministry of Paul – Simplified Chinese text PDF download

    This six-lesson series teaches children about the ministry of Paul and encourages them to live a life boldly for Jesus.


    Lesson 1 - Paul Boldly Tells Others about Jesus (Growth Narrative) (Acts 1:8-9; 9:1-23, Acts 13) Memory verse:Romans 1:16a
    Lesson 2 - God Is with Paul in Prison (Growth Narrative) (Acts 16) Memory verse: Romans 1:16a, b
    Lesson 3 - God Sends Paul to Athens (Evangelitic Narrative) (Acts 17) Memory verse: Romans 1:16
    Lesson 4 - God Keeps His Promise to Paul (GrowthNarrative)(Acts 19:21; 23:11; 27; 28:1, 7-11, 16) Memory verse: Ephesians 6:10
    Lesson 5 - Paul Encourages Believers to Stand Firm (Topical Growth) (Acts 18:18-21; Eph. 1:4-13; 3:1; 6:10-20) Memory verse: Ephesians 6:10
    Lesson 6 - Review Party -

    第一课——保罗放胆传讲耶稣(灵命成长叙述课程)(使徒行传1:8-9;9:1-23;13 章)(金句:罗马书1:16上)
    第二课——神与监狱中的保罗和西拉同在(灵命成长叙述课程)(使徒行传16章)(金句:罗马书1:16上-中) 第三课——神差派保罗去雅典(布道叙述课程)(使徒行传17章)(金句:罗马书1:16)
    第四课——神信守对保罗的应许(灵命成长叙述课程)(使徒行传 19:21;23:11;27章 ;28:1, 7-11, 16)(金句:以弗所书 6:10)
    第五课——保罗鼓励信徒站立得稳(灵命成长主题课程)(使徒行传 18:18-21; 以弗所书 1:4-13;3:1; 6:10-20)(金句:以弗所书 6:10)

    Suggested mission story (in resource pack): A Special Job for an Ordinary Boy


    Text includes a master planning chart, schedule, lesson overview and outline, detailed story line, review questions, memory verse teaching and more!


    Flashcard visuals and mission story must be purchased separately.


    • $2.49
  • 神掌權:要剛強(但以理)——繁體課文 PDF下載版 God Rules: Be Strong (Daniel)  -Traditional Chinese text PDF download

    神掌權:要剛強(但以理)——繁體課文 PDF下載版 God Rules: Be Strong (Daniel) -Traditional Chinese text PDF download

    This six lesson series outlines the life of Daniel and his courage to stand for God. Text includes a master planning chart, schedule, lesson overview and outline, detailed story line, review questions, memory verse teaching and more!


    Lesson 1 - God Is Honored by Four Young Men (Growth Narrative) (Dan. 1)
    Memory verse: Ephesians 6:10
    Lesson 2 - God Gives Wisdom to Daniel (Growth Narrative) (Dan. 2)
    Memory verse: James 1:5
    Lesson 3 - God Delivers in the Fiery Furnace (Growth Narrative) (Dan. 3)
    Memory verse: Ephesians 6:10
    Lesson 4 - God Confronts the Sin of King Belshazzar (Growth Narrative) (Dan. 5)
    Memory verse: 1 John 1:9
    Lesson 5 - God Rescues Daniel in the Lions' Den (Growth Narrative) (Dan. 6)
    Memory verse: Ephesians 6:10
    Lesson 6 - BIG Review Party

    第1課——四個年輕人榮耀神(靈命成長敘述課程)(但以理書第1章)金句: 以弗所書6:10
    第2課——神賜予但以理智慧(靈命成長敘述課程)(但以理書第2章)金句: 雅各書1:5
    第3課——神從火窰中拯救 (靈命成長敘述課程)(但以理書第3章)金句: 以弗所書6:10
    第4課——神當面對質伯沙撒王的罪(靈命成長敘述課程)(但以理書第5章)金句: 約翰一書1:9
    第5課——神拯救在獅子坑中的但以理(靈命成長敘述課程)(但以理書第6章)金句: 以弗所書6:10

    Suggested mission story (in resource pack): Jacob DeShazer


    Flashcard visuals and mission story must be purchased separately


    • $2.49
  • 神掌权:要刚强(但以理)——简体课文 PDF下载版 God Rules: Be Strong (Daniel)  -Simplified Chinese text PDF download

    神掌权:要刚强(但以理)——简体课文 PDF下载版 God Rules: Be Strong (Daniel) -Simplified Chinese text PDF download

    This six lesson series outlines the life of Daniel and his courage to stand for God. Text includes a master planning chart, schedule, lesson overview and outline, detailed story line, review questions, memory verse teaching and more!


    Lesson 1 - God Is Honored by Four Young Men (Growth Narrative) (Dan. 1)
    Memory verse: Ephesians 6:10
    Lesson 2 - God Gives Wisdom to Daniel (Growth Narrative) (Dan. 2)
    Memory verse: James 1:5
    Lesson 3 - God Delivers in the Fiery Furnace (Growth Narrative) (Dan. 3)
    Memory verse: Ephesians 6:10
    Lesson 4 - God Confronts the Sin of King Belshazzar (Growth Narrative) (Dan. 5)
    Memory verse: 1 John 1:9
    Lesson 5 - God Rescues Daniel in the Lions' Den (Growth Narrative) (Dan. 6)
    Memory verse: Ephesians 6:10
    Lesson 6 - BIG Review Party

    第1课——四个年轻人荣耀神 (灵命成长叙述课程)(但以理书第1章)金句: 以弗所书6:10
    第2课——神赐予但以理智慧(灵命成长叙述课程)(但以理书第2章)金句: 雅各书1:5
    第3课——神从火窰中拯救 (灵命成长叙述课程)(但以理书第3章)金句: 以弗所书6:10
    第4课——神当面对质伯沙撒王的罪(灵命成长叙述课程)(但以理书第5章)金句: 约翰一书1:9
    第5课——神拯救在狮子坑中的但以理(灵命成长叙述课程)(但以理书第6章)金句: 以弗所书6:10

    Suggested mission story (in resource pack): Jacob DeShazer


    Flashcard visuals and mission story must be purchased separately


    • $2.49
  • 神: 明白我心的那位(大衛)——繁體課文 PDF下載版 God: The One Who Knows My Heart (David) -Traditional Chinese text PDF download

    神: 明白我心的那位(大衛)——繁體課文 PDF下載版 God: The One Who Knows My Heart (David) -Traditional Chinese text PDF download

    (2022 Version) This series on the life of David encourages children to have a heart after God. Text includes a master planning chart, schedule, lesson overview and outline, detailed story line, review questions, memory verse teaching and more!


    Lesson 1 - The Heart that Follows God (Growth Narrative) (Saul is given the kingdom, 1 Sam. 8:1-22; 9:1-27; 10:1, 17-26; 13:5-15) Memory verse: Psalm 119:9
    Lesson 2 - A Heart after God (Growth Narrative) (David is annointed king, 1 Sam. 16:1-13) Memory verse: Psalm 119:10
    Lesson 3 - The Heart Bold for God's Glory (Growth Narrative) (David and Goliath, 1 Sam. 16:13-23; 17:1-52) Memory verse: Psalm 119:10
    Lesson 4 - The Heart that Trusts God's Plan (Growth Narrative) (David and Jonathan; David sparing Saul's life, 1 Sam. 18:1-9; 24:1-22; 31:6; 2 Sam. 1:11-12; 2:1-4)
    Memory verse: Psalm 119:11
    Lesson 5 - God's Heart of Kindness (Evangelistic Narrative) (David is made king; Mephibosheth, 2 Sam. 4:4; 9:1-13) Memory verse: Psalm 119:11
    Lesson 6 - Remote Control Review Party! (Topical Evangelistic), 2 Sam. 7:1-17, 12:1-15; 1 Chron. 22:1-5; 1 Kings 2:1-10; Luke 1:26-33; 2 Pet. 3:13; Rev. 11:15)
    Memory verse: Psalm 119:9-11

    第1课——跟隨神的心(靈命成長敘述課程)(掃羅被立為王,撒上8:1-22; 9:1-27; 10:1, 17-26; 13:5-15)金句: 詩篇119:9
    第2课——合神心意的心(靈命成長敘述課程)(大衛被膏為王,撒上16:1-13)金句: 诗篇119:10
    第3课——為神的榮耀而膽壯的心(靈命成長敘述課程)(大衛和歌利亞,撒上16:13-23;17:1-52)金句: 诗篇119:10
    第4课——信靠神計劃的心(靈命成長敘述課程)(大衛和約拿單;大衛饒了掃羅的命,撒上18:1-9;24:1-22;31:6;撒下1:11-12;2:1-4 )金句: 诗篇119:11
    第5课——神仁慈的心(佈道敘述課程)(大衛作王;米非波設,撒下4:4;9:1-13)金句: 诗篇119:11
    王上2:1-10;路1:26-33;彼後3:13;啟11:15)金句: 诗篇119:9-11

    Suggested mission story (in resource pack): Lottie Moon


    Flashcard visuals and mission story must be purchased separately


    • $2.49
  • 神: 明白我心的那位(大卫)——简体课文 PDF下载版God: The One Who Knows My Heart (David) - Simplified Chinese text PDF download

    神: 明白我心的那位(大卫)——简体课文 PDF下载版God: The One Who Knows My Heart (David) - Simplified Chinese text PDF download

    (2022 Version) This series on the life of David encourages children to have a heart after God. Text includes a master planning chart, schedule, lesson overview and outline, detailed story line, review questions, memory verse teaching and more!

    (2022年版) 这个关于大卫生平的系列鼓励儿童有一颗跟随神的心。教案包括了一个总计划表、时间表、课程概览和大纲、详细的故事内容、复习问题、教导金句和更多

    Lesson 1 - The Heart that Follows God (Growth Narrative) (Saul is given the kingdom, 1 Sam. 8:1-22; 9:1-27; 10:1, 17-26; 13:5-15) Memory verse: Psalm 119:9
    Lesson 2 - A Heart after God (Growth Narrative) (David is annointed king, 1 Sam. 16:1-13) Memory verse: Psalm 119:10
    Lesson 3 - The Heart Bold for God's Glory (Growth Narrative) (David and Goliath, 1 Sam. 16:13-23; 17:1-52) Memory verse: Psalm 119:10
    Lesson 4 - The Heart that Trusts God's Plan (Growth Narrative) (David and Jonathan; David sparing Saul's life, 1 Sam. 18:1-9; 24:1-22; 31:6; 2 Sam. 1:11-12; 2:1-4)
    Memory verse: Psalm 119:11
    Lesson 5 - God's Heart of Kindness (Evangelistic Narrative) (David is made king; Mephibosheth, 2 Sam. 4:4; 9:1-13) Memory verse: Psalm 119:11
    Lesson 6 - Remote Control Review Party! (Topical Evangelistic), 2 Sam. 7:1-17, 12:1-15; 1 Chron. 22:1-5; 1 Kings 2:1-10; Luke 1:26-33; 2 Pet. 3:13; Rev. 11:15)
    Memory verse: Psalm 119:9-11

    第1课——跟随神的心(灵命成长叙述课程)(扫罗被立为王,撒上8:1-22; 9:1-27; 10:1, 17-26; 13:5-15)金句: 诗篇119:9
    第2课——合神心意的心(灵命成长叙述课程)(大卫被膏为王,撒上16:1-13)金句: 诗篇119:10
    第3课——为神的荣耀而胆壮的心(灵命成长叙述课程)(大卫和歌利亚,撒上16:13-23;17:1-52)金句: 诗篇119:10
    第4课——信靠神计划的心(灵命成长叙述课程)(大卫和约拿单;大卫饶了扫罗的命,撒上18:1-9;24:1-22;31:6;撒下1:11-12;2:1-4 )金句: 诗篇119:11
    第5课——神仁慈的心(布道叙述课程)(大卫作王;米非波设,撒下4:4;9:1-13)金句: 诗篇119:11
    代上22:1-5;王上2:1-10;路1:26-33;彼后3:13;启11:15)金句: 诗篇119:9-11

    Suggested mission story (in resource pack): Lottie Moon


    Flashcard visuals and mission story must be purchased separately


    • $2.49
  • 皮特·门贾雷斯——简体课文PDF和PPT下载版 Pete Menjares   - Simplified Chinese text PDF & PPT download

    皮特·门贾雷斯——简体课文PDF和PPT下载版 Pete Menjares - Simplified Chinese text PDF & PPT download

    Pete Menjares, a former drug addict and gang member, experienced God's transforming power and learned that God's path was best for him. Children will learn that God's plans are best and He can save anyone.

