Chinese Traditional and Simplified PowerPoint Downloads
简体 (Simplified Chinese)
受万国儿童布道团 (CEF) 版权保护的音乐、视频和投影片/简报(PowerPoint) 演示文稿只能复制给一个喜乐团或一个班级的教学团队使用。
繁體 (Traditional Chinese)
受萬國兒童佈道團 (CEF) 版權保護的音樂、視頻和投影片/簡報(PowerPoint) 演示文稿只能複製給一個喜樂團或一個班級的教學團隊使用。
無字書——繁體課文PDF下載版 The Wordless Book Visualized - Simplified Chinese text PDF download
This six-lesson series teaches God's Good News by digging deep into the message of salvation using the colors of The Wordless Book. Lesson text for six lessons on colors of the Wordless Book. Includes lesson outlines, detailed story line, review questions, memory verse teaching and more.
Lesson 1 - The Gold Page (Topical Evangelistic) (Heaven, God's holiness, Gen. 1--2; Rev. 21--22) Memory verse: John 3:16
Lesson 2 - The Dark Page (Evangelistic Narrative) (Sin and its consequences--Adam and Eve, Gen. 1--3) Memory verse: Romans 3:23
Lesson 3 - The Red Page (Doctrinal Evangelistic) (Jesus, God's promised Messiah, Matt. 1:18-25; 4:1-11; 26:1-5; Lk. 1:26-38; 2:1-21,41-52; 23:34; Jn. 19:1--20:10) Memory verse: 1 Corinthians 15:3-4
Lesson 4 - The Clean Page (Doctrinal Evangelistic) (Believe Jesus as risen Lord and Savior, Jn 20; Acts 1:6-11) Memory verse: John 1:12
Lesson 5 - The Green Page (Growth Narrative) (God's Word helps us grow--Young King Josiah reads God's book of the law, 2 Kings 22--23:8) Memory verse: 2 Peter 3:18
Lesson 6 – Crazy Color Celebration Review Lesson第一课——金色页(主题布道) (天堂、神的圣洁,创世记1-2;启示录21-22) 金句:约翰福音3:16
第二课——黑暗页(布道叙述) (罪及其后果——亚当和夏娃, 创世记1-3) 金句:罗马书3:23
第三课——红色页(布道教义) (耶稣、神应许的弥赛亚,马太福音1:18-25;4:1-11;26:1-5;路加福音1:26-38;2:1-21,41-52;23:34;约翰福音19:1-20:10) 金句:哥林多前书15:3-4
第四课——洁净页(布道教义) (相信耶稣是复活的主及救主,约翰福音20;使徒行传1:6-11) 金句:约翰福音1:12
第五课——绿色页(成长叙述) (神的话语帮助我们成长——年轻的约西亚王读了神的律法书,列王纪下22-23:8) 金句:彼得后书3:18
第六课——疯狂颜色庆祝复习派對Flashcard visuals must be purchased separately
画册视觉教材必须单独购买。 -
無字書——繁體課文PDF下載版 The Wordless Book Visualized - Traditional Chinese text PDF download
This six-lesson series teaches God's Good News by digging deep into the message of salvation using the colors of The Wordless Book. Lesson text for six lessons on colors of the Wordless Book. Includes lesson outlines, detailed story line, review questions, memory verse teaching and more.
Lesson 1 - The Gold Page (Topical Evangelistic) (Heaven, God's holiness, Gen. 1--2; Rev. 21--22) Memory verse: John 3:16
Lesson 2 - The Dark Page (Evangelistic Narrative) (Sin and its consequences--Adam and Eve, Gen. 1--3) Memory verse: Romans 3:23
Lesson 3 - The Red Page (Doctrinal Evangelistic) (Jesus, God's promised Messiah, Matt. 1:18-25; 4:1-11; 26:1-5; Lk. 1:26-38; 2:1-21,41-52; 23:34; Jn. 19:1--20:10) Memory verse: 1 Corinthians 15:3-4
Lesson 4 - The Clean Page (Doctrinal Evangelistic) (Believe Jesus as risen Lord and Savior, Jn 20; Acts 1:6-11) Memory verse: John 1:12
Lesson 5 - The Green Page (Growth Narrative) (God's Word helps us grow--Young King Josiah reads God's book of the law, 2 Kings 22--23:8) Memory verse: 2 Peter 3:18
Lesson 6 – Crazy Color Celebration Review Lesson第一課——金色頁(主題佈道) (天堂、神的聖潔,創世記1-2;啟示錄21-22) 金句:約翰福音3:16
第二課——黑暗頁(佈道敘述) (罪及其後果——亞當和夏娃, 創世記1-3) 金句:羅馬書3:23
第三課——紅色頁(佈道教義) (耶穌、神應許的彌賽亞,馬太福音1:18-25;4:1-11;26:1-5;路加福音1:26-38;2:1-21,41-52;23:34;約翰福音19:1-20:10) 金句:哥林多前書15:3-4
第四課——潔淨頁(佈道教義) (相信耶穌是復活的主及救主,約翰福音20;使徒行傳1:6-11) 金句:約翰福音1:12
第五課——綠色頁(成長敘述) (神的話語幫助我們成長——年輕的約西亞王讀了神的律法書,列王紀下22-23:8) 金句:彼得後書3:18
第六課——瘋狂顏色慶祝複習派對Flashcard visuals must be purchased separately
畫冊視覺教材必須單獨購買。 -
回轉——繁體資源和PPT下載版 Turned Around Resource & PPT Download Traditional Chinese
This product is a download. Once purchased, you will get a link sent to your email address to access the file.
本產品是下載版。購買後,您將收到一個連結,該連結會發送到您的電子郵件的地址然後才可以下載檔案。PowerPoint visuals and PDF lesson text to teach five lessons for Turned Around. Includes PowerPoint visuals for flashcards, memory verses, lyrics to suggested songs.
使用PPT視覺教材和PDF課程教案來教導《回轉》的五課內容。包含畫冊的PPT視覺教材、金句(新標點和合本)、建議的詩歌和歌詞。Lesson 1- Zacchaeus (Luke 19:1-10) Memory verse: Luke 19:10
Lesson 2 - Mephibosheth (2 Samuel 4:4; 5:1-5; 9:1-13) Memory verse: Ephesians 2:8
Lesson 3 - Noah (Genesis 6-8; 2 Peter 2:5) Memory Verse: Ephesians 2:8-9
Lesson 4 - Saul (Acts 8:3-4; 9:1-22) Memory verse: Romans 5:8
Lesson 5 - The Ethiopian Treasurer (Acts 8:26-40) Memory verse: Romans 5:8
第一課——撒該(路加福音19:1-10) 金句:路加福音19:10
第二課——米非波設(撒母耳記下 4:4; 5:1-5; 9:1-13)金句:以弗所書 2:8
第三課——挪亞(創世記 6-8;彼得後書 2:5)金句:以弗所書 2:8-9
第四課——掃羅(使徒行傳 8:3-4; 9:1-22)金句:羅馬書 5:8
第五課——埃提阿伯銀庫總管(使徒行傳 8:26-40)金句:羅馬書 5:8Includes visuals, texts, song visuals and sheet music, tokens, coloring sheets, Bible map, puppet scripts, study questions and other club organization tools as well as preschool lessons and helps.
