That's the Gospel!

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11" x 17" ,12 full-color pages
This upbeat visualized song includes teaching on Heaven, sin, how Jesus' blood paid for sin, forgiveness and how to have a changed life.

  • $10.65
  • Weight
    0.2500 lbs
  • SKU

Lyrics to this visualized song are:

(Chorus) That's the Gospel. That's the Gospel! It is the truth, you can be sure--That's the Gospel!

(Verse 1) We want to see God's home called Heaven, Where there's a street that's made of gold. But in this life of sin and darkness- We need salvation, we are told.

(Verse 2) Jesus died and shed His blood. We can be clean as the purest snow. And as we live a life believing, we will begin to change and grow!