    皮特·门贾雷斯(Pete Menjares)曾是吸毒者和帮派成员,他经历了神改变的力量,并了解神的道路对他来说是最好的。儿童将了解神的计划是最好的,祂可以拯救任何人。

    Includes PPT visuals and the Chinese text

    (Also included in God: The One to Follow resource packs)


    • $2.49
  • 皮特·門賈雷斯——繁體課文PDF和PPT下載版 Pete Menjares  - Traditional Chinese text PDF & PPT download

    皮特·門賈雷斯——繁體課文PDF和PPT下載版 Pete Menjares - Traditional Chinese text PDF & PPT download

    Pete Menjares, a former drug addict and gang member, experienced God's transforming power and learned that God's path was best for him. Children will learn that God's plans are best and He can save anyone.

    皮特·門賈雷斯(Pete Menjares)曾是吸毒者和幫派成員,他經歷了神改變的力量,並了解神的道路對他來說是最好的。兒童將了解神的計劃是最好的,祂可以拯救任何人。

    Includes PPT visuals and the Chinese text

    (Also included in God: The One to Follow resource packs)


    • $2.49
  • 具约翰——简体课文PDF和PPT下载版 John Cook   - Simplified Chinese text PDF & PPT download

    具约翰——简体课文PDF和PPT下载版 John Cook - Simplified Chinese text PDF & PPT download

    John Cook was used by God to reach many boys and girls for Christ. Serving with Child Evangelism Fellowship both in South Korea and the United States. Your kids will love hearing how God used a house fire, life in an orphanage, and some 'coincidences' to bring John to faith in Christ.

    John and Lois Cook 'retired' from CEF but continue to work with Korean churches in the USA and travel back to Korea.

    具约翰(John Cook)被神使用,带领许多儿童归向基督。在韩国和美国的万国儿童布道团事奉。你的孩子会喜欢听神如何使用房屋火灾、孤儿院的生活,以及一些“巧合”来使约翰相信基督。


    Can be taught in six short sessions or one longer session.

    Includes PPT visuals and the Chinese text

    (Also included in God's Plan in Action: the Early Church resource packs.)

    • $2.49
  • 具約翰——繁體課文 PDF和PPT下載版 John Cook  - Traditional Chinese text PDF & PPT download

    具約翰——繁體課文 PDF和PPT下載版 John Cook - Traditional Chinese text PDF & PPT download

    John Cook was used by God to reach many boys and girls for Christ. Serving with Child Evangelism Fellowship both in South Korea and the United States. Your kids will love hearing how God used a house fire, life in an orphanage, and some 'coincidences' to bring John to faith in Christ.

    John and Lois Cook 'retired' from CEF but continue to work with Korean churches in the USA and travel back to Korea.

    具約翰(John Cook)被神使用,帶領許多兒童歸向基督。在韓國和美國的萬國兒童佈道團事奉。你的孩子會喜歡聽神如何使用房屋火災、孤兒院的生活,以及一些「巧合」來使約翰相信基督。


    Can be taught in six short sessions or one longer session.

    Includes PPT visuals and the Chinese text

    (Also included in God's Plan in Action: the Early Church resource packs.)

    • $2.49
  • 什麽是宣教士?——繁體課文PDF下載版 What is Missions? –Traditional Chinese text PDF download

    什麽是宣教士?——繁體課文PDF下載版 What is Missions? –Traditional Chinese text PDF download

    This series will help you teach missions, introduce a missionary and missionary offering project to your children so they can be involved in missions by knowing, praying, giving, and going.
    -reproducibles included: Missionary Needs, game, and a Goal-A-Meter.

    這個系列將幫助你教導宣教事工,向兒童介紹宣教士和宣教奉獻項目,使他們通過「知道」(了解)、「禱告」、「奉獻」和 「去」(獻身)參與宣教事工。

    Can be taught in six short sessions or one longer session.


    (Also included in  God's Church Expands: The Ministry of Paul resource packs and as a PowerPoint Download.)


    • $2.49
  • 什么是宣教士?——简体课文PDF下载版 What is Missions? – Simplified Chinese text PDF download

    什么是宣教士?——简体课文PDF下载版 What is Missions? – Simplified Chinese text PDF download

    This series will help you teach missions, introduce a missionary and missionary offering project to your children so they can be involved in missions by knowing, praying, giving, and going.
    -reproducibles included: Missionary Needs, game, and a Goal-A-Meter.

    这个系列将帮助你教导宣教事工,向儿童介绍宣教士和宣教奉献项目,使他们通过了解“知道”(了解)、“祷告”、“奉献”和 “去”(献身)参与宣教事工。

    Can be taught in six short sessions or one longer session.


    (Also included in The Wordless Book Visualized resource packs and as a PowerPoint Download.)


    • $2.49
  • Turned Around / Ringu Resource & PPT CD

    Turned Around / Ringu Resource & PPT CD

    Version 6.0
    PowerPoint visuals to teach five lessons for Turned Around. Includes ppt visuals for flashcards, memory verses (ESV and KJV), lyrics to suggested songs, and Ringu of India's Forest mission story.

    PDFs of lesson include text, visuals and review, mission teaching, reproducibles (quiet time sheets, memory verse bookmarks, coloring sheets, sheet music for songs)—everything in digital format that is in the printed resource pack.

    Lesson 1
    - Zacchaeus (Luke 19:1-10) Memory verse: Luke 19:10
    Lesson 2 -Mephibosheth (2 Samuel 4:4; 5:1-5; 9:1-13) Memory verse: Ephesians 2:8
    Lesson 3 - Noah (Genesis 6-8; 2 Peter 2:5) Memory Verse: Ephesians 2:8-9
    Lesson 4 - Saul (Acts 8:3-4; 9:1-22) Memory verse: Romans 5:8
    Lesson 5 - The Ethiopian Treasurer (Acts 8:26-40) Memory verse: Romans 5:8

    • $29.99
  • The Wordless Book Visualized Resource Pack Spanish

    The Wordless Book Visualized Resource Pack Spanish

    Spanish - Resource packs provide many tools to enhance and extend your teaching time. An easy-to-follow guide explains when to use each item. Everything in Spanish except the mission story.

    Included mission story
    : What is Missions? (english text)

    11" x 17" full-color resources: memory verse visuals, Word-Up! (main truth of the lesson), resource booklet (review games and activities), and UPS Rules

    8 1/2" x 11" back/white lesson reproducibles: coloring sheets, memory verse bookmarks, interactive and review games, Wonder Time. 

    Lesson text and visuals must be purchased separately.

    • $24.00
  • The Wordless Book Visualized Resource Pack KJV

    The Wordless Book Visualized Resource Pack KJV

    Resource packs provide many tools to enhance and extend your teaching time. An easy-to-follow guide explains when to use each item.

    11" x 17" full-color resources: memory verse visuals, Word-Up (teaching statement), resource booklet (review games and activities).

    8 1/2" x 11" back/white reproducibles: coloring sheets, memory verse bookmarks, Quiet Time sheets, skits, interactive and review games, activities for small group and/or Wonder Time.

    Lesson texts and visuals must be purchased separately and are available in three forms:
    printed lessons /flashcard visuals, PowerPoint (PPT CD) or as digital downloads.

    • $24.00
  • The Wordless Book Visualized Resource Pack ESV

    The Wordless Book Visualized Resource Pack ESV

    Resource packs provide many tools to enhance and extend your teaching time. An easy-to-follow guide explains when to use each item.

    11" x 17" full-color resources: memory verse visuals, Word-Up (teaching statement), resource booklet (review games and activities).

    8 1/2" x 11" back/white reproducibles: coloring sheets, memory verse bookmarks, Quiet Time sheets, skits, interactive and review games, activities for small group and/or Wonder Time.

    Lesson texts and visuals must be purchased separately and are available in three forms:
    printed lessons /flashcard visuals, PowerPoint (PPT CD) or as digital downloads.

    • $24.00
  • The Wordless Book Visualized Resource & PPT CD

    The Wordless Book Visualized Resource & PPT CD

    PowerPoint visuals to teach five lessons for The Wordless Book Visualized. Includes ppt visuals for flashcards, memory verses (ESV and KJV), lyrics to suggested songs, and What is Missions? story.

    PDFs of lesson include text, visuals and review, mission teaching, reproducibles (quiet time sheets, memory verse bookmarks, coloring sheets, sheet music for songs)—everything in digital format that is in the printed resource pack.

    Lesson 1 - The Gold Page (Topical Evangelistic) (Heaven, God's holiness, Gen. 1--2; Rev. 21--22) Memory verse: John 3:16
    Lesson 2 - The Dark Page (Evangelistic Narrative) (Sin and its consequences--Adam and Eve, Gen. 1--3) Memory verse: Romans 3:23
    Lesson 3 - The Red Page (Doctrinal Evangelistic) (Jesus, God's promised Messiah, Matt. 1:18-25; 4:1-11; 26:1-5; Lk. 1:26-38; 2:1-21,41-52; 23:34; Jn. 19:1--20:10) Memory verse: 1 Corinthians 15:3-4
    Lesson 4 - The Clean Page (Doctrinal Evangelistic) (Believe Jesus as risen Lord and Savior, Jn 20; Acts 1:6-11) Memory verse: John 1:12
    Lesson 5 - The Green Page (Growth Narrative) (God's Word helps us grow--Young King Josiah reads God's book of the law, 2 Kings 22--23:8) Memory verse: 2 Peter 3:18
    Lesson 6 – Crazy Color Celebration Review Lesson

    • $29.99
  • The Wordless Book Visualized Resource & PPT 'Download'

    The Wordless Book Visualized Resource & PPT 'Download'

    Revised 2023
    This product is a download. Once purchased, you will get a link sent to your email address to access the files
    PowerPoint visuals and PDF Teacher texts to teach six lessons for The Wordless Book Visualized series.

    PDFs of lesson text and other helps: teaching cards, resource booklet, Wonder Time teaching, PPT games, preschool helps, reproducibles (quiet time sheet, memory verse bookmarks, coloring sheets) and mission story -- everything in digital format that is in the printed resource pack 

    Lesson 1 - The Gold Page (Topical Evangelistic) (Heaven, God's holiness, Gen. 1--2; Rev. 21--22) Memory verse: John 3:16
    Lesson 2 - The Dark Page (Evangelistic Narrative) (Sin and its consequences--Adam and Eve, Gen. 1--3) Memory verse: Romans 3:23
    Lesson 3 - The Red Page (Doctrinal Evangelistic) (Jesus, God's promised Messiah, Matt. 1:18-25; 4:1-11; 26:1-5; Lk. 1:26-38; 2:1-21,41-52; 23:34; Jn. 19:1--20:10) Memory verse: 1 Corinthians 15:3-4
    Lesson 4 - The Clean Page (Doctrinal Evangelistic) (Believe Jesus as risen Lord and Savior, Jn 20; Acts 1:6-11) Memory verse: John 1:12
    Lesson 5 - The Green Page (Growth Narrative) (God's Word helps us grow--Young King Josiah reads God's book of the law, 2 Kings 22--23:8) Memory verse: 2 Peter 3:18
    Lesson 6 – Crazy Color Celebration Review Lesson

    • $4.99
  • The Pinedas: Faith in the Storm PPT Download

    The Pinedas: Faith in the Storm PPT Download

    This product is a download. Once purchased, you will get a link sent to your email address to access the files
    PowerPoint visuals and PDF teacher text

    The Great Commission calls believers to share the Good News of Jesus Christ to all the world. Abner and Susan Pineda heard that call and followed God’s leading to a life dedicated to ministry in the Dominican Republic. This missionary story contains six thought provoking lessons about reliance on God to provide and protect.