包含視覺教材、課文、詩歌視覺教材及歌譜、金句卡、著色紙、聖經地圖、短劇的劇本、研讀問題和另外聖經班行政使用的工具以及學齡前的課程和幫助等。 -
回转——简体资源和PPT下载版 Turned Around Resource & PPT Download Simplified Chinese
This product is a download. Once purchased, you will get a link sent to your email address to access the file.
本产品是下载版。购买后,您将收到一个链接,该链接会发送到您的电子邮件的地址然后才可以下载文件。PowerPoint visuals and PDF lesson text to teach five lessons for Turned Around. Includes PowerPoint visuals for flashcards, memory verses, lyrics to suggested songs.
使用PPT视觉教材和PDF课程教案来教导《回转》的五课内容。包含画册的PPT视觉教材、金句(新标点和合本)、建议的诗歌和歌词。Lesson 1- Zacchaeus (Luke 19:1-10) Memory verse: Luke 19:10
Lesson 2 -Mephibosheth (2 Samuel 4:4; 5:1-5; 9:1-13) Memory verse: Ephesians 2:8
Lesson 3 - Noah (Genesis 6-8; 2 Peter 2:5) Memory Verse: Ephesians 2:8-9
Lesson 4 - Saul (Acts 8:3-4; 9:1-22) Memory verse: Romans 5:8
Lesson 5 - The Ethiopian Treasurer (Acts 8:26-40) Memory verse: Romans 5:8
第二课——米非波设(撒母耳记下 4:4; 5:1-5; 9:1-13)金句:以弗所书 2:8
第三课——挪亚(创世记 6-8;彼得后书 2:5)金句:以弗所书 2:8-9
第四课——扫罗(使徒行传 8:3-4; 9:1-22)金句:罗马书 5:8
第五课——埃提阿伯银库总管(使徒行传 8:26-40)金句:罗马书 5:8Includes visuals, texts, song visuals and sheet music, tokens, coloring sheets, Bible map, puppet scripts, study questions and other club organization tools as well as preschool lessons and helps.
包含视觉教材、课文、诗歌视觉教材及歌谱、金句卡、着色纸、圣经地图、短剧的剧本、研读问题和另外圣经班行政使用的工具以及学龄前的课程和帮助等。 -
神的教會在擴展:保羅的事奉——繁體課文PDF下載版 God's Church Expands: The Ministry of Paul – Traditional Chinese text PDF download
This six-lesson series teaches children about the ministry of Paul and encourages them to live a life boldly for Jesus.
Lesson 1 - Paul Boldly Tells Others about Jesus (Growth Narrative) (Acts 1:8-9; 9:1-23, Acts 13) Memory verse:Romans 1:16a
Lesson 2 - God Is with Paul in Prison (Growth Narrative) (Acts 16) Memory verse: Romans 1:16a, b
Lesson 3 - God Sends Paul to Athens (Evangelitic Narrative) (Acts 17) Memory verse: Romans 1:16
Lesson 4 - God Keeps His Promise to Paul (GrowthNarrative)(Acts 19:21; 23:11; 27; 28:1, 7-11, 16) Memory verse: Ephesians 6:10
Lesson 5 - Paul Encourages Believers to Stand Firm (Topical Growth) (Acts 18:18-21; Eph. 1:4-13; 3:1; 6:10-20) Memory verse: Ephesians 6:10
Lesson 6 - Review Party -第一課——保羅放膽傳講耶穌(靈命成長敘述課程)(使徒行傳1:8-9;9:1-23;13 章)(金句:羅馬書1:16上)
第二課——神與監獄中的保羅和西拉同在(靈命成長敘述課程)(使徒行傳16章)(金句:羅馬書1:16上-中) 第三課——神差派保羅去雅典(佈道敘述課程)(使徒行傳17章)(金句:羅馬書1:16)
第四課——神信守對保羅的應許(靈命成長敘述課程)(使徒行傳 19:21;23:11;27章 ;28:1, 7-11, 16)(金句:以弗所書 6:10)
第五課——保羅鼓勵信徒站立得穩(靈命成長主題課程)(使徒行傳 18:18-21; 以弗所書 1:4-13;3:1; 6:10-20)(金句:以弗所書 6:10)
複習派對Suggested mission story (in resource pack): A Special Job for an Ordinary Boy
Text includes a master planning chart, schedule, lesson overview and outline, detailed story line, review questions, memory verse teaching and more!
Flashcard visuals and mission story must be purchased separately.
神的教会在扩展:保罗的事奉——简体课文PDF下载版 God's Church Expands: The Ministry of Paul – Simplified Chinese text PDF download
This six-lesson series teaches children about the ministry of Paul and encourages them to live a life boldly for Jesus.
Lesson 1 - Paul Boldly Tells Others about Jesus (Growth Narrative) (Acts 1:8-9; 9:1-23, Acts 13) Memory verse:Romans 1:16a
Lesson 2 - God Is with Paul in Prison (Growth Narrative) (Acts 16) Memory verse: Romans 1:16a, b
Lesson 3 - God Sends Paul to Athens (Evangelitic Narrative) (Acts 17) Memory verse: Romans 1:16
Lesson 4 - God Keeps His Promise to Paul (GrowthNarrative)(Acts 19:21; 23:11; 27; 28:1, 7-11, 16) Memory verse: Ephesians 6:10
Lesson 5 - Paul Encourages Believers to Stand Firm (Topical Growth) (Acts 18:18-21; Eph. 1:4-13; 3:1; 6:10-20) Memory verse: Ephesians 6:10
Lesson 6 - Review Party -第一课——保罗放胆传讲耶稣(灵命成长叙述课程)(使徒行传1:8-9;9:1-23;13 章)(金句:罗马书1:16上)
第二课——神与监狱中的保罗和西拉同在(灵命成长叙述课程)(使徒行传16章)(金句:罗马书1:16上-中) 第三课——神差派保罗去雅典(布道叙述课程)(使徒行传17章)(金句:罗马书1:16)
第四课——神信守对保罗的应许(灵命成长叙述课程)(使徒行传 19:21;23:11;27章 ;28:1, 7-11, 16)(金句:以弗所书 6:10)
第五课——保罗鼓励信徒站立得稳(灵命成长主题课程)(使徒行传 18:18-21; 以弗所书 1:4-13;3:1; 6:10-20)(金句:以弗所书 6:10)
复习派对Suggested mission story (in resource pack): A Special Job for an Ordinary Boy
Text includes a master planning chart, schedule, lesson overview and outline, detailed story line, review questions, memory verse teaching and more!
Flashcard visuals and mission story must be purchased separately.
一個普通男孩的特殊任務——繁體課文PDF和 PPT下載版 A Special Job for an Ordinary Boy –Traditional Chinese text PDF & PPT download
In each exciting lesson children will discover how Richard Roe, a missionary to the Philippines, developed a special friendship with a young boy named Nard, and how they worked together to share about the love of Jesus with people in the Philippines.
