Party Clubâ„¢ Lessons
CEF Press offers special one-part lessons for special occasions. Full-color visuals come with English text that includes Party Club™ invitations, songs, review games, memory verse visuals, and more. Themes include Easter, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Back-to-school, missions, Christian heroes, and evangelistic.
The Ice Cream MESSage
Revised 2019
The Gospel is clearly presented in this Party Club lesson, “The Ice Cream MESSage.” Diego provides an example of Christian living as he remembers God’s Word, asks for God’s help, and does the right thing. Saved children will be encouraged to stand up for what’s right even through peer pressure. Boys and girls will enjoy this ice cream themed party as they play games, sing songs, and learn from God’s Word.
Suggested songs: "His Name Is Jesus", "Christ Redeemed Us," and "I'll Stand for God"
Includes 11 x 17 full-color visuals and the English text -
The Thank You Spy
The Thank-You Spy Party Club(formerly “Caleb, The Thank-You Spy)
In this Party Club lesson, Carlos doesn’t feel like giving thanks or playing his favorite spy games because the military has moved his family again! His dad’s imminent deployment weighs heavily on Carlos’ mind. Through a series of clues and hidden messages children will discover that because of Jesus, Carlos always has reasons to thank God. Children will be sure to enjoy this story with a spy-themed game, activity ideas and teaching helps!
Includes suggestions for using with military children
Comes with 11 X 17 visuals and lesson text
Recommended songs
“His Name Is Jesus” and “Three Questions" -
Dinosaur Tracks
Kids love dinosaurs! Sadly, dinosaurs are used extensively as evidence or even “proof” that God’s Word is unreliable and outdated. But dinosaurs are remarkable evidence that God knows everything and we can trust His Word!
Use this Party Club lesson to help children understand that they can fully trust God’s Word and respond to His love by believing in His Son as their Savior.
Includes Large 11 x 17 visuals and the lesson text.
Party Club helps for a "Dino Party" include snack and craft ideas, reproducibles and Dino games (Stegosaurus Stomp, Velociraptor Relay, Tricky Triceratops Toss and more!)
Suggested memory verse: Genesis 1:1 -
The Greatest Valentine
Valentine's Day is more than roses, hearts and candy! This Party Club lesson shares the message of God's eternal love--the greatest valentine ever! Tell the story of Valentine, a Christian who risked his life to obey God and share His love with others in ancient Rome.
Includes valentine-themed games, activities, a foldable memory verse object lesson, plus optional resources to encourage children to pray for the persecuted church. Roses are red, violets are blue, God wants to reach kids and He wants to use you!
Suggested songs: The 7 MIT (Most Important Things) and verse song Jeremiah 31:3 found on One Way music CD. Christ Redeemed US found on Sing about the King 1 and 4.11 x 17 visuals and lesson text
Blast Off! The Story of Johannes Kepler
Blast Off!—The Story of Johannes Kepler is a space-themed Party Club lesson that uses the wonders of the universe to help children learn that God the Creator has power to save them from sin and take care of them. Includes reproducibles (ESV and KJV memory verse bookmarks, invitations, review games, skit), snack suggestions, intergalactic interactive games. Sharing the Gospel with children isn’t rocket science, but you can use a bit of rocket science to share the Gospel with children!
11" x 17" flashcard visuals with English lesson text
A Day to Remember printed visuals, text & FREE Resource PPT download
A Day to Remember tells of the everlasting impact of the Christmas story. Follow Chathuri, a young girl from Sri Lanka, as she discovers the true meaning of Christmas after experiencing a devastating tsunami. Through this true story, children will learn how they can trust God’s promises, even during hard times. The art for this lesson was drawn by a talented artist who is also from Sri Lanka.
Because this lesson is based on a story from 2004 rather than a Bible lesson about the Christmas story, it can easily be adjusted to be used for a party club at a different time of year if desired.
Suggested songs: I Look to You, Go Tell It on the Mountain, 1 John 4:14 (all available as MP3 and MP4)11"x17" visuals
Secret of the Watermelon
Through this Party Club story of Jon's visit to his grandfather's farm children learn how the colors of the watermelon can be used to share the Gospel. Children will never forget this unique lesson or the fun they have at your watermelon party! Reproducible invitations, games and other ideas included.
Includes Flashcard visuals 12” x 9” (30.5 x 22.8 cm) and the English text.
Shawn's Search for True Love (Valentine)
Shawn struggles with his parents' divorce in this powerful Party Club lesson. He finds unconditional love in Jesus. Through a valentine party share Jesus' love and free gift of salvation.
Includes flashcard visuals (8.75" x 11.75") and the English text