    Can be taught in six short sessions or one longer session.
    (Also included in God's Power Escape from Egypt resource packs or PowerPoint Download.)

    • $2.49
  • The Pinedas: Faith in the Storm

    The Pinedas: Faith in the Storm

    The Great Commission calls believers to share the Good News of Jesus Christ to all the world. Abner and Susan Pineda heard that call and followed God’s leading to a life dedicated to ministry in the Dominican Republic. This missionary story contains six thought provoking lessons about reliance on God to provide and protect.

    Can be taught in six short sessions or one longer session.
    Includes 11 x 17 visuals and the English text

    (Also included in God's Power Escape from Egypt resource packs.)

    • $11.29
  • The Patriarchs: God's Plan Unfolds Resource Pack Spanish

    The Patriarchs: God's Plan Unfolds Resource Pack Spanish

    Spanish - Resource packs provide many tools to enhance and extend your teaching time. An easy-to-follow guide explains when to use each item. Everything in Spanish except the mission story.

    Included mission story
    : Adhiambo (Martha Olango) (english text)

    11" x 17" full-color resources: memory verse visuals, Word-Up! (main truth of the lesson), resource booklet (review games and activities), and UPS Rules

    8 1/2" x 11" back/white lesson reproducibles: coloring sheets, memory verse bookmarks, interactive and review games, Wonder Time. 

    Lesson text and visuals must be purchased separately.

    • $24.00
  • The Patriarchs: God's Plan Unfolds Resource Pack KJV

    The Patriarchs: God's Plan Unfolds Resource Pack KJV

    Resource packs provide many tools to enhance and extend your teaching time. An easy-to-follow guide explains when to use each item.

    11" x 17" full-color resources: memory verse visuals, Word-Up (main truth of the lesson), resource booklet (review games and activities), and UPS Rules.

    8 1/2" x 11" back/white lesson reproducibles: coloring sheets, memory verse bookmarks, Quiet Time sheets, skits, signs, and Wonder Time.

    Included misson story: Adhiambo (Martha Olango)

    Lesson texts and visuals must be purchased separately and are available in three forms:
    printed lessons /flashcard visuals, PowerPoint (PPT CD) or as digital downloads.

    • $24.00
  • The Patriarchs: God's Plan Unfolds Resource Pack ESV

    The Patriarchs: God's Plan Unfolds Resource Pack ESV

    Resource packs provide many tools to enhance and extend your teaching time. An easy-to-follow guide explains when to use each item.

    11" x 17" full-color resources: memory verse visuals, Word-Up (main truth of the lesson), resource booklet (review games and activities), and UPS Rules.

    8 1/2" x 11" back/white lesson reproducibles: coloring sheets, memory verse bookmarks, Quiet Time sheets, skits, signs, and Wonder Time.

    Included misson story: Adhiambo (Martha Olango)

    Lesson texts and visuals must be purchased separately and are available in three forms:
    printed lessons /flashcard visuals, PowerPoint (PPT CD) or as digital downloads.

    • $24.00
  • The Patriarchs: God's Plan Unfolds Resource & PPT Download
    • 80% less

    The Patriarchs: God's Plan Unfolds Resource & PPT Download

    This product is a download. Once purchased, you will get a link sent to your email address to access the files
    PowerPoint visuals and PDF teacher text to teach six lessons for the The Patriarchs: God's Plan Unfolds

    PDFs of lesson text and other helps: teaching cards, resource booklet, Wonder Time teaching, PPT games, preschool helps, reproducibles (quiet time sheet, memory verse bookmarks, coloring sheets), and Adhiambo (Martha Olango) mission story --everything in digital format that is in the printed resource pack 

    Lesson 1 - The Tower of Babel (Growth Narrative) (Gen. 11:1-9)
    Memory verse: 1 Corinthians 10:31
    Lesson 2 - Abram's Saving Faith (Evangelistic Doctrinal) (Gen. 12:1-9; Rom. 4:3, 11—2) Memory verse: 1 Corinthians 10:31
    Lesson 3 - God Is Faithful to Keep His Promises (Growth Narrative) (Gen. 12:2; 15:1-6; 17:1-7,15-19, 18:1-15; 21:1-7, Rom. 4:3) Memory verse: 1 Thessalonians 5:24
    Lesson 4 - God Gives a Picture of the Promised Savior (Evangelistic Narrative) (Gen. 22:1-14, Heb. 11:17-19) Memory verse: John 1:12
    Lesson 5 - God Changes Jacob (Evangelistic Narrative) (Gen. 25:19-34; 27:1—28:5, 10-22)  Memory verse: John 1:12
    Lesson 6 - Jacob and Esau Are Reunited (Growth Narrative) (Gen. 29:1-30; 31:3, 17-18; 32:3-32; 33:1-4, 18-20; 35:1, 9-15, 27-29) Memory verse: 1 Corinthians 10:31

    • $4.99
  • The Patriarchs: God's Plan Unfolds Resource & PPT CD

    The Patriarchs: God's Plan Unfolds Resource & PPT CD

    PowerPoint visuals to teach six lessons for The Patriarchs: God's Plan Unfolds Includes ppt visuals for flashcards, memory verses (ESV and KJV), lyrics to suggested songs, and Adhiambo (Martha Olango) mission story.

    PDFs of lesson include text, visuals and review, mission teaching, reproducibles (quiet time sheets, memory verse bookmarks, coloring sheets, sheet music for songs)—everything in digital format that is in the printed resource pack.

    Lesson 1 - The Tower of Babel (Growth Narrative) (Gen. 11:1-9)
    Memory verse: 1 Corinthians 10:31
    Lesson 2 - Abram's Saving Faith (Evangelistic Doctrinal) (Gen. 12:1-9; Rom. 4:3, 11—2) Memory verse: 1 Corinthians 10:31
    Lesson 3 - God Is Faithful to Keep His Promises (Growth Narrative) (Gen. 12:2; 15:1-6; 17:1-7,15-19, 18:1-15; 21:1-7, Rom. 4:3) Memory verse: 1 Thessalonians 5:24
    Lesson 4 - God Gives a Picture of the Promised Savior (Evangelistic Narrative) (Gen. 22:1-14, Heb. 11:17-19) Memory verse: John 1:12
    Lesson 5 - God Changes Jacob (Evangelistic Narrative) (Gen. 25:19-34; 27:1—28:5, 10-22)  Memory verse: John 1:12
    Lesson 6 - Jacob and Esau Are Reunited (Growth Narrative) (Gen. 29:1-30; 31:3, 17-18; 32:3-32; 33:1-4, 18-20; 35:1, 9-15, 27-29) Memory verse: 1 Corinthians 10:31

    • $29.99
  • The Patriarchs: God's Plan Unfolds - English Text

    The Patriarchs: God's Plan Unfolds - English Text

    (2017 Version)
    Patriarchs: God's Plan Unfolds includes six lessons that will inspire children to trust God in everything. Includes a master planning chart, schedule, lesson overview and outline, detailed story line, review questions and more!

    Lesson 1 - The Tower of Babel (Growth Narrative) (Gen. 11:1-9)
    Memory verse: 1 Corinthians 10:31
    Lesson 2 - Abram's Saving Faith (Evangelistic Doctrinal) (Gen. 12:1-9; Rom. 4:3, 11—2) Memory verse: 1 Corinthians 10:31
    Lesson 3 - God Is Faithful to Keep His Promises (Growth Narrative) (Gen. 12:2; 15:1-6; 17:1-7,15-19, 18:1-15; 21:1-7, Rom. 4:3) Memory verse: 1 Thessalonians 5:24
    Lesson 4 - God Gives a Picture of the Promised Savior (Evangelistic Narrative) (Gen. 22:1-14, Heb. 11:17-19) Memory verse: John 1:12
    Lesson 5 - God Changes Jacob (Evangelistic Narrative) (Gen. 25:19-34; 27:1—28:5, 10-22)  Memory verse: John 1:12
    Lesson 6 - Jacob and Esau Are Reunited (Growth Narrative) (Gen. 29:1-30; 31:3, 17-18; 32:3-32; 33:1-4, 18-20; 35:1, 9-15, 27-29) Memory verse: 1 Corinthians 10:31

    Suggested mission story (in resource pack): Adhiambo (Martha Olango)

    Flashcard visuals and mission story must be purchased separately.

    • $6.79
  • The Girl Who Sang in the Goathouse

    The Girl Who Sang in the Goathouse

    Throughout each lesson children will learn about Wamdi, a young girl from Nigeria who suffered persecution because of her love for the Lord Jesus. They will learn how they can love Jesus more than anything else because of His love for them.

    Can be taught in six short sessions or one longer session.
    Includes 11 x 17 visuals and the English text

    (Also included in God's Sovereignty: the Life of Joseph resource packs.)

    • $11.29
  • The Burnhams

    The Burnhams

    This story tells of how Martin and Gracia used their gifts and passions to serve God in the Philippines, of their kidnapping  and captivity by terrorist, and of the death of Martin and continued ministry of Gracia. Even in the hardest times, they depended on God for everything.

    Can be taught in six short sessions or one longer session.
    Includes 11 x 17 visuals and the English text

    (Also included in Jesus: God Who Saves resource packs.)

    • $11.29
  • Starter Resource Pack

    Starter Resource Pack

    Includes Books of the Bible poster, UPs rules, map, and timeline.

    The Starter Resource Pack is designed to be used with the Resource Packs for the following lesson series:

    God's Sovereignty: The Life of Joseph, God Protects His People: The Life of Esther, Jesus: God of Power and Glory, God's Church Expands: The Ministry of Paul, The Wordless Book Visualized.
    God: The One Who Knows My Heart
    (David), God Rules: Be Strong (Daniel), Jesus: God Who Came to Earth, God: The One to Follow (Peter)
    The Creator King: Jesus: God Who Cares for People; God's Plan in Action: The Early Church, The Patriarchs: God's Plan Unfolds, God's Love: Hope for the Outcast

    Purchase the Resource Packs with specific lesson titles for additional teaching helps.

    • $11.00
  • Spanish Starter Resource Pack

    Spanish Starter Resource Pack

    Includes Books of the Bible poster, UPs rules, map, and timeline -- all in Spanish.

    The Starter Resource Pack is designed to be used with the following lesson Series:
    God's Sovereignty: The Life of Joseph, God Protects His People: The Life of Esther, Jesus: God of Power and Glory, God's Church Expands: The Ministry of Paul, The Wordless Book Visualized.
    God: The One Who Knows My Heart (David), God Rules: Be Strong (Daniel), Jesus: God Who Came to Earth, God: The One to Follow (Peter), God: The Creator King, Jesus: God Who Cares for People, God's Plan in Action: The Early Church, The Patriarchs: God's Plan Unfolds, and God's Love: Hope for the Outcast.

    Purchase Resource Packs with specific lesson titles for additional teaching helps.

    • $11.00
  • Robert Foster PPT Download

    Robert Foster PPT Download

    This product is a download. Once purchased, you will get a link sent to your email address to access the files. PowerPoint visuals and PDF teacher text

    Born in Africa hundreds of miles from the nearest doctor, Bob's missionary parents prayed that he'd grow up to be a missionary doctor who would live close to their village. Children will learn how God prepared Bob and provided for him every step of the way so he could give much needed medical care to African villages.

    (Also included in God Protects His People: The Life of Esther resource packs or PowerPoint Download.)

    • $2.49
  • Robert Foster

    Robert Foster

    Born in Africa hundreds of miles from the nearest doctor, Bob's missionary parents prayed that he'd grow up to be a missionary doctor who would live close to their village. Children will learn how God prepared Bob and provided for him every step of the way so he could give much needed medical care to African villages.