Can be taught in six short sessions or one longer session.
在每一堂精彩的課程中,孩子們將發現菲律賓宣教士理查德•羅鷗(Richard Roe)如何與一個名叫納德(Nard)的小男孩建立起特殊的友誼,以及他們如何一起努力與菲律賓人分享耶穌的愛。
一个普通男孩的特殊任务——简体课文PDF和PPT下载版 A Special Job for an Ordinary Boy – Simplified Chinese text PDF download
In each exciting lesson children will discover how Richard Roe, a missionary to the Philippines, developed a special friendship with a young boy named Nard, and how they worked together to share about the love of Jesus with people in the Philippines.
Can be taught in six short sessions or one longer session.
在每一堂精彩的课程中,孩子们将发现菲律宾宣教士理查德•罗鸥(Richard Roe)如何与一个名叫纳德(Nard)的小男孩建立起特殊的友谊,以及他们如何一起努力与菲律宾人分享耶稣的爱。
難忘的一天——繁體課文 PDF和PPT下載版 - A Day to Remember text & PPT download - Traditional Chinese text PDF & PPT download
A Day to Remember tells of the everlasting impact of the Christmas story. Follow Chathuri, a young girl from Sri Lanka, as she discovers the true meaning of Christmas after experiencing a devastating tsunami. Through this true story, children will learn how they can trust God’s promises, even during hard times. The art for this lesson was drawn by a talented artist who is also from Sri Lanka.
《難忘的一天》講述了聖誕節故事的永恆影響。跟隨來自斯里蘭卡的年輕女孩查圖莉(Chathuri) ,她在經歷毀滅性的海嘯後,發現了聖誕節的真正意義。通過這個真實的故事,孩童將學習如何相信神的應許,即使在困難的時刻也是如此。本課的插圖是由一位來自斯里蘭卡的才華洋溢的插圖畫家所繪製的。
Because this lesson is based on a story from 2004 rather than a Bible lesson about the Christmas story, it can easily be adjusted to be used for a party club at a different time of year if desired.因為本課是基於2004年的一個故事,而不是關於聖誕節故事的聖經課程。所以如果需要,可以很容易地調整為在一年中的不同時間用於派對聚會。
Suggested songs: I Look to You, Go Tell It on the Mountain, 1 John 4:14建議詩歌:我仰望祢,到各山嶺去傳揚,約翰一書4:14
Digital Download Only包括PPT視覺教材和中文本
难忘的一天——简体课文 PDF和PPT下载版 - A Day to Remember text & Resource PPT download - Simplified Chinese text PDF & PPT download
A Day to Remember tells of the everlasting impact of the Christmas story. Follow Chathuri, a young girl from Sri Lanka, as she discovers the true meaning of Christmas after experiencing a devastating tsunami. Through this true story, children will learn how they can trust God’s promises, even during hard times. The art for this lesson was drawn by a talented artist who is also from Sri Lanka.
《难忘的一天》讲述了圣诞节故事的永恒影响。跟随来自斯里兰卡的年轻女孩查图莉(Chathuri) ,她在经历毁灭性的海啸后,发现了圣诞节的真正意义。通过这个真实的故事,孩童将学习如何相信神的应许,即使在困难的时刻也是如此。本课的插图是由一位来自斯里兰卡的才华洋溢的插图画家所绘制的。
Because this lesson is based on a story from 2004 rather than a Bible lesson about the Christmas story, it can easily be adjusted to be used for a party club at a different time of year if desired.因为本课是基于2004年的一个故事,而不是关于圣诞节故事的圣经课程。所以如果需要,可以很容易地调整为在一年中的不同时间用于派对聚会。
Suggested songs: I Look to You, Go Tell It on the Mountain, 1 John 4:14建议诗歌:我仰望祢,到各山岭去传扬,约翰一书4:14
Digital Download Only包括PPT视觉教材和中文本
雅各.德沙哲——繁體課文PDF和PPT下載版 Jacob DeShazer - Traditional Chinese text PDF & PPT download
Jacob struggled to obey God and love his enemies while imprisoned in a Japanese prison camp during World War II but later returned to Japan as a missionary. Children will be encouraged to love and share the Gospel with those who persecute them even when it's hard.
雅各在第二次世界大戰期間被囚禁在日本戰俘營時,努力順服神並愛祂的敵人,但後來他以宣教士的身份返回日本。孩子們宣將被鼓勵去愛那些迫害他們的人,並與他們分享福音,即使這很困難。Can be taught in six short sessions or one longer session.
可以分六個短期課程或一個更長的課程進行教學。(Also included in God Rules: Be Strong resource packs and as a PowerPoint Download.)
(也包括在英文《神掌權要剛強》英文資源包中和PPT下载版)。 -
雅各.德沙哲——简体课文PDF和PPT下载版 Jacob DeShazer - Simplified Chinese text PDF & PPT download
Jacob struggled to obey God and love his enemies while imprisoned in a Japanese prison camp during World War II but later returned to Japan as a missionary. Children will be encouraged to love and share the Gospel with those who persecute them even when it's hard.
雅各在第二次世界大战期间被囚禁在日本战俘营时,努力顺服神并爱祂的敌人,但后来他以宣教士的身份返回日本。孩子们宣将被鼓励去爱那些迫害他们的人,并与他们分享福音,即使这很困难。Can be taught in six short sessions or one longer session.
可以分六个短期课程或一个更长的课程进行教学。(Also included in God Rules: Be Strong resource packs and as a PowerPoint Download.)
(也包括在英文《神掌权要刚强》英文资源包中和PPT下載版)。 -
具約翰——繁體課文 PDF和PPT下載版 John Cook - Traditional Chinese text PDF & PPT download
John Cook was used by God to reach many boys and girls for Christ. Serving with Child Evangelism Fellowship both in South Korea and the United States. Your kids will love hearing how God used a house fire, life in an orphanage, and some 'coincidences' to bring John to faith in Christ.
John and Lois Cook 'retired' from CEF but continue to work with Korean churches in the USA and travel back to Korea.
具約翰(John Cook)被神使用,帶領許多兒童歸向基督。在韓國和美國的萬國兒童佈道團事奉。你的孩子會喜歡聽神如何使用房屋火災、孤兒院的生活,以及一些「巧合」來使約翰相信基督。
Can be taught in six short sessions or one longer session.
可以分六個短期課程或一個更長的課程進行教學。Includes PPT visuals and the Chinese text
包括PPT視覺教材和中文本。(Also included in God's Plan in Action: the Early Church resource packs.)
(也包括在《神的計畫在進行》資源包中和PPT下載版)。 -
具约翰——简体课文PDF和PPT下载版 John Cook - Simplified Chinese text PDF & PPT download
John Cook was used by God to reach many boys and girls for Christ. Serving with Child Evangelism Fellowship both in South Korea and the United States. Your kids will love hearing how God used a house fire, life in an orphanage, and some 'coincidences' to bring John to faith in Christ.
John and Lois Cook 'retired' from CEF but continue to work with Korean churches in the USA and travel back to Korea.
