JYC Curriculum (Jr Youth Challenge)
Perfect for 11-15 year olds. Adaptable for 16-18 year olds. Enough material for 12 to 24 sessions.
The Junior Youth Challenge curriculum has been updated with a new look! The text, PowerPoint, and reproducible handouts are now designed in full color and updated to be relevant to teenagers today.
The PowerPoint visuals and reproducible handouts are available through download only. Scan the QR code on page 7 of this lesson text to download the extra materials.
Written by our CEF Workers in Northern Ireland.
JYC The World
The World explains the origin of the Earth, how sin entered the world, salvation through Jesus Christ, assurance of salvation, separation from the world, sanctification, other religions, missions, and God’s guidance.
NKJVTwelve ready to use lessons for teens that could easily be split into 24 lessons. Perfect for teaching 11-15 year olds and adaptable to 16-18 year olds.
The Junior Youth Challenge curriculum has been updated with a new look! The text, PowerPoint, and reproducible handouts are now designed in full color and updated to be relevant to teenagers today.
The PowerPoint visuals and reproducible handouts are available through download only. Scan the QR code on page 7 of this lesson text to download the extra materials.
Lessons 1-2: How in the world did we get here?
Lessons 3-4: What in the world is wrong?
Lessons 5-6: Where in the world are you?
Lessons 7-8: In the world but not of the world.
Lessons 9-10: Who in the world is right?
Lesson 11: Why in the world am I here?
Lesson 12: Where in world should I go? -
JYC God Says
Use the God Says curriculum to help teens learn what God says about His Word, His commands, Christ, and their response to those things.
NKJVTwelve ready to use lessons for teens that could easily be split into 24 lessons. Perfect for teaching 11-15 year olds and adaptable to 16-18 year olds.
The Junior Youth Challenge curriculum has been updated with a new look! The text, PowerPoint, and reproducible handouts are now designed in full color and updated to be relevant to teenagers today.
The PowerPoint visuals and reproducible handouts are available through download only. Scan the QR code on page 7 of this lesson text to download the extra materials.
Lessons 1-2: God Says this is My Word: Why Study the Bible?, How to Study the Bible
Lessons 3-6: God Says these are My commandments: The Ten Commandments
Lessons 7-10: God Says Christ is the answer: His Deity, His Life, His Death, His Resurrection
Lessons 11-12: God Says what is your response?: Are You Saved? Are You Growing? -
JYC The Christian Soldier
The Christian Soldier describes the spiritual battle and equipment (armor of God) used in spiritual warfare. Give teens a final challenge to be sure they are in God’s army, trusting in the Commander, the Lord Jesus Christ.
Twelve ready to use lessons for teens that could easily be split into 24 lessons. Perfect for teaching 11-15 year olds and adaptable to 16-18 year olds.
NKJVThe Junior Youth Challenge curriculum has been updated with a new look! The text, PowerPoint, and reproducible handouts are now designed in full color and updated to be relevant to teenagers today.
The PowerPoint visuals and reproducible handouts are available through download only. Scan the QR code on page 7 of this lesson text to download the extra materials.
Lessons 1-4: The Battle: Spiritual Warfare, The Enemy's Strategy, Joining the Army, and Ready for Battle
Lessons 5-11: The Equipment: The Belt of Truth, The Breastplate of Righteousness, The Shoes of the Gospel of Peace, The Shield of Faith, The Helmet of Salvation, The Sword of the Spirit, and Praying Always.
Lesson 12: What is your response? -
JYC Following Jesus
Following Jesus answers the question “Why follow Jesus?” through a study of the lives of Peter, John, Judas, Andrew, and Mary.
NKJVTwelve ready to use lessons for teens that could easily be split into 24 lessons. Perfect for teaching 11-15 year olds and adaptable to 16-18 year olds.
The Junior Youth Challenge curriculum has been updated with a new look! The text, PowerPoint, and reproducible handouts are now designed in full color and updated to be relevant to teenagers today.
The PowerPoint visuals and reproducible handouts are available through download only. Scan the QR code on page 7 of this lesson text to download the extra materials.
Lesson 1: Why Follow Jesus?
Lessons 2-3: Peter: Changed Forever, Failures and Victories
Lessons 4-5: John: A Devoted Follower, Looking Forward
Lessons 6-7: Judas: Pretending to Follow, On the Road to Ruin
Lessons 8-9: Andrew: Bringing Others to Jesus, Sharing the Message
Lessons 10-11: Mary: Freed From Sin, Empowered to Serve
Lesson 12: Being a True Believer -
JYC God's Way
New version coming soon!
God’s Way is divided into three parts:
Lessons 1 - 4: The Way to God : The True God; Barriers and Blessings; The Bridge of Salvation: Justification
Lessons 5 - 10: Living God's Way: Fruit of the Spirit; Authority; Possessions; Morality; Time
Lessons 11 - 12: Final Challenge: Choose God’s Way; Trust God on the Way