    Includes 11 x 17 visuals and the English text

    (Also included in God Protects His People: The Life of Esther resource packs.)

    • $11.29
  • Pete Menjares

    Pete Menjares

    Pete Menjares, a former drug addict and gang member, experienced God's transforming power and learned that God's path was best for him. Children will learn that God's plans are best and He can save anyone.

    Includes 11 x 17 visuals and the English text 

    (Also included in God: The One to Follow resource packs)

    • $11.29
  • One Way 5-Day Club Kit Spanish

    One Way 5-Day Club Kit Spanish

    Kit includes: 
    One Way flashcards and Spanish text, I Dare flashcards and Spanish text
    Visualized songs in Spanish: Multi-song with Stop/Go/One Way
    Music CD: 'Los Ninos Puede Alabar ad Dios
    Wordless Book 2 x 3 
    Additional Spanish items:
    How to Lead a Child to Christ leaflet; Guiding a Child to the Savior leaflet
    Verse visual and pack of 25 full-color token sheets

    • $97.00
  • Luke 10:2 Postcards with Logo

    Luke 10:2 Postcards with Logo

    Luke 10:2 tells us that Jesus said, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.” Right now Child Evangelism Fellowship is begging God to send more people who are willing to tell children everywhere about the gospel. Will you pray with us? You can use these post cards to ask your friends, family, and ministry supporters to pray too. Just address them, add postage, and drop them in the mail box. Click here for more Luke 10:2 resources.
    Packs of 25  4" x 5.5" (ca. 10 x 14 cm)

    • $5.00
  • Lottie Moon

    Lottie Moon

    Lottie Moon had no interest in following God, but God changed her heart and soon he called her to China. There she showed her great love and determination, serving in that country for almost 40 years. The story encourages children to use their gifts to serve God in whatever place He puts them.

    Can be taught in six short sessions or one longer session.
    11 x 17 visuals with English text

    (Also included in God: The One Who Knows My Heart resource packs.)
    Watch promo video here..

    • $11.29
  • Light, tract (NKJV) Pack of 25

    Light, tract (NKJV) Pack of 25

    Keep the light shining after your Christmas Party Club™!
    With this tract and its activities, children will be reminded of the Gospel truths they heard at the “Light of Life” Christmas Party Club. This tract also gives saved children the opportunity to share the Gospel themselves using the cutout page to create their own Light of Life cross.

    Product size:  5 7/8 inches square  14.92 cm square
    8 full-color pages (NKJV)
    Packs of 25

    • $7.89
  • Light of Life (Luz de vida) Christmas Party Club Spanish, visuals,text,PPT download

    Light of Life (Luz de vida) Christmas Party Club Spanish, visuals,text,PPT download

    In Light of Life, children will learn how God created and used light in amazing ways to announce the birth of the Savior!

    Printed visuals include
    17" x 22" cross
    Spanish verse visual & Joy to the World song visual
    Spanish teacher text and lots of ideas to have a fun Christmas Party Club: games, decoration, snack and craft ideas, reproducibles and more.

    English Resource & PowerPoint files to download.
    All-In-One PPT presentation - lesson visuals, memory verse, MP4 Joy to the World and review games.
    Additional PowerPoint visuals for memory verse John 8:12 in ESV and KJV, visual for lesson and words to CEF version of "Joy to the World" and "Go Tell it on the Mountain."
    PDF files include:
    Reproducibles for invitations, nametags, promotional poster, Christmas card craft, invitations, memory verse take-home sheets (tokens), Christmas card craft.
    Many of these in full-color and black & white.

    Partner with CEF for a Christmas Across America Party!

    Find out more information here. 

    Download ESV Light of Life Quiet Time Sheets 

    Download KJV Light of Life Quiet Time Sheets

    • $14.99
  • La soberanía de Dios: La vida de José paquete de recursos (God's Sovereignty: The Life of Joseph Resource Pack)

    La soberanía de Dios: La vida de José paquete de recursos (God's Sovereignty: The Life of Joseph Resource Pack)

    Resource packs provide many tools to enhance and extend your teaching time. An easy-to-follow guide explains when to use each item.

    11" x 17" full-color resources: memory verse visuals, The Girl Who Sang in the Goathouse mission story (with English text), Word-Up (main truth of the lesson), resource booklet (review games and activities).

    8 1/2" x 11" back/white reproducibles: coloring sheets, memory verse bookmarks, interactive and review games, activities for small group and/or Wonder Time.

    Lesson texts and visuals must be purchased separately.

    • $24.00
  • La fidelidad de Dios: El regreso a Canaán (God's Faithfulness: Return to Canaan) Resource Pack

    La fidelidad de Dios: El regreso a Canaán (God's Faithfulness: Return to Canaan) Resource Pack

    This Spaish resource pack provides tools to enhance and extend your teaching time. An easy-to-follow guide explains when to use each item.

    11" x 17" full-color resources: memory verse visuals, Isobel Kuhn mission story (with English text), Word-Up (teaching statement), resource booklet (review games and activities).

    8 1/2" x 11" back/white reproducibles: coloring sheets, memory verse bookmarks, interactive and review games, activities for small group and/or Wonder Time.

    Lesson texts and visuals must be purchased separately and are available in three forms:
    printed lessons /flashcard visuals, PowerPoint (PPT CD) or as digital downloads.

    • $24.00
  • Joni Eareckson Tada

    Joni Eareckson Tada

    Joni became paralyzed from a diving accident when she was a teenager. She has dedicated her life to spread the Gospel and has used her tragic circumstances to give glory to God. Her story continues to inspire others to rise above the difficult circumstances in life and to serve God and share His Good News with dedication and joy. Her story can inspire the children you teach to let God use them, no matter what happens in their lives.

    Can be taught in six short sessions or one longer session.
    Includes 11 x 17 visuals and the English text

    (Also included in God's Love: Hope for the Outcast resource packs.)

    • $11.29
  • John Cook

    John Cook

    John Cook was used by God to reach many boys and girls for Christ. Serving with Child Evangelism Fellowship both in South Korea and the United States. Your kids will love hearing how God used a house fire, life in an orphanage, and some 'coincidences' to bring John to faith in Christ.
    John and Lois Cook 'retired' from CEF but continue to work with Korean churches in the USA and travel back to Korea.

    Can be taught in six short sessions or one longer session.
    Includes 11 x 17 visuals and the English text

    (Also included in God's Plan in Action: the Early Church resource packs.)

    • $11.29
  • Jesús: El Dios que salva paquete de recursos (Jesus: God Who Saves Resource Pack)

    Jesús: El Dios que salva paquete de recursos (Jesus: God Who Saves Resource Pack)

    Resource packs provide many tools to enhance and extend your teaching time. An easy-to-follow guide explains when to use each item.

    11" x 17" full-color resources: memory verse visuals, Martin and Gracia Burnham mission story (with English text), Word-Up (teaching statement), resource booklet (review games and activities).

    8 1/2" x 11" back/white reproducibles: coloring sheets, memory verse bookmarks, interactive and review games, activities for small group and/or Wonder Time.

    Lesson texts and visuals must be purchased separately and are available in three forms:
    printed lessons /flashcard visuals, PowerPoint (PPT CD) or as digital downloads.

    • $24.00
  • Jesús: Dios el que vino a la Tierra (Jesus: God Who Came to Earth) Resource Pack Spanish

    Jesús: Dios el que vino a la Tierra (Jesus: God Who Came to Earth) Resource Pack Spanish

    Spanish - Resource packs provide many tools to enhance and extend your teaching time. An easy-to-follow guide explains when to use each item. Everything in Spanish except the mission story.

    Included mission story
    : Cameron Townsend (english text)

    11" x 17" full-color resources: memory verse visuals, Word-Up! (main truth of the lesson), resource booklet (review games and activities), and UPS Rules

    8 1/2" x 11" back/white lesson reproducibles: coloring sheets, memory verse bookmarks, interactive and review games, Wonder Time. 

    Lesson texts and visuals must be purchased separately.

    • $24.00
  • Jesús: Dios de poder y gloria paquete e recursos (Jesus God of Power & Glory Resource Pack)

    Jesús: Dios de poder y gloria paquete e recursos (Jesus God of Power & Glory Resource Pack)

    Resource packs provide many tools to enhance and extend your teaching time. An easy-to-follow guide explains when to use each item.

    11" x 17" full-color resources: memory verse visuals, Angie Goes West (Angie Garber) mission story (with English text), Word-Up (teaching statement), resource booklet (review games and activities).

    8 1/2" x 11" back/white reproducibles: coloring sheets, memory verse bookmarks, interactive and review games, activities for small group and/or Wonder Time.

    Lesson texts and visuals must be purchased separately and are available in three forms:
    printed lessons /flashcard visuals, PowerPoint (PPT CD) or as digital downloads.

    • $24.00
  • Jesús es Dios: Él se interesa por las personas (Jesus: God Who Cares for People) Resource Pack

    Jesús es Dios: Él se interesa por las personas (Jesus: God Who Cares for People) Resource Pack

    Spanish - Resource packs provide many tools to enhance and extend your teaching time. An easy-to-follow guide explains when to use each item. Everything in Spanish except the mission story.

    Included mission story
    : Gladys Aylward (english text)

    11" x 17" full-color resources: memory verse visuals, Word-Up! (main truth of the lesson), resource booklet (review games and activities), and UPS Rules

    8 1/2" x 11" back/white lesson reproducibles: coloring sheets, memory verse bookmarks, interactive and review games, Wonder Time. 

    Lesson text and visuals must be purchased separately.

    • $24.00
  • Jesus: My Savior and Friend Tokens - Spanish

    Jesus: My Savior and Friend Tokens - Spanish

    Take Home Sheets with Memory Verses
    25 per pack
    Luke 5:24a, John 14:27, Isaiah 45:5a, Acts 4:12 

    • $5.00
  • Jesus: My Savior and Friend 5-Day Ministry Kit Spanish

    Jesus: My Savior and Friend 5-Day Ministry Kit Spanish

    Jesus: My Savior and Friend lesson flashcards and Spanish text; Operation Auca flashcards and Spanish text
    Visualized songs: Cristo Buenas Nuevas da, He decidido, and Yo tengo un Amigo
    Includes music CD, 2 x 3 Wordless Book, Spanish versions of Word-Up teaching booklet, verse visual booklet, 25 verse token sheets, How to Lead a Child to Christ leaflet, Guiding a Child to the Savior, prayer visual, map, and UPs rules.

    Great for summer ministry: VBS, 5-Day Club®, camp, and mission trips.

    • $97.00
  • Jesus: My Savior and Friend / Operation Auca Resource & PowerPoint CD (2023)

    Jesus: My Savior and Friend / Operation Auca Resource & PowerPoint CD (2023)

    PowerPoint visuals to teach five lessons for Jesus: My Savior and Friend. Includes ppt visuals for flashcards, memory verses (ESV and KJV), lyrics to suggested songs, and Operation Auca mission story.

    PDFs of lesson include text, visuals and review, mission teaching, reproducibles (quiet time sheets, memory verse bookmarks, coloring sheets, sheet music for songs)—everything in digital format that is in the printed resource pack.

    Lesson 1 - Jesus Forgives the Sin of a Paralyzed Man Luke 5:17-26
    Lesson 2 - Jesus Calms a Terrible Storm Mark 4:35-41
    Lesson 3 - Jesus Shows Love to a Samaritan Woman John 4:1-42
    Lesson 4 - Jesus Heals the Centurion's Servant Luke 7:1-10
    Lesson 5 - Jesus Challenges a Rich Young Man Mark 10:17-27

    • $29.99
  • Jesus: My Savior and Friend - Verse Visual Spanish

    Jesus: My Savior and Friend - Verse Visual Spanish

    2019 Version
    Suggested memory verses in the Jesus: My Savior and Friend series:
    Isaiah 45:5a (I Am the Lord), Luke 5:24 (That You May Know), John 14:27 (Peace I Leave with You), Acts 4;12 (Salvation).