具约翰(John Cook)被神使用,带领许多儿童归向基督。在韩国和美国的万国儿童布道团事奉。你的孩子会喜欢听神如何使用房屋火灾、孤儿院的生活,以及一些“巧合”来使约翰相信基督。
Can be taught in six short sessions or one longer session.
可以分六个短期课程或一个更长的课程进行教学。Includes PPT visuals and the Chinese text
包括PPT视觉教材和中文本。(Also included in God's Plan in Action: the Early Church resource packs.)
(也包括在《神的计划在进行》资源包中和PPT下载版)。 -
皮特·門賈雷斯——繁體課文PDF和PPT下載版 Pete Menjares - Traditional Chinese text PDF & PPT download
Pete Menjares, a former drug addict and gang member, experienced God's transforming power and learned that God's path was best for him. Children will learn that God's plans are best and He can save anyone.
皮特·門賈雷斯(Pete Menjares)曾是吸毒者和幫派成員,他經歷了神改變的力量,並了解神的道路對他來說是最好的。兒童將了解神的計劃是最好的,祂可以拯救任何人。
Includes PPT visuals and the Chinese text
包括PPT視覺教材和中文本(Also included in God: The One to Follow resource packs)
(也包括在《神:唯一值得跟隨的那位》英文資源包中和PPT下載版)。 -
皮特·门贾雷斯——简体课文PDF和PPT下载版 Pete Menjares - Simplified Chinese text PDF & PPT download
Pete Menjares, a former drug addict and gang member, experienced God's transforming power and learned that God's path was best for him. Children will learn that God's plans are best and He can save anyone.
皮特·门贾雷斯(Pete Menjares)曾是吸毒者和帮派成员,他经历了神改变的力量,并了解神的道路对他来说是最好的。儿童将了解神的计划是最好的,祂可以拯救任何人。
Includes PPT visuals and the Chinese text
包括PPT视觉教材和中文本(Also included in God: The One to Follow resource packs)
(也包括在《神:唯一值得跟隨的那位》英文資源包中和PPT下載版)。 -
什麽是宣教士?——繁體課文PDF下載版 What is Missions? –Traditional Chinese text PDF download
This series will help you teach missions, introduce a missionary and missionary offering project to your children so they can be involved in missions by knowing, praying, giving, and going.
-reproducibles included: Missionary Needs, game, and a Goal-A-Meter.這個系列將幫助你教導宣教事工,向兒童介紹宣教士和宣教奉獻項目,使他們通過「知道」(了解)、「禱告」、「奉獻」和 「去」(獻身)參與宣教事工。
-可復制的材料:《宣教士的需要》、游戲和宣教奉獻目標量表。Can be taught in six short sessions or one longer session.
(Also included in God's Church Expands: The Ministry of Paul resource packs and as a PowerPoint Download.)(也包括在英文《無字書》英文資源包中和PPT下载版)。
什么是宣教士?——简体课文PDF下载版 What is Missions? – Simplified Chinese text PDF download
This series will help you teach missions, introduce a missionary and missionary offering project to your children so they can be involved in missions by knowing, praying, giving, and going.
-reproducibles included: Missionary Needs, game, and a Goal-A-Meter.这个系列将帮助你教导宣教事工,向儿童介绍宣教士和宣教奉献项目,使他们通过了解“知道”(了解)、“祷告”、“奉献”和 “去”(献身)参与宣教事工。
-可复制的材料:《宣教士的需要》、游戏和宣教奉献目标量表。Can be taught in six short sessions or one longer session.
(Also included in The Wordless Book Visualized resource packs and as a PowerPoint Download.)(也包括在英文《无字书》英文资源包中和PPT下載版)。
艾偉德——繁體課文 PDF下載版 Gladys Aylward - Traditional Chinese text PDF download
Gladys Aylward chose to follow God’s call to serve in China even though she had little money and was unable to make it through missionary school. God used her to reach a whole community in China with the Gospel and help 100 children flee to safety during WWII.
Can be taught in six short sessions or one longer session.
艾伟德——简体课文 PDF下载版 Gladys Aylward - Simplified Chinese text PDF download
Gladys Aylward chose to follow God’s call to serve in China even though she had little money and was unable to make it through missionary school. God used her to reach a whole community in China with the Gospel and help 100 children flee to safety during WWII.
Can be taught in six short sessions or one longer session.
神掌權:要剛強(但以理)——繁體課文 PDF下載版 God Rules: Be Strong (Daniel) -Traditional Chinese text PDF download
This six lesson series outlines the life of Daniel and his courage to stand for God. Text includes a master planning chart, schedule, lesson overview and outline, detailed story line, review questions, memory verse teaching and more!
Lesson 1 - God Is Honored by Four Young Men (Growth Narrative) (Dan. 1)
Memory verse: Ephesians 6:10
Lesson 2 - God Gives Wisdom to Daniel (Growth Narrative) (Dan. 2)
Memory verse: James 1:5
Lesson 3 - God Delivers in the Fiery Furnace (Growth Narrative) (Dan. 3)
Memory verse: Ephesians 6:10
Lesson 4 - God Confronts the Sin of King Belshazzar (Growth Narrative) (Dan. 5)
Memory verse: 1 John 1:9
Lesson 5 - God Rescues Daniel in the Lions' Den (Growth Narrative) (Dan. 6)
Memory verse: Ephesians 6:10
Lesson 6 - BIG Review Party第1課——四個年輕人榮耀神(靈命成長敘述課程)(但以理書第1章)金句: 以弗所書6:10
第2課——神賜予但以理智慧(靈命成長敘述課程)(但以理書第2章)金句: 雅各書1:5
第3課——神從火窰中拯救 (靈命成長敘述課程)(但以理書第3章)金句: 以弗所書6:10
第4課——神當面對質伯沙撒王的罪(靈命成長敘述課程)(但以理書第5章)金句: 約翰一書1:9
第5課——神拯救在獅子坑中的但以理(靈命成長敘述課程)(但以理書第6章)金句: 以弗所書6:10
第6課——大型複習派對!Suggested mission story (in resource pack): Jacob DeShazer
Flashcard visuals and mission story must be purchased separately
神掌权:要刚强(但以理)——简体课文 PDF下载版 God Rules: Be Strong (Daniel) -Simplified Chinese text PDF download
This six lesson series outlines the life of Daniel and his courage to stand for God. Text includes a master planning chart, schedule, lesson overview and outline, detailed story line, review questions, memory verse teaching and more!
Lesson 1 - God Is Honored by Four Young Men (Growth Narrative) (Dan. 1)
Memory verse: Ephesians 6:10
Lesson 2 - God Gives Wisdom to Daniel (Growth Narrative) (Dan. 2)
Memory verse: James 1:5
Lesson 3 - God Delivers in the Fiery Furnace (Growth Narrative) (Dan. 3)
Memory verse: Ephesians 6:10
Lesson 4 - God Confronts the Sin of King Belshazzar (Growth Narrative) (Dan. 5)
Memory verse: 1 John 1:9
Lesson 5 - God Rescues Daniel in the Lions' Den (Growth Narrative) (Dan. 6)
Memory verse: Ephesians 6:10
Lesson 6 - BIG Review Party第1课——四个年轻人荣耀神 (灵命成长叙述课程)(但以理书第1章)金句: 以弗所书6:10
第2课——神赐予但以理智慧(灵命成长叙述课程)(但以理书第2章)金句: 雅各书1:5
第3课——神从火窰中拯救 (灵命成长叙述课程)(但以理书第3章)金句: 以弗所书6:10
第4课——神当面对质伯沙撒王的罪(灵命成长叙述课程)(但以理书第5章)金句: 约翰一书1:9
第5课——神拯救在狮子坑中的但以理(灵命成长叙述课程)(但以理书第6章)金句: 以弗所书6:10
第6课——大型复习派对!Suggested mission story (in resource pack): Jacob DeShazer
Flashcard visuals and mission story must be purchased separately
神:唯一值得跟隨的那位——繁體課文 PDF下載版 God: The One to Follow -Traditional Chinese text PDF download
This six-lesson series from the life of Peter encourages children to follow God each day. Text includes a master planning chart, schedule, lesson overview and outline, detailed story line, review questions, memory verse teaching and more!
Lesson 1 - Peter Meets Jesus (Growth Narrative) (Lk. 5:1-11; Jn. 1:35-42)
Memory verse: 2 Peter 3:18
Lesson 2 - Peter Walks on Water with Jesus (Growth Narrative) (Matt. 14:22-33)
Memory verse: 2 Peter 3:18
Lesson 3 - Peter's Denial and Restoration (Growth Narrative) (Lk. 22:31-34, 54-62; 24:1-10; Jn. 21:1-19) Memory verse: 2 Corinthians 5:17
Lesson 4 - Peter Learns the Gospel Is for Everyone (Evangelistic Narrative) (Acts 10:1-48) Memory verse: 2 Corinthians 5:17
Lesson 5 - Peter and Rhoda (Growth Narrative) (Acts 12:1-19) Memory verse: 1 Peter 5:7
Lesson 6 - Under the Sea Review Party第1課——彼得遇見耶穌(靈命成長敘述課程)(路5:1-11; 約1:35-42)金句: 彼得後書3:18
第2課——彼得與耶穌在水面上行走(靈命成長敘述課程)(太14:22-33)金句: 彼得後書3:18
第3課——彼得不認主和被赦免(靈命成長敘述課程) (路22:31-34, 54-62; 24:1-10; 約21:1-19) 金句: 哥林多後書5:17
第4課——彼得學會福音是給每一個人的!(佈道敘述課程)(徒 10:1-48)金句: 哥林多後書5:17
第5課——彼得與羅大(靈命成長敘述課程) (徒12:1-19)金句: 彼得前書5:7
第6課——海底複習派對!Suggested mission story (in resource pack): Pete Menjares
Flashcard visuals and mission story must be purchased separately
神:唯一值得跟随的那位 ——简体课文 PDF下载版 God: The One to Follow -Simplified Chinese text PDF download
This six-lesson series from the life of Peter encourages children to follow God each day. Text includes a master planning chart, schedule, lesson overview and outline, detailed story line, review questions, memory verse teaching and more!
Lesson 1 - Peter Meets Jesus (Growth Narrative) (Lk. 5:1-11; Jn. 1:35-42)
Memory verse: 2 Peter 3:18
Lesson 2 - Peter Walks on Water with Jesus (Growth Narrative) (Matt. 14:22-33)
Memory verse: 2 Peter 3:18
Lesson 3 - Peter's Denial and Restoration (Growth Narrative) (Lk. 22:31-34, 54-62; 24:1-10; Jn. 21:1-19) Memory verse: 2 Corinthians 5:17
Lesson 4 - Peter Learns the Gospel Is for Everyone (Evangelistic Narrative) (Acts 10:1-48) Memory verse: 2 Corinthians 5:17
Lesson 5 - Peter and Rhoda (Growth Narrative) (Acts 12:1-19) Memory verse: 1 Peter 5:7
Lesson 6 - Under the Sea Review Party第1课——彼得遇见耶稣(灵命成长叙述课程)(路5:1-11; 约1:35-42)金句: 彼得后书3:18第1课——彼得遇见耶稣(灵命成长叙述课程)(路5:1-11; 约1:35-42)金句: 彼得后书3:18
第2课——彼得与耶稣在水面上行走(灵命成长叙述课程)(太14:22-33)金句: 彼得后书3:18
第3课——彼得不认主和被赦免(灵命成长叙述课程) (路22:31-34, 54-62; 24:1-10; 约21:1-19) 金句: 哥林多后书5:17
第4课——彼得学会福音是给每一个人的!(布道叙述课程)(徒 10:1-48)金句: 哥林多后书5:17
第5课——彼得与罗大(灵命成长叙述课程) (徒12:1-19)金句: 彼得前书5:7
第6课——海底复习派对! 第1課——彼得遇見耶穌(靈命成長敘述課程)(路5:1-11; 約1:35-42)金句: 彼得後書3:18第2課——彼得與耶穌在水面上行走(靈命成長敘述課程)(太14:22-33)金句: 彼得後書3:18第3課——彼得不認主和被赦免(靈命成長敘述課程) (路22:31-34, 54-62; 24:1-10; 約21:1-19) 金句: 哥林多後書5:17第4課——彼得學會福音是給每一個人的!(佈道敘述課程)(徒 10:1-48)金句: 哥林多後書5:17第5課——彼得與羅大(靈命成長敘述課程) (徒12:1-19)金句: 彼得前書5:7
第6課——海底複習派對!Suggested mission story (in resource pack): Pete Menjares
Flashcard visuals and mission story must be purchased separately
耶穌:大能榮耀的神——繁體課文 PDF下載版 Jesus: God of Power and Glory --Traditional Chinese text PDF download
The powerful ministry of Jesus is explained through this six-lesson series. Lesson text includes lesson outlines, detailed story line, review questions, memory verse teaching and more! Memory verses teaches the Lord's Prayer.