    • $8.15
  • Jesus: God of Power and Glory Resource & PPT Download

    Jesus: God of Power and Glory Resource & PPT Download

    This product is a download. Once purchased, you will get a link sent to your email address to access the files
    PowerPoint visuals to teach six lessons for the Jesus: God of Power and Glory series.

    PDFs of lesson text and other helps: teaching cards, resource booklet, Wonder Time teaching, PPT games, preschool helps, reproducibles (quiet time sheet, memory verse bookmarks, coloring sheets), Missonary Storey Angie Goes West (revised visuals for Angie Garber story) --everything in digital format that is in the printed resource pack.  

    Lesson 1 - Jesus Teaches with Power (Topical Evangelistic) (Heb. 1:1-2; Matt. 4:23-25; Jn. 10:22-31; 14:1-6; Mk. 1:21-22; 7:1-9) Memory verse: Matthew 6:9
    Lesson 2 - Jesus Calms a Terrible Storm (Growth Narrative) (Mark 4:35-41) Memory verse: Matthew 6:10
    Lesson 3 - Jesus Feeds a Huge Crowd (Evangelistic Narrative) (John 6; Mark 6:30-44) Memory verse: Matthew 6:11
    Lesson 4 - Jesus Offers Hope to a Samaritan Leper (Evangelistic Narrative) (Lk. 17:11-19; Lev. 13:45-46; 14:2) Memory verse: Matthew 6:12
    Lesson 5 - Jesus Explains His Awesome Plan (Doctrinal Evangelistic)  (Matt. 16:13-17, 21-23; 17:1-9) Memory verse Matthew 6:13
    Lesson 6 - Penguin Party! Review Lesson and Memory verse review: Matthew 6:9-13

    • $4.99
  • Jesus: God of Power and Glory Resource & PPT CD

    Jesus: God of Power and Glory Resource & PPT CD

    (Replaces Life of Christ 3)
    PowerPoint visuals to teach six lessons for Jesus: God of Power and Glory ppt visuals for flashcards, memory verses (ESV and KJV), lyrics to suggested songs, and Angie Goes West mission story

    PDFs of lesson include text, visuals and review, mission teaching, reproducibles (quiet time sheets, memory verse bookmarks, coloring sheets, sheet music for songs)—everything in digital format that is in the printed resource pack.

    Lesson 1 - Jesus Teaches with Power (Topical Evangelistic) (Heb. 1:1-2; Matt. 4:23-25; Jn. 10:22-31; 14:1-6; Mk. 1:21-22; 7:1-9) Memory verse: Matthew 6:9
    Lesson 2 - Jesus Calms a Terrible Storm (Growth Narrative) (Mark 4:35-41) Memory verse: Matthew 6:10
    Lesson 3 - Jesus Feeds a Huge Crowd (Evangelistic Narrative) (John 6; Mark 6:30-44) Memory verse: Matthew 6:11
    Lesson 4 - Jesus Offers Hope to a Samaritan Leper (Evangelistic Narrative) (Lk. 17:11-19; Lev. 13:45-46; 14:2) Memory verse: Matthew 6:12
    Lesson 5 - Jesus Explains His Awesome Plan (Doctrinal Evangelistic)  (Matt. 16:13-17, 21-23; 17:1-9) Memory verse Matthew 6:13
    Lesson 6 - Penguin Party! Review Lesson and Memory verse review: Matthew 6:9-13

    • $29.99
  • Jesus: God of Power & Glory Resource Pack KJV

    Jesus: God of Power & Glory Resource Pack KJV

    Resource packs provide many tools to enhance and extend your teaching time. An easy-to-follow guide explains when to use each item.

    11" x 17" full-color resources: memory verse visuals, Angie Goes West (Angie Garber) mission story, Word-Up (teaching statement), resource booklet (review games and activities).

    8 1/2" x 11" back/white reproducibles: coloring sheets, memory verse bookmarks, Quiet Time sheets, interactive and review games, activities for small group and/or Wonder Time.

    Lesson texts and visuals must be purchased separately and are available in three forms:
    printed lessons /flashcard visuals, PowerPoint (PPT CD) or as digital downloads.

    • $24.00
  • Jesus: God of Power & Glory Resource Pack ESV

    Jesus: God of Power & Glory Resource Pack ESV

    Resource packs provide many tools to enhance and extend your teaching time. An easy-to-follow guide explains when to use each item.

    11" x 17" full-color resources: memory verse visuals, Angie Goes West (Angie Garber) mission story, Word-Up (teaching statement), resource booklet (review games and activities).

    8 1/2" x 11" back/white reproducibles: coloring sheets, memory verse bookmarks, Quiet Time sheets, interactive and review games, activities for small group and/or Wonder Time.

    Lesson texts and visuals must be purchased separately and are available in three forms:
    printed lessons /flashcard visuals, PowerPoint (PPT CD) or as digital downloads.

    • $24.00
  • Jesus: God Who Saves Resource Pack KJV

    Jesus: God Who Saves Resource Pack KJV

    Resource packs provide many tools to enhance and extend your teaching time. An easy-to-follow guide explains when to use each item.

    11" x 17" full-color resources: memory verse visuals, Martin and Gracia Burnham mission story, Word-Up (teaching statement), resource booklet (review games and activities).

    8 1/2" x 11" back/white reproducibles: coloring sheets, memory verse bookmarks, Quiet Time sheets, interactive and review games, activities for small group and/or Wonder Time.

    Lesson texts and visuals must be purchased separately and are available in three forms:
    printed lessons /flashcard visuals, PowerPoint (PPT CD) or as digital downloads.

    • $24.00
  • Jesus: God Who Saves Resource Pack ESV

    Jesus: God Who Saves Resource Pack ESV

    Resource packs provide many tools to enhance and extend your teaching time. An easy-to-follow guide explains when to use each item.

    11" x 17" full-color resources: memory verse visuals, Martin and Gracia Burnham mission story, Word-Up (teaching statement), resource booklet (review games and activities).

    8 1/2" x 11" back/white reproducibles: coloring sheets, memory verse bookmarks, Quiet Time sheets, interactive and review games, activities for small group and/or Wonder Time.

    Lesson texts and visuals must be purchased separately and are available in three forms:
    printed lessons /flashcard visuals, PowerPoint (PPT CD) or as digital downloads.

    • $24.00
  • Jesus: God Who Saves Resource & PPT Download

    Jesus: God Who Saves Resource & PPT Download

    This product is a download. Once purchased, you will get a link sent to your email address to access the files
    PowerPoint visuals and PDF teacher text to teach six lessons for the Jesus: God Who Saves series.

    PDFs of lesson text and other helps: teaching cards, resource booklet, Wonder Time teaching, PPT games, preschool helps, reproducibles (quiet time sheet, memory verse bookmarks, coloring sheets), and Missonary Story Martin and Gracia Burnham--everything in digital format that is in the printed resource pack 

    Lesson 1 - Jesus the Promised Messiah (Topical Evangelistic) (Isa. 35:4-6; Mic. 5:2; Zech. 9:9; Matt. 21:1-17; Luke 19:39-48) Memory verse: 1 John 4:14
    Lesson 2 - Jesus the Passover Sacrifice (Doctrinal Evangelistic) (Ex. 12:1-28; Zech. 11:12; Matt. 26:1-5, 14-50; Luke 22:39-46) Memory verse: Isaiah 53:6
    Lesson 3 - Jesus the Suffering Savior (Doctrinal Evangelistic) (Isa. 50:6; 53:7a; Matt. 26:57-68; Luke 22:50-51, 55-62; 23:1-25) Memory verse: 1 Peter 3:18a
    Lesson 4 - Jesus the Perfect Substitute (Doctrinal Evangelistic) (Psalm 22; Matt. 27:38-51, 54-66; Luke 23:33-43; John 19:25, 30) Memory verse: 2 Corinthians 5:21
    Lesson 5 - Jesus the Risen Lord (Doctrinal Growth) (Luke 24:1-48; Acts 1:3-9; 1 Cor. 15:3-6; 1 Pet. 3:22) Memory verse: John 20:31
    Lesson 6 - Eye Spy (Review Lesson)

    • $4.99
  • Jesus: God Who Saves Resource & PPT CD

    Jesus: God Who Saves Resource & PPT CD

    Revised 2020 (Replaces Life of Christ 4)
    PowerPoint visuals to teach six lessons for Jesus: God Who Saves ppt visuals for flashcards, memory verses (ESV and KJV), lyrics to suggested songs, and Martin and Gracia Burnham mission story

    PDFs of lesson include text, visuals and review, mission teaching, reproducibles (quiet time sheets, memory verse bookmarks, coloring sheets, sheet music for songs)—everything in digital format that is in the printed resource pack.

    Lesson 1 - Jesus the Promised Messiah (Topical Evangelistic) (Isa. 35:4-6; Mic. 5:2; Zech. 9:9; Matt. 21:1-17; Luke 19:39-48) Memory verse: 1 John 4:14
    Lesson 2 - Jesus the Passover Sacrifice (Doctrinal Evangelistic) (Ex. 12:1-28; Zech. 11:12; Matt. 26:1-5, 14-50; Luke 22:39-46) Memory verse: Isaiah 53:6
    Lesson 3 - Jesus the Suffering Savior (Doctrinal Evangelistic) (Isa. 50:6; 53:7a; Matt. 26:57-68; Luke 22:50-51, 55-62; 23:1-25) Memory verse: 1 Peter 3:18a
    Lesson 4 - Jesus the Perfect Substitute (Doctrinal Evangelistic) (Psalm 22; Matt. 27:38-51, 54-66; Luke 23:33-43; John 19:25, 30) Memory verse: 2 Corinthians 5:21
    Lesson 5 - Jesus the Risen Lord (Doctrinal Growth) (Luke 24:1-48; Acts 1:3-9; 1 Cor. 15:3-6; 1 Pet. 3:22) Memory verse: John 20:31
    Lesson 6 - Eye Spy (Review Lesson)

    • $29.99
  • Jesus: God Who Saves - English Text

    Jesus: God Who Saves - English Text

    (Revised 2020)
    This six lesson series covers the final days of Jesus' life on Earth from his triumphal entry to his death, resurrection and ascension. Jesus: God Who Saves will help children see and appreciate who Jesus is and what he did for them.
    (Replaces Life of Christ 4)

    Text includes a master planning chart, schedule, lesson overview and outline, detailed story line, review questions, memory verse teaching and more!

    Lesson 1 - Jesus the Promised Messiah (Topical Evangelistic) (Isa. 35:4-6; Mic. 5:2; Zech. 9:9; Matt. 21:1-17; Luke 19:39-48) Memory verse: 1 John 4:14
    Lesson 2 - Jesus the Passover Sacrifice (Doctrinal Evangelistic) (Ex. 12:1-28; Zech. 11:12; Matt. 26:1-5, 14-50; Luke 22:39-46) Memory verse: Isaiah 53:6
    Lesson 3 - Jesus the Suffering Savior (Doctrinal Evangelistic) (Isa. 50:6; 53:7a; Matt. 26:57-68; Luke 22:50-51, 55-62; 23:1-25) Memory verse: 1 Peter 3:18a
    Lesson 4 - Jesus the Perfect Substitute (Doctrinal Evangelistic) (Psalm 22; Matt. 27:38-51, 54-66; Luke 23:33-43; John 19:25, 30) Memory verse: 2 Corinthians 5:21
    Lesson 5 - Jesus the Risen Lord (Doctrinal Growth) (Luke 24:1-48; Acts 1:3-9; 1 Cor. 15:3-6; 1 Pet. 3:22) Memory verse: John 20:31
    Lesson 6 - Eye Spy (Review Lesson)

    Suggested mission story (in resource pack): The Burnhams

    Flashcard visuals and mission story must be purchased separately 

    • $6.79
  • Jesus: God Who Cares for People Resource Pack KJV

    Jesus: God Who Cares for People Resource Pack KJV

    Resource packs provide many tools to enhance and extend your teaching time. An easy-to-follow guide explains when to use each item.

    11" x 17" full-color resources: memory verse visuals, Word-Up (main truth of the lesson), resource booklet (review games and activities), UPS Rules, and 25 U-Nite TV cards.

    8 1/2" x 11" back/white reproducibles: coloring sheets, memory verse bookmarks, Quiet Time sheets, decoration, Gospel Spotlights, interactive and review games, growth activities, and Wonder Time.

    Included mission story: Gladys Aylward

    Lesson texts and visuals must be purchased separately and are available in three forms:
    printed lessons /flashcard visuals, PowerPoint (PPT CD) or as digital downloads.

    • $24.00
  • Jesus: God Who Cares for People Resource Pack ESV

    Jesus: God Who Cares for People Resource Pack ESV

    Resource packs provide many tools to enhance and extend your teaching time. An easy-to-follow guide explains when to use each item.

    11" x 17" full-color resources: memory verse visuals, Word-Up (main truth of the lesson), resource booklet (review games and activities), UPS Rules, and 25 U-Nite TV cards.

    8 1/2" x 11" back/white reproducibles: coloring sheets, memory verse bookmarks, Quiet Time sheets, decoration, Gospel Spotlights, interactive and review games, growth activities, and Wonder Time.

    Included mission story: Gladys Aylward

    Lesson texts and visuals must be purchased separately and are available in three forms:
    printed lessons /flashcard visuals, PowerPoint (PPT CD) or as digital downloads.

    • $24.00
  • Jesus: God Who Cares for People Resource & PPT Download

    Jesus: God Who Cares for People Resource & PPT Download

    This product is a download. Once purchased, you will get a link sent to your email address to access the files
    PowerPoint visuals and PDF teacher text to teach six lessons for the Jesus: God who Cares for People series

    PDFs of lesson text and other helps: teaching cards, resource booklet, Wonder Time teaching, PPT games, preschool helps, reproducibles (quiet time sheet, memory verse bookmarks, coloring sheets), and Gladys Aylward mission story --everything in digital format that is in the printed resource pack 

    Lesson 1 - Jesus Shows He Is the Almighty God (Evangelistic Doctrine) (John 2:1-11)
    Memory Verse John 3:16
    Lesson 2 - Nicodemus Can't Save Himself (Evangelistic Doctrine) (John 3:1-16)
    Memory Verse John 3:16
    Lesson 3 - Jesus Loves Everyone (Evangelistic Doctrine) (John 4:1-30, 39-42)
    Memory Verse John 3:17
    Lesson 4 - Jesus Heals a Nobleman's Son (Evangelistic Doctrine) (John 4:46-54)
    Memory Verse John 3:36
    Lesson 5 - Jesus Cares for Bartimaeus (Evangelistic Doctrine) (Mark 10:46-52; Luke 18:35-43) Memory Verse John 3:36
    Lesson 6 - Creation Celebration (Review Lesson)

    Version 2 2017, 2022

    • $4.99
  • Jesus: God Who Cares for People Resource & PPT CD

    Jesus: God Who Cares for People Resource & PPT CD

    (Replaces to Life of Christ 2)
    PowerPoint visuals to teach six lessons for Jesus: God Who Came to Earth ppt visuals for flashcards, memory verses (ESV and KJV), lyrics to suggested songs, and Gladys Aylward mission story

    PDFs of lesson include text, visuals and review, mission teaching, reproducibles (quiet time sheets, memory verse bookmarks, coloring sheets, sheet music for songs)—everything in digital format that is in the printed resource pack.

    Lesson 1 - Jesus Shows He Is the Almighty God (Evangelistic Doctrine) (John 2:1-11)
    Memory Verse John 3:16
    Lesson 2 - Nicodemus Can't Save Himself (Evangelistic Doctrine) (John 3:1-16)
    Memory Verse John 3:16
    Lesson 3 - Jesus Loves Everyone (Evangelistic Doctrine) (John 4:1-30, 39-42)
    Memory Verse John 3:17
    Lesson 4 - Jesus Heals a Nobleman's Son (Evangelistic Doctrine) (John 4:46-54)
    Memory Verse John 3:36
    Lesson 5 - Jesus Cares for Bartimaeus (Evangelistic Doctrine) (Mark 10:46-52; Luke 18:35-43) Memory Verse John 3:36
    Lesson 6 - Creation Celebration (Review Lesson)

    • $29.99
  • Jesus: God Who Cares for People - English Text

    Jesus: God Who Cares for People - English Text

    In this six-lesson series children will learn how people's lives changed in miraculous ways when they met Jesus. Text includes a master planning chart, schedule, lesson overview and outline, detailed story line, review questions, memory verse teaching and more!
    (Replaces Life of Christ 2)

    Lesson 1 - Jesus Shows He Is the Almighty God (Evangelistic Doctrine) (John 2:1-11)
    Memory Verse John 3:16
    Lesson 2 - Nicodemus Can't Save Himself (Evangelistic Narrative) (John 3:1-16)
    Memory Verse John 3:16
    Lesson 3 - Jesus Loves Everyone (Evangelistic Narrative) (John 4:1-30, 39-42)
    Memory Verse John 3:17
    Lesson 4 - Jesus Heals a Nobleman's Son (Evangelistic Narrative) (John 4:46-54)
    Memory Verse John 3:36
    Lesson 5 - Jesus Cares for Bartimaeus (Evangelistic Narrative) (Mark 10:46-52; Luke 18:35-43) Memory Verse John 3:36
    Lesson 6 - Creation Celebration (Review Lesson)

    Suggested mission story (in resource pack): Gladys Aylward

    Flashcard visuals and mission story must be purchased separately.

    • $6.79
  • Jesus: God Who Came to Earth Resource Pack KJV

    Jesus: God Who Came to Earth Resource Pack KJV

    Resource packs provide many tools to enhance and extend your teaching time. An easy-to-follow guide explains when to use each item.

    11" x 17" full-color resources: memory verse visuals, Word-Up (main truth of the lesson), resource booklet (review games and activities), and UPS Rules.

    8 1/2" x 11" back/white reproducibles: coloring sheets, memory verse bookmarks, Quiet Time sheets, skits, interactive and review games, activities for small group and Wonder Time.

    Included mission story: Cameron Townsend

    Lesson texts and visuals must be purchased separately and are available in three forms:
    printed lessons /flashcard visuals, PowerPoint (PPT CD) or as digital downloads.

    • $24.00
  • Jesus: God Who Came to Earth Resource Pack ESV

    Jesus: God Who Came to Earth Resource Pack ESV

    Resource packs provide many tools to enhance and extend your teaching time. An easy-to-follow guide explains when to use each item.

    11" x 17" full-color resources: memory verse visuals, Word-Up (main truth of the lesson), resource booklet (review games and activities), and UPS Rules.

    8 1/2" x 11" back/white reproducibles: coloring sheets, memory verse bookmarks, Quiet Time sheets, skits, interactive and review games, activities for small group and Wonder Time.

    Included mission story: Cameron Townsend

    Lesson texts and visuals must be purchased separately and are available in three forms:
    printed lessons /flashcard visuals, PowerPoint (PPT CD) or as digital downloads.

    • $24.00
  • Jesus: God Who Came to Earth Resource & PPT Download

    Jesus: God Who Came to Earth Resource & PPT Download

    This product is a download. Once purchased, you will get a link sent to your email address to access the files
    PowerPoint visuals and PDF teacher text to teach six lessons for the Jesus: God Who Came to Earth

    PDFs of lesson text and other helps: teaching cards, resource booklet, Wonder Time teaching, PPT games, preschool helps, reproducibles (quiet time sheet, memory verse bookmarks, coloring sheets), and Cameron Townsend mission story --everything in digital format that is in the printed resource pack 

    Lesson 1 -The Savior Is Born! (Evangelistic Narrative) (Matt. 1:19-25; Lk. 1:26-38; 2:1-20) Memory verse:Luke 2:11
    Lesson 2 - Wise Men Worship the Savior King (Evangelistic Narrative) (Matt. 2:1-23; Lk. 2:39-40) Memory verse: Luke 2:11
    Lesson 3 - Jesus Obeys His Heavenly Father (Growth Narrative) (Lk. 2:40-52)
    Memory verse: Philippians 2:13
    Lesson 4 - Jesus Is the Promised Savior (Evangelistic Narrative) (Matt. 3:1-6, 13-17; Lk. 1:5-24, 39-45, 57-65; Jn. 1:26-29) Memory verse: Philippians 2:13
    Lesson 5 - Jesus Is the Sinless Savior (Doctrinal Growth) (Matt. 4:1-11)
    Memory verse: Hebrews 2:18
    Lesson 6 - Happy Birthday Review Party

    • $4.99
  • Jesus: God Who Came to Earth Resource & PPT CD

    Jesus: God Who Came to Earth Resource & PPT CD

    (2018 Version) (Replaces Life of Christ 1)
    PowerPoint visuals to teach six lessons for Jesus: God Who Came to Earth ppt visuals for flashcards, memory verses (ESV and KJV), lyrics to suggested songs, and Cameron Townsend mission story

    PDFs of lesson include text, visuals and review, mission teaching, reproducibles (quiet time sheets, memory verse bookmarks, coloring sheets, sheet music for songs)—everything in digital format that is in the printed resource pack.

    Lesson 1 -The Savior Is Born! (Evangelistic Narrative) (Matt. 1:19-25; Lk. 1:26-38; 2:1-20) Memory verse:Luke 2:11
    Lesson 2 - Wise Men Worship the Savior King (Evangelistic Narrative) (Matt. 2:1-23; Lk. 2:39-40) Memory verse: Luke 2:11
    Lesson 3 - Jesus Obeys His Heavenly Father (Growth Narrative) (Lk. 2:40-52)
    Memory verse: Philippians 2:13
    Lesson 4 - Jesus Is the Promised Savior (Evangelistic Narrative) (Matt. 3:1-6, 13-17; Lk. 1:5-24, 39-45, 57-65; Jn. 1:26-29) Memory verse: Philippians 2:13
    Lesson 5 - Jesus Is the Sinless Savior (Doctrinal Growth) (Matt. 4:1-11)
    Memory verse: Hebrews 2:18
    Lesson 6 - Happy Birthday Review Party

    • $29.99
  • Jesus: God Who Came to Earth - English Text

    Jesus: God Who Came to Earth - English Text

    In this six lesson series children will learn about the life of Jesus from birth through the beginning of His early ministry and why He's the only one qualified to be the Savior.

    Text includes a master planning chart, schedule, lesson overview and outline, detailed story line, review questions, memory verse teaching and more!
    (Replaces Life of Christ 1)

    Lesson 1 -The Savior Is Born! (Evangelistic Narrative) (Matt. 1:19-25; Lk. 1:26-38; 2:1-20) Memory verse:Luke 2:11
    Lesson 2 - Wise Men Worship the Savior King (Evangelistic Narrative) (Matt. 2:1-23; Lk. 2:39-40) Memory verse: Luke 2:11
    Lesson 3 - Jesus Obeys His Heavenly Father (Growth Narrative) (Lk. 2:40-52)
    Memory verse: Philippians 2:13
    Lesson 4 - Jesus Is the Promised Savior (Evangelistic Narrative) (Matt. 3:1-6, 13-17; Lk. 1:5-24, 39-45, 57-65; Jn. 1:26-29) Memory verse: Philippians 2:13
    Lesson 5 - Jesus Is the Sinless Savior (Doctrinal Growth) (Matt. 4:1-11)
    Memory verse: Hebrews 2:18
    Lesson 6 - Happy Birthday Review Party

    Suggested mission story (in resource pack): Cameron Townsend

    Flashcard visuals and mission story must be purchased separately.