Lesson 1 - Jesus Teaches with Power (Topical Evangelistic) (Heb. 1:1-2; Matt. 4:23-25; Jn. 10:22-31; 14:1-6; Mk. 1:21-22; 7:1-9) Memory verse: Matthew 6:9
Lesson 2 - Jesus Calms a Terrible Storm (Growth Narrative) (Mark 4:35-41)
Memory verse: Matthew 6:10
Lesson 3 - Jesus Feeds a Huge Crowd (Evangelistic Narrative) (John 6; Mark 6:30-44) Memory verse: Matthew 6:11
Lesson 4 - Jesus Offers Hope to a Samaritan Leper (Evangelistic Narrative) (Lk. 17:11-19; Lev. 13:45-46; 14:2) Memory verse: Matthew 6:12
Lesson 5 - Jesus Explains His Awesome Plan (Doctrinal Evangelistic) (Matt. 16:13-17, 21-23; 17:1-9) Memory verse Matthew 6:13
Lesson 6 - Penguin Party! Review Lesson and Memory verse review: Matthew 6:9-13第1課——耶穌帶著權柄教導 (主題佈道課程) (來 1:1-2; 太 4:23-25; 約10:22-31; 14:1-6; 可 1:21-22; 7:1-9) 金句:馬太福音6:9
第2課——耶穌平靜可怕的風浪(靈命成長敘述課程) (可 4:35-41)金句:馬太福音6:10
第3課——耶穌餵飽了一大群人(佈道敘述課程) (約 6; 可 6:30-44)金句:馬太福音6:11
第4課——耶穌賜盼望給撒馬利亞痲瘋病人(佈道敘述課程) (路17:11-19; 利13:45-46; 14:2)
金句: 馬太福音6:12
第5課——耶穌講解祂的奇妙計劃 (佈道教義課程) (太16:13-17, 21-23; 17:1-9)金句: 馬太福音6:13
第6課——企鵝複習派對!複習課程和金句複習:馬太福音6:9-13Suggested mission story (in resource pack): Angie Goes West
Flashcard visuals and mission story must be purchased separately
耶稣:大能荣耀的神——简体课文 PDF下载版 Jesus: God of Power and Glory -Simplified Chinese text PDF download
The powerful ministry of Jesus is explained through this six-lesson series. Lesson text includes lesson outlines, detailed story line, review questions, memory verse teaching and more! Memory verses teaches the Lord's Prayer.
Lesson 1 - Jesus Teaches with Power (Topical Evangelistic) (Heb. 1:1-2; Matt. 4:23-25; Jn. 10:22-31; 14:1-6; Mk. 1:21-22; 7:1-9) Memory verse: Matthew 6:9
Lesson 2 - Jesus Calms a Terrible Storm (Growth Narrative) (Mark 4:35-41)
Memory verse: Matthew 6:10
Lesson 3 - Jesus Feeds a Huge Crowd (Evangelistic Narrative) (John 6; Mark 6:30-44) Memory verse: Matthew 6:11
Lesson 4 - Jesus Offers Hope to a Samaritan Leper (Evangelistic Narrative) (Lk. 17:11-19; Lev. 13:45-46; 14:2) Memory verse: Matthew 6:12
Lesson 5 - Jesus Explains His Awesome Plan (Doctrinal Evangelistic) (Matt. 16:13-17, 21-23; 17:1-9) Memory verse Matthew 6:13
Lesson 6 - Penguin Party! Review Lesson and Memory verse review: Matthew 6:9-13第1课——耶稣带着权柄教导 (主题布道课程) (来 1:1-2; 太 4:23-25; 约10:22-31;14:1-6; 可 1:21-22; 7:1-9) 金句:马太福音6:9
第2课——耶稣平静可怕的风浪(灵命成长叙述课程) (可 4:35-41)金句:马太福音6:10
第3课——耶稣喂饱了一大群人(布道叙述课程) (约 6; 可 6:30-44)金句:马太福音6:11
第4课——耶稣赐盼望给撒马利亚麻疯病人(布道叙述课程) (路17:11-19; 利13:45-46; 14:2)
金句: 马太福音6:12
第5课——耶稣讲解他的奇妙计划 (布道教义课程) (太16:13-17, 21-23; 17:1-9)金句: 马太福音6:13
第6课——企鹅复习派对!复习课程和金句复习:马太福音6:9-13Suggested mission story (in resource pack): Angie Goes West
Flashcard visuals and mission story must be purchased separately
耶穌是我救主和朋友——繁體課文 PDF下載版 Jesus My Savior and Friend - -Traditional Chinese text PDF download Jesus My Savior and Friend - -Traditional Chinese text PDF download
In this five lesson series children will learn that Jesus wants to be their savior and friend.
Lesson text for the five lesson series, Jesus: My Savior and Friend.
Includes lesson outlines, detailed story line, review questions, memory verse teaching and more.在這五課系列中,兒童將了解到耶穌想成為他們的救主和朋友。
包括課程大綱、詳細的故事内容、複習問題、教導金句和更多!Lesson 1 - Jesus Forgives the Sin of a Paralyzed Man Luke 5:17-26; Matthew 9:1-8; Mark 2:1-12
Lesson 2 - Jesus Calms a Terrible Storm Mark 4:35-41
Lesson 3 - Jesus Shows Love to a Samaritan Woman John 4:1-42
Lesson 4 - Jesus Heals the Centurion's Servant Luke 7:1-10
Lesson 5 - Jesus Challenges a Rich Young Man Mark 10:17-27第1課——耶穌赦免癱子的罪 (路5:17-26; 太 9:1-8; 可 2:1-12) 金句: 路加福音5:24上
第2課——耶穌平靜可怕的風浪 ( 可4:35—5:1; 太 8:18, 23-27; 路8:22-25) 金句: 約翰福音14:27
第3課——耶穌向撒馬利亞婦人表達愛 (約 4:1-30, 39-42) 金句: 以賽亞書45:5上
第4課——耶穌治好百夫長的僕人 (路7:1-10; 太8:5-13) 金句: 使徒行傳4:12
第5課——耶穌挑戰少年財主 (可10:17-27) 金句: 使徒行傳4:12Suggested mission story: Operation Auca
Flashcard visuals, mission story, verse visuals, and tokens must be purchased separately.
耶稣是我救主和朋友——简体课文 PDF下载版 Jesus My Savior and Friend - Simplified Chinese text PDF download
In this five lesson series children will learn that Jesus wants to be their savior and friend.
Lesson text for the five lesson series, Jesus: My Savior and Friend.
Includes lesson outlines, detailed story line, review questions, memory verse teaching and more.在这五课系列中,儿童将了解到耶稣想成为他们的救主和朋友。
包括课程大纲、详细的故事内容、复习问题、教导金句和更多!Lesson 1 - Jesus Forgives the Sin of a Paralyzed Man Luke 5:17-26; Matthew 9:1-8; Mark 2:1-12
Lesson 2 - Jesus Calms a Terrible Storm Mark 4:35-41
Lesson 3 - Jesus Shows Love to a Samaritan Woman John 4:1-42
Lesson 4 - Jesus Heals the Centurion's Servant Luke 7:1-10
Lesson 5 - Jesus Challenges a Rich Young Man Mark 10:17-27第1课——耶稣赦免瘫子的罪 (路5:17-26; 太 9:1-8; 可 2:1-12) 金句: 路加福音5:24上
第2课——耶稣平静可怕的风浪 ( 可4:35—5:1; 太 8:18, 23-27; 路8:22-25) 金句: 约翰福音14:27
第3课——耶稣向撒马利亚妇人表达爱 (约 4:1-30, 39-42) 金句: 以赛亚书45:5上
第4课——耶稣治好百夫长的仆人 (路7:1-10; 太8:5-13) 金句: 使徒行传4:12
第5课——耶稣挑战少年财主 (可10:17-27) 金句: 使徒行传4:12Suggested mission story: Operation Auca
Flashcard visuals, mission story, verse visuals, and tokens must be purchased separately.
幼兒可以藉著禱告認識神 – 繁體課文PDF下載版 Little Kids Can Know God through Prayer – Traditional Chinese text PDF download
Same teacher text for Little Kids Can Know God through Miracles that is in the kit. Lesson outlines, detailed story line, review questions, craft ideas, reproducibles, music and more. Handy if you are team teaching - each teacher can have a text without purchasing two complete kits.
Use this link for free reproducible activity sheets
1. Elijah Prays to the True God I Kings18:1-6, 17-39, 41, 45
2. Jonah Confesses His Sin Jonah 1:1-3:3
3. Nehemiah Prays in Every Situation Nehemiah 1:1-7; 2:19-20; 4:1-23; 6:15-16; 8:6
4. Jesus Prays for Himself and Others Matthew 14:23; 15:36; 19:13; Luke 11:2-4; 22:39-46; John 6:38-40; 17:1-5, 17-20; Romans 8:34
5. God Answers Prayer for Peter Acts 12:1-17
6. God Answers Prayer for Paul and Silas Acts 16:12; 16-35; 401. 以利亞向真神禱告1. 以利亞向真神禱告王上18:1-6, 17-39, 41, 45
2. 約拿承認他的罪 拿1:1-3:3
3. 尼希米在任何情況下都禱告尼1:1-7; 2:19-20; 4:1-23; 6:15-16; 8:6
4. 耶穌為自己和別人禱告太 14:23; 15:36; 19:13; 路 11:2-4; 22:39-46; 約 6:38-40; 17:1-5, 17-20; 羅 8:34
5. 神回應眾人為彼得的禱告徒12:1-17
6. 神回應保羅和西拉的禱告徒16:12, 16-35, 40 -
幼儿可以藉着祷告认识神– 简体课文PDF下载版 Little Kids Can Know God through Prayer – Simplified Chinese text PDF download
Same teacher text for Little Kids Can Know God through Miracles that is in the kit. Lesson outlines, detailed story line, review questions, craft ideas, reproducibles, music and more. Handy if you are team teaching - each teacher can have a text without purchasing two complete kits.
与套装中的 《幼儿可以藉着祷告认识神》中文教师本是一样的。老师教学前儿童和幼儿所需的一切。包含:课程大纲、详细的故事内容、复习问题、手工点子、可复制的成品、诗歌等。如果你是有几位老师教的,那就更方便了--每个老师都可以有一本教师本,而不必购买两套完整的教材。
Use this link for free reproducible activity sheets
1. Elijah Prays to the True God I Kings18:1-6, 17-39, 41, 45
2. Jonah Confesses His Sin Jonah 1:1-3:3
3. Nehemiah Prays in Every Situation Nehemiah 1:1-7; 2:19-20; 4:1-23; 6:15-16; 8:6
4. Jesus Prays for Himself and Others Matthew 14:23; 15:36; 19:13; Luke 11:2-4; 22:39-46; John 6:38-40; 17:1-5, 17-20; Romans 8:34
5. God Answers Prayer for Peter Acts 12:1-17
6. God Answers Prayer for Paul and Silas Acts 16:12; 16-35; 401. 以利亚向真神祷告1. 以利亚向真神祷告王上18:1-6, 17-39, 41, 45
2. 约拿承认他的罪 拿1:1-3:3
3. 尼希米在任何情况下都祷告尼1:1-7; 2:19-20; 4:1-23; 6:15-16; 8:6
4. 耶稣为自己和别人祷告太 14:23; 15:36; 19:13; 路 11:2-4; 22:39-46; 约 6:38-40; 17:1-5, 17-20; 罗 8:34
5. 神回应众人为彼得的祷告徒12:1-17
6. 神回应保罗和西拉的祷告徒16:12, 16-35, 40 -
幼兒可以藉著祂的主權認識神 – 繁體課文PDF下載版 Little Kids Can Know God through His Sovereignty – Traditional Chinese text PDF download
Same teacher text for Little Kids Can Know God through His Sovereignty that is in the kit. Lesson outlines, detailed story line, review questions, craft ideas, reproducibles, music and more. Handy if you are team teaching - each teacher can have a text without purchasing two complete kits.
Use this link for free reproducible activity sheets
1. Joseph Trusts God's Plan Genesis 37; 39:1-6, 20-23; 40:5-8, 20-23
2. Joseph Sees God's Good Plan Genesis 37:3; 39:20-23; 41; 42; 43; 45; 46:1-7
3. God Cares for Baby Moses, Exodus 1:8-11, 22;2
4. God's People Cross the Rd sea Exodus 2:23-35; 3:10; 6:6-8; 12; 13; 14
5. God Protects Three Friends Daniel 1:1-6; 2:17-23;3
6. God Protects Daniel Daniel 1:2-8; 61. 約瑟相信神為他安排的1. 約瑟相信神為他安排的計劃 創37章; 39:1-6, 20-23; 40:5-8, 20-23
2. 約瑟明白神美好的計劃創37:3; 39:20-23; 41章; 42章; 43章; 45章; 46:1-7
3. 神看顧嬰孩摩西出1:8-11, 22;2章
4. 神的子民過紅海出2:23-35;3:10;6:6-8; 12章;13章;14章
5. 神保守看顧三個朋友 但1:1-6;2:17-23;3章
6. 神保守看顧但以理但1:2-8;6章 -
幼儿可以藉着祂的主权认识神– 简体课文PDF下载版 Little Kids Can Know God through His Sovereignty – Simplified Chinese text PDF download
Same teacher text for Little Kids Can Know God through His Sovereignty that is in the kit. Lesson outlines, detailed story line, review questions, craft ideas, reproducibles, music and more. Handy if you are team teaching - each teacher can have a text without purchasing two complete kits.
与套装中的 《幼儿可以藉着主权认识神》中文教师本是一样的。老师教学前儿童和幼儿所需的一切。包含:课程大纲、详细的故事内容、复习问题、手工点子、可复制的成品、诗歌等。如果你是有几位老师教的,那就更方便了--每个老师都可以有一本教师本,而不必购买两套完整的教材。
Use this link for free reproducible activity sheets
1. Joseph Trusts God's Plan Genesis 37; 39:1-6, 20-23; 40:5-8, 20-23
2. Joseph Sees God's Good Plan Genesis 37:3; 39:20-23; 41; 42; 43; 45; 46:1-7
3. God Cares for Baby Moses, Exodus 1:8-11, 22;2
4. God's People Cross the Rd sea Exodus 2:23-35; 3:10; 6:6-8; 12; 13; 14
5. God Protects Three Friends Daniel 1:1-6; 2:17-23;3
6. God Protects Daniel Daniel 1:2-8; 61. 约瑟相信神为他安排的1. 约瑟相信神为他安排的计划 创37章; 39:1-6, 20-23; 40:5-8, 20-23
2. 约瑟明白神美好的计划创37:3; 39:20-23; 41章; 42章; 43章; 45章; 46:1-7
3. 神看顾婴孩摩西出1:8-11, 22;2章
4. 神的子民过红海出2:23-35;3:10;6:6-8; 12章;13章;14章
5. 神保守看顾三个朋友 但1:1-6;2:17-23;3章
6. 神保守看顾但以理但1:2-8;6章 -
奧卡行動——繁體課文 PDF下載版 Operation Auca - Traditional Chinese text PDF download
Teacher lesson text to teach the five Operation Auca lessons.