    • $6.79
  • Jacob DeShazer PowerPoint 'Download'

    Jacob DeShazer PowerPoint 'Download'

    This product is a download. Once purchased, you will get a link sent to your email address to access the files. Includes visuals in PowerPoint and PDF text

    Jacob struggled to obey God and love his enemies while imprisoned in a Japanese prison camp during World War II but later returned to Japan as a missionary. Children will be encouraged to love and share the Gospel with those who persecute them even when it's hard.

    Can be taught in six short sessions or one longer session.

    (Also included in God Rules: Be Strong resource packs and as a PowerPoint Download.)

    • $2.49
  • Jacob DeShazer

    Jacob DeShazer

    Jacob struggled to obey God and love his enemies while imprisoned in a Japanese prison camp during World War II but later returned to Japan as a missionary. Children will be encouraged to love and share the Gospel with those who persecute them even when it's hard.
    Can be taught in six short sessions or one longer session.
    11 x 17 visuals with English text
    (Also included in God Rules: Be Strong resource packs.)

    • $11.29
  • Isobel Kuhn

    Isobel Kuhn

    The story of Isobel Kuhn teaches children about her struggles to understand the truth of Scripture, her heartbreaking experience that led to Isobel believing in Christ and following God's call to become a missionary to the Lisu people in China. Children will be encouraged to share the Gospel even in the face of opposition from their peers, hardships and sickness.

    Can be taught in six short sessions or one longer session.
    Includes 11 x 17 visuals and the English text

    (Also included in God's Faithfulness: Return to Canaan resource packs.)

    • $11.29
  • Iglesia de Dios se expande: El Ministerio de Paul paque de recursos (God's Church Expands: The Ministry of Paul  Resource Pack)

    Iglesia de Dios se expande: El Ministerio de Paul paque de recursos (God's Church Expands: The Ministry of Paul Resource Pack)

    Resource packs provide many tools to enhance and extend your teaching time. An easy-to-follow guide explains when to use each item.

    11" x 17" full-color resources: memory verse visuals, Angie Goes West mission story (with English text), Word-Up (teaching statement), resource booklet (review games and activities).

    8 1/2" x 11" back/white reproducibles: coloring sheets, memory verse bookmarks, interactive and review games, activities for small group and/or Wonder Time.

    Lesson texts and visuals must be purchased separately.

    • $24.00
  • I Don't Want Your Money "Money" (Packs 25)

    I Don't Want Your Money "Money" (Packs 25)

    Take home 'Money' for I Don't Want Your Money' lesson.
    Solve the puzzle on the back to remember God's promise.
    7 3/4" x 2 3/4"  
    Packs of 25

    • $3.94
  • His Name Is Jesus

    His Name Is Jesus

    11" x 17", 12 full-color pages with lyrics to the song "His Name is Jesus!"
    It’s no mystery-- kids will love singing this song that is jam-packed with truth about who Jesus is!

    View demonstration of song here.

    Click here to buy the MP4 of this song

    • $10.65
  • God: The One to Follow Resource Pack Spanish

    God: The One to Follow Resource Pack Spanish

    Spanish - Resource packs provide many tools to enhance and extend your teaching time. An easy-to-follow guide explains when to use each item. Everything in Spanish except the mission story.

    Included mission story
    : Pete Menjares (english text)

    11" x 17" full-color resources: memory verse visuals, Word-Up! (main truth of the lesson), resource booklet (review games and activities), and UPS Rules

    8 1/2" x 11" back/white lesson reproducibles: coloring sheets, memory verse bookmarks, interactive and review games, Wonder Time. 

    Lesson text and visuals must be purchased separately.

    • $24.00
  • God: The One to Follow Resource Pack KJV

    God: The One to Follow Resource Pack KJV

    Resource packs provide many tools to enhance and extend your teaching time. An easy-to-follow guide explains when to use each item.

    11" x 17" full-color resources: memory verse visuals, Word-Up (main truth of the lesson), resource booklet (review games and activities), and UPS Rules.

    8 1/2" x 11" back/white reproducibles: coloring sheets, memory verse bookmarks, Quiet Time sheets, skits, interactive and review games, activities for small group and/or Wonder Time.

    Included mission story: Pete Menjares,

    Lesson texts and visuals must be purchased separately and are available in three forms:
    printed lessons /flashcard visuals, PowerPoint (PPT CD) or as digital downloads.

    • $24.00
  • God: The One to Follow Resource Pack ESV

    God: The One to Follow Resource Pack ESV

    Resource packs provide many tools to enhance and extend your teaching time. An easy-to-follow guide explains when to use each item.

    11" x 17" full-color resources: memory verse visuals, Word-Up (main truth of the lesson), resource booklet (review games and activities), and UPS Rules.

    8 1/2" x 11" back/white reproducibles: coloring sheets, memory verse bookmarks, Quiet Time sheets, skits, interactive and review games, activities for small group and/or Wonder Time.

    Included mission story: Pete Menjares

    Lesson texts and visuals must be purchased separately and are available in three forms:
    printed lessons /flashcard visuals, PowerPoint (PPT CD) or as digital downloads.

    • $24.00
  • God: The One to Follow Resource & PPT Download

    God: The One to Follow Resource & PPT Download

    This product is a download. Once purchased, you will get a link sent to your email address to access the files
    PowerPoint visuals and PDF teacher text to teach six lessons for the God: The One to Follow series

    PDFs of lesson text and other helps: teaching cards, resource booklet, Wonder Time teaching, PPT games, preschool helps, reproducibles (quiet time sheet, memory verse bookmarks, coloring sheets), and Pete Menjates mission story --everything in digital format that is in the printed resource pack 

    Lesson 1 - Peter Meets Jesus (Growth Narrative) (Lk. 5:1-11; Jn. 1:35-42)
    Memory verse: 2 Peter 3:18
    Lesson 2 - Peter Walks on Water with Jesus (Growth Narrative) (Matt. 14:22-33)
    Memory verse: 2 Peter 3:18
    Lesson 3 - Peter's Denial and Restoration (Growth Narrative) (Lk. 22:31-34, 54-62; 24:1-10; Jn. 21:1-19) Memory verse: 2 Corinthians 5:17
    Lesson 4 - Peter Learns the Gospel Is for Everyone (Evangelistic Narrative) (Acts 10:1-48) Memory verse: 2 Corinthians 5:17
    Lesson 5 - Peter and Rhoda (Growth Narrative) (Acts 12:1-19) Memory verse: 1 Peter 5:7
    Lesson 6 - Under the Sea Review Party

    • $4.99
  • God: The One to Follow Resource & PPT CD

    God: The One to Follow Resource & PPT CD

    PowerPoint visuals to teach six lessons for God: The One to Follow ppt visuals for flashcards, memory verses (ESV and KJV), lyrics to suggested songs, and Pete Menjares mission story

    PDFs of lesson include text, visuals and review, mission teaching, reproducibles (quiet time sheets, memory verse bookmarks, coloring sheets, sheet music for songs)—everything in digital format that is in the printed resource pack.

    Lesson 1 - Peter Meets Jesus (Growth Narrative) (Lk. 5:1-11; Jn. 1:35-42)
    Memory verse: 2 Peter 3:18
    Lesson 2 - Peter Walks on Water with Jesus (Growth Narrative) (Matt. 14:22-33)
    Memory verse: 2 Peter 3:18
    Lesson 3 - Peter's Denial and Restoration (Growth Narrative) (Lk. 22:31-34, 54-62; 24:1-10; Jn. 21:1-19) Memory verse: 2 Corinthians 5:17
    Lesson 4 - Peter Learns the Gospel Is for Everyone (Evangelistic Narrative) (Acts 10:1-48) Memory verse: 2 Corinthians 5:17
    Lesson 5 - Peter and Rhoda (Growth Narrative) (Acts 12:1-19) Memory verse: 1 Peter 5:7
    Lesson 6 - Under the Sea Review Party

    • $29.99
  • God: The One to Follow - English Text

    God: The One to Follow - English Text

    This six-lesson series from the life of Peter encourages children to follow God each day. Text includes a master planning chart, schedule, lesson overview and outline, detailed story line, review questions, memory verse teaching and more!

    Lesson 1 - Peter Meets Jesus (Growth Narrative) (Lk. 5:1-11; Jn. 1:35-42)
    Memory verse: 2 Peter 3:18
    Lesson 2 - Peter Walks on Water with Jesus (Growth Narrative) (Matt. 14:22-33)
    Memory verse: 2 Peter 3:18
    Lesson 3 - Peter's Denial and Restoration (Growth Narrative) (Lk. 22:31-34, 54-62; 24:1-10; Jn. 21:1-19) Memory verse: 2 Corinthians 5:17
    Lesson 4 - Peter Learns the Gospel Is for Everyone (Evangelistic Narrative) (Acts 10:1-48) Memory verse: 2 Corinthians 5:17
    Lesson 5 - Peter and Rhoda (Growth Narrative) (Acts 12:1-19) Memory verse: 1 Peter 5:7
    Lesson 6 - Under the Sea Review Party (story of Matthew Maury)

    Suggested mission story (in resource pack): Pete Menjares

    Flashcard visuals and resource pack be purchased separately.

    • $6.79
  • God: The One Who Knows My Heart Resource Pack KJV

    God: The One Who Knows My Heart Resource Pack KJV

    Resource packs provide many tools to enhance and extend your teaching time. An easy-to-follow guide explains when to use each item.

    11" x 17" full-color resources: memory verse visual, Word-Up (main truth of the lesson), resource booklet (review games and activities), and UPS Rules.

    8 1/2" x 11" back/white reproducibles: coloring sheets, memory verse bookmarks, Quiet Time sheets, skits, word search, interactive and review games, activities for small group and/or Wonder Time.

    Included mission story: Lottie Moon

    Lesson texts and visuals must be purchased separately and are available in three forms:
    printed lessons /flashcard visuals, PowerPoint (PPT CD) or as digital downloads.

    • $24.00
  • God: The One Who Knows My Heart Resource Pack ESV

    God: The One Who Knows My Heart Resource Pack ESV

    Resource packs provide many tools to enhance and extend your teaching time. An easy-to-follow guide explains when to use each item.

    11" x 17" full-color resources: memory verse visual, Word-Up (main truth of the lesson), resource booklet (review games and activities), and UPS Rules.

    8 1/2" x 11" back/white reproducibles: coloring sheets, memory verse bookmarks, Quiet Time sheets, skits, word search, interactive and review games, activities for small group and/or Wonder Time.

    Included mission story: Lottie Moon

    Lesson texts and visuals must be purchased separately and are available in three forms:
    printed lessons /flashcard visuals, PowerPoint (PPT CD) or as digital downloads.

    • $24.00
  • God: The One Who Knows My Heart Resource & PPT Download
    • 80% less

    God: The One Who Knows My Heart Resource & PPT Download

    This product is a download. Once purchased, you will get a link sent to your email address to access the files
    PowerPoint visuals and PDF teacher text to teach six lessons for the God: The One Who Knows My Heart series

    PDFs of lesson text and other helps: teaching cards, resource booklet, Wonder Time teaching, PPT games, preschool helps, reproducibles (quiet time sheet, memory verse bookmarks, coloring sheets), and Lottie Moon mission story --everything in digital format that is in the printed resource pack 

    Lesson 1 - The Heart that Follows God (Growth Narrative) (Saul is given the kingdom, 1 Sam. 8:1-22; 9:1-27; 10:1, 17-26; 13:5-15) Memory verse: Psalm 119:9
    Lesson 2 - A Heart after God (Growth Narrative) (David is annointed king, 1 Sam. 16:1-13) Memory verse: Psalm 119:10
    Lesson 3 - The Heart Bold for God's Glory (Growth Narrative) (David and Goliath, 1 Sam. 16:13-23; 17:1-52) Memory verse: Psalm 119:10
    Lesson 4 - The Heart that Trusts God's Plan (Growth Narrative) (David and Jonathan; David sparing Saul's life, 1 Sam. 18:1-9; 24:1-22; 31:6; 2 Sam. 1:11-12; 2:1-4)
    Memory verse: Psalm 119:11
    Lesson 5 - God's Heart of Kindness (Evangelistic Narrative) (David is made king; Mephibosheth, 2 Sam. 4:4; 9:1-13) Memory verse: Psalm 119:11
    Lesson 6 - Remote Control Review Party! (Topical Evangelistic), 2 Sam. 7:1-17, 12:1-15; 1 Chron. 22:1-5; 1 Kings 2:1-10; Luke 1:26-33; 2 Pet. 3:13; Rev. 11:15)
    Memory verse: Psalm 119:9-11

    • $4.99
  • God: The One Who Knows My Heart Resource & PPT CD

    God: The One Who Knows My Heart Resource & PPT CD

    PowerPoint visuals to teach six lessons for God: The One Who Knows My Heart Includes ppt visuals for flashcards, memory verses (ESV and KJV), lyrics to suggested songs, and Lottie Moon mission story.

    PDFs of lesson include text, visuals and review, mission teaching, reproducibles (quiet time sheets, memory verse bookmarks, coloring sheets, sheet music for songs)—everything in digital format that is in the printed resource pack.

    Lesson 1 - The Heart that Follows God (Growth Narrative) (Saul is given the kingdom, 1 Sam. 8:1-22; 9:1-27; 10:1, 17-26; 13:5-15) Memory verse: Psalm 119:9
    Lesson 2 - A Heart after God (Growth Narrative) (David is annointed king, 1 Sam. 16:1-13) Memory verse: Psalm 119:10
    Lesson 3 - The Heart Bold for God's Glory (Growth Narrative) (David and Goliath, 1 Sam. 16:13-23; 17:1-52) Memory verse: Psalm 119:10
    Lesson 4 - The Heart that Trusts God's Plan (Growth Narrative) (David and Jonathan; David sparing Saul's life, 1 Sam. 18:1-9; 24:1-22; 31:6; 2 Sam. 1:11-12; 2:1-4)
    Memory verse: Psalm 119:11
    Lesson 5 - God's Heart of Kindness (Evangelistic Narrative) (David is made king; Mephibosheth, 2 Sam. 4:4; 9:1-13) Memory verse: Psalm 119:11
    Lesson 6 - Remote Control Review Party! (Topical Evangelistic), 2 Sam. 7:1-17, 12:1-15; 1 Chron. 22:1-5; 1 Kings 2:1-10; Luke 1:26-33; 2 Pet. 3:13; Rev. 11:15)
    Memory verse: Psalm 119:9-11

    • $29.99
  • God: The Creator King Resource Pack KJV

    God: The Creator King Resource Pack KJV

    New Version coming 2027

    • $24.00
  • God: The Creator King Resource Pack ESV

    God: The Creator King Resource Pack ESV

    New Version coming 2027

    • $24.00
  • God: The Creator King Resource & PPT Download
    • 80% less

    God: The Creator King Resource & PPT Download

    This product is a download. Once purchased, you will get a link sent to your email address to access the files
    PowerPoint visuals to and PDF teacher texts to teach six lessons for the God: The Creator King

    PDFs of lesson text and other helps: teaching cards, resource booklet, Wonder Time teaching, PPT games, preschool helps, and reproducibles (quiet time sheet, memory verse bookmarks, coloring sheets) -- everything in digital format that is in the printed resource pack 

    Lesson 1 - The King Has Spoken (Evangelistic Narrative) (Jeremiah and Baruch; the Bible is true, Jer. 36: 1-32; 2 Pet. 1:21; 2 Tim. 3:15) Memory verse: Isaiah 40:8
    Lesson 2 - The King Creates (Evangelistic Doctrinal) (God as Creator; six days of creation, Gen. 1:1--2:4) Memory verse: Genesis 1:1
    Lesson 3 - Sin Enters the King's World (Evangelistic Narrative) (sin in the garden, Gen. 2:15-17; 3) Memory verse: Ephesians 2:8
    Lesson 4 - How to Come to the King (Evangelistic Narrative) (Cain and Abel, Gen. 3; 4:1-16; Heb. 11:4; 1 Jn. 3:12) Memory verse: Ephesians 2:8-9
    Lesson 5 - The King Saves (Evangelistic Narrative) (Noah and the flood, Gen. 6--8; 9:12-17; 2 Pet. 2:5) Memory verse: Ephesians 2:8-9
    Lesson 6: Review Lesson - Creation Celebration

    • $4.99
  • God: The Creator King Resource & PPT CD

    God: The Creator King Resource & PPT CD

    PowerPoint visuals to teach six lessons for God: The Creator King Includes ppt visuals for flashcards, memory verses (ESV and KJV) and lyrics to suggested songs.

    PDFs of lesson include text, visuals and review, mission teaching, reproducibles (quiet time sheets, memory verse bookmarks, coloring sheets, sheet music for songs)—everything in digital format that is in the printed resource pack.

    Lesson 1 - The King Has Spoken (Evangelistic Narrative) (Jeremiah and Baruch; the Bible is true, Jer. 36: 1-32; 2 Pet. 1:21; 2 Tim. 3:15) Memory verse: Isaiah 40:8
    Lesson 2 - The King Creates (Evangelistic Doctrinal) (God as Creator; six days of creation, Gen. 1:1--2:4) Memory verse: Genesis 1:1
    Lesson 3 - Sin Enters the King's World (Evangelistic Narrative) (sin in the garden, Gen. 2:15-17; 3) Memory verse: Ephesians 2:8
    Lesson 4 - How to Come to the King (Evangelistic Narrative) (Cain and Abel, Gen. 3; 4:1-16; Heb. 11:4; 1 Jn. 3:12) Memory verse: Ephesians 2:8-9
    Lesson 5 - The King Saves (Evangelistic Narrative) (Noah and the flood, Gen. 6--8; 9:12-17; 2 Pet. 2:5) Memory verse: Ephesians 2:8-9
    Lesson 6 - Review: Creation Celebration Party

    • $29.99
  • God's Sovereignty: The Life of Joseph Resource Pack KJV

    God's Sovereignty: The Life of Joseph Resource Pack KJV

    Resource packs provide many tools to enhance and extend your teaching time. An easy-to-follow guide explains when to use each item.

    11" x 17" full-color resources: memory verse visuals, The Girl Who Sang in the Goathouse mission story, Word-Up (teaching statement), resource booklet (review games and activities).

    8 1/2" x 11" back/white reproducibles: coloring sheets, memory verse bookmarks, Quiet Time sheets, skits, interactive and review games, activities for small group and/or Wonder Time.

    Lesson texts and visuals must be purchased separately and are available in three forms:
    printed lessons /flashcard visuals, PowerPoint (PPT CD) or as digital downloads.

    • $24.00
  • God's Sovereignty: The Life of Joseph Resource Pack ESV

    God's Sovereignty: The Life of Joseph Resource Pack ESV

    Resource packs provide many tools to enhance and extend your teaching time. An easy-to-follow guide explains when to use each item.

    11" x 17" full-color resources: memory verse visuals, The Girl Who Sang in the Goathouse mission story, Word-Up (teaching statement), resource booklet (review games and activities).

    8 1/2" x 11" back/white reproducibles: coloring sheets, memory verse bookmarks, Quiet Time sheets, skits, interactive and review games, activities for small group and/or Wonder Time.

    Lesson texts and visuals must be purchased separately and are available in three forms:
    printed lessons /flashcard visuals, PowerPoint (PPT CD) or as digital downloads.

    • $24.00
  • God's Sovereignty: The Life of Joseph Resource & PPT Download
    • 80% less

    God's Sovereignty: The Life of Joseph Resource & PPT Download

    This product is a download. Once purchased, you will get a link sent to your email address to access the files
    PowerPoint visuals and PDF teacher text to teach six lessons for the God's Sovereignty: The Life of Joseph series

    PDFs of lesson text and other helps: teaching cards, resource booklet, Wonder Time teaching, PPT games, preschool helps, reproducibles (quiet time sheet, memory verse bookmarks, coloring sheets), and The Girl Who Sang in the Goathouse mission story --everything in digital format that is in the printed resource pack 

    Lesson 1 - A Family of Promise (Growth Narrative) (Gen. 12:2-3; 29:18--30:24; 35:9-21) Memory verse: Philippians 1:6
    Lesson 2 - Joseph Sold by His Brothers (Growth Narrative) (Gen. 35:21, 27-29; 37:1-35) Memory verse: Philippians 1:6
    Lesson 3 - Joseph's Temptation (Growth Narrative) (Gen. 39:1-23; Psalm 105:17-19)
    Memory verse: 1 John 4:4b
    Lesson 4 - God Rewards Joseph (Growth Narrative) (Gen. 40--41)
    Memory verse: Ephesians 1:7
    Lesson 5 - God’s Plan Revealed (Evangelistic Narrative) (Gen. 42--45; 46:5-7, 28-30; 47:11-12; 50:15-21) Memory verse: Ephesians 1:7
    Lesson 6 – Royal Celebration Review Lesson

    • $4.99
  • God's Sovereignty: The Life of Joseph Resource & PPT CD

    God's Sovereignty: The Life of Joseph Resource & PPT CD

    Revised March 2019
    PowerPoint visuals to teach six lessons for God's Sovereignty: The Life of Joseph Includes ppt visuals for flashcards, memory verses (ESV and KJV), lyrics to suggested songs, and Robert Foster mission story.

    PDFs of lesson include text, visuals and review, mission teaching, reproducibles (quiet time sheets, memory verse bookmarks, coloring sheets, sheet music for songs)—everything in digital format that is in the printed resource pack.

    Lesson 1 - A Family of Promise (Growth Narrative) (Gen. 12:2-3; 29:18--30:24; 35:9-21) Memory verse: Philippians 1:6
    Lesson 2 - Joseph Sold by His Brothers (Growth Narrative) (Gen. 35:21, 27-29; 37:1-35) Memory verse: Philippians 1:6
    Lesson 3 - Joseph's Temptation (Growth Narrative) (Gen. 39:1-23; Psalm 105:17-19)
    Memory verse: 1 John 4:4b
    Lesson 4 - God Rewards Joseph (Growth Narrative) (Gen. 40--41)
    Memory verse: Ephesians 1:7
    Lesson 5 - God’s Plan Revealed (Evangelistirc Narrative) (Gen. 42--45; 46:5-7, 28-30; 47:11-12; 50:15-21) Memory verse: Ephesians 1:7
    Lesson 6 – Royal Celebration Review Lesson

    • $29.99
  • God's Sovereignty: The Life of Joseph - English Text

    God's Sovereignty: The Life of Joseph - English Text

    In this six-lesson series, children will learn about how the Sovereign God is able to fulfill His promises. even through difficult times.

    Lesson text includes a master planning chart, schedule, lesson overview and outline, detailed story line, review questions memory verse teaching and more.

    Lesson 1 - A Family of Promise (Growth Narrative) (Gen. 12:2-3; 29:18--30:24; 35:9-21) Memory verse: Philippians 1:6
    Lesson 2 - Joseph Sold by His Brothers (Growth Narrative) (Gen. 35:21, 27-29; 37:1-35) Memory verse: Philippians 1:6
    Lesson 3 - Joseph's Temptation (Growth Narrative) (Gen. 39:1-23; Psalm 105:17-19) Memory verse: 1 John 4:4b
    Lesson 4 - God Rewards Joseph (Growth Narrative) (Gen. 40--41) Memory verse: Ephesians 1:7
    Lesson 5 - God’s Plan Revealed (Evangelistic Narrative) (Gen. 42--45; 46:5-7, 28-30; 47:11-12; 50:15-21) Memory verse: Ephesians 1:7
    Lesson 6 – Royal Celebration Review Lesson

    Suggested mission story (in resource pack): The Girl Who Sang in the Goat House

    Flashcard visuals and mission story must be purchased separately.

    • $6.79
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