Operation Auca is a five-part missionary story that will take children on a journey deep into the lush rainforests of Ecuador to meet Dayuma, a young woman from one of the most violent tribes on Earth, and missionary pilot Nate Saint. Children will discover the power of God’s love as they hear this true story of tragedy and triumph that has inspired missionaries for generations.
(Not recommended for younger children)
Flashcard visuals sold separately
奥卡行动——简体课文 PDF下载版 Operation Auca - Simplified Chinese text PDF download
Teacher lesson text to teach the five Operation Auca lessons.
Operation Auca is a five-part missionary story that will take children on a journey deep into the lush rainforests of Ecuador to meet Dayuma, a young woman from one of the most violent tribes on Earth, and missionary pilot Nate Saint. Children will discover the power of God’s love as they hear this true story of tragedy and triumph that has inspired missionaries for generations.
(Not recommended for younger children)
Flashcard visuals sold separately
為什麼會發生壞事——繁體課文 PDF下載版 Why Do Bad Things Happen - Traditional Chinese text PDF download
Why Do Bad Things Happen? The Hope of God’s Promises!
You can help children understand why there is suffering in the world and where they can find the only true and lasting hope for the hard times that come. This Gospel presentation can be used in an open-air situation while handing out tracts, in emergency shelters or refugee camps, or within an already established Good News Club® or Sunday school.
這本福音講解可以在戶外分發福音單張時、在緊急避難所或難民營中、在已建立的喜樂團或主日學中都可以使用它來教導兒童。 -
为什么会发生坏事——简体课文 PDF下载版 Why Do Bad Things Happen - Simplified Chinese text PDF download
Why Do Bad Things Happen? The Hope of God’s Promises!
You can help children understand why there is suffering in the world and where they can find the only true and lasting hope for the hard times that come. This Gospel presentation can be used in an open-air situation while handing out tracts, in emergency shelters or refugee camps, or within an already established Good News Club® or Sunday school.
这本福音讲解可以在户外分发福音单张时、在紧急避难所或难民营中、在已建立的喜乐团或主日学中都可以使用它来教导儿童。 -
聖誕慶祝會 (以馬内利 )資源和PPT簡報下載(繁體)Christmas Party Club (Emmanuel) Resource & PPT Download-Traditional Chinese
This is a PowerPoint version to Download.
Christmas is usually remembered for what Jesus did in coming to earth, but it is also a celebration of who Jesus is! In this Christmas party club lesson, children will learn they can celebrate Christmas because Jesus is Emmanuel - God with us!
誕節通常是用作記念耶穌降世,也是慶祝耶穌是誰的節日!在這個聖誕慶祝會的課程中,兒童將學習:他們可以慶祝聖誕節,是因為耶穌就是以馬內利 – 神與我們同在!
Resource & PPT Download includes:
-PowerPoint visuals for the lesson, memory verse Mathew 1:23 and songs
-Reproducibles for invitations, nametags, tokens, Quiet Time sheets
-Lesson text (PDF)
-Instrumental for two songs
-other suggested songs: Immanuel
and Joy to the World資源和PPT下載中包括:
-本課程的視覺教材簡報(PPT)、金句 (馬太福音1:23)及詩歌。
–其他建議的詩歌:《以馬內利》和《普世歡騰》。Digital Download Only
圣诞庆祝会 (以马内利 )资源和PPT简报下载(简体)Christmas Party Club (Emmanuel) Resource & PPT Download- Simplified Chinese
This is a PowerPoint version to Download.
Christmas is usually remembered for what Jesus did in coming to earth, but it is also a celebration of who Jesus is! In this Christmas party club lesson, children will learn they can celebrate Christmas because Jesus is Emmanuel - God with us!
圣诞节通常是用作记念耶稣降世,也是庆祝耶稣是谁的节日!在这个圣诞庆祝会的课程中,儿童将学习:他们可以庆祝圣诞节,是因为耶稣就是以马内利 – 神与我们同在!
Resource & PPT Download includes:
-PowerPoint visuals for the lesson, memory verse Mathew 1:23 and songs
-Reproducibles for invitations, nametags, tokens, Quiet Time sheets
-Lesson text (PDF)
-Instrumental for two songs
-other suggested songs: Immanuel
and Joy to the World资源和PPT下载中包括:
-本课程的视觉教材简报(PPT)、金句 (马太福音1:23)及诗歌。
–其他建议的诗歌:《以马内利》和《普世欢腾》。Digital Download Only
神:創世之王——繁體課文 PDF下載版 God: The Creator King -Traditional Chinese Text PDF download
(2017 version) Lesson text for six lessons for the God: The Creator King series.(2017 version) Lesson text for six lessons for the God: The Creator King series.Text includes a master planning chart, schedule, lesson overview and outline, detailed story line, review questions, memory verse teaching and more!
(2017年版)以课程教案教导《神:创世之王》系列的六堂课。教案包括了一个总计划表、时间表、课程概览和大纲、详细的故事内容、复习问题、教导金句和更多! (2017年版)以課程教案教導《神:創世之王》系列的六堂課。教案包括了一個總計劃表、時間表、課程概覽和大綱、詳細的故事内容、複習問題、教導金句和更多!
Lesson 1 - The King Has Spoken (Jeremiah and Baruch; the Bible is true) Memory verse: Isaiah 40:8
Lesson 2 - The King Creates (God as Creator; six days of creation) Memory verse: Genesis 1:1
Lesson 3 - Sin Enters the King's World (sin in the garden) Memory verse: Ephesians 2:8
Lesson 4 - How to Come to the King (Cain and Abel) Memory verse: Ephesians 2:8-9
Lesson 5 - The King Saves (Noah and the flood) Memory verse: Ephesians 2:8-9
Lesson 6 - Review: Creation Celebration Party第1课——君王如此说! (耶利米和巴录;圣经是真实的) 金句:以赛亚书 40:8第2课——创造的君王!(神是创造主,六天的创造) 金句:创世记 1:1第3课——罪进入君王的世界(罪在伊甸园中) 金句:以弗所书 2:8第4课——如何来到君王前!(该隐和亚伯) 金句: 以弗所书 2:8-9第5课——拯救人类的君王!(挪亚和洪水) 金句: 以弗所书 2:8-9第6课——复习:创造庆祝会 第1課——君王如此說! (耶利米和巴錄;聖經是真實的) 金句:以賽亞書 40:8第2課——創造的君王!(神是創造主,六天的創造) 金句:創世記 1:1第3課——罪進入君王的世界(罪在伊甸園中) 金句:以弗所書 2:8第4課——如何來到君王前!(該隱和亞伯) 金句: 以弗所書 2:8-9第5課——拯救人類的君王!(挪亞和洪水) 金句: 以弗所書 2:8-9第6課——複習:創造慶祝會
神:创世之王——简体课文 PDF下载版 God: The Creator King - Simplified Chinese Text PDF download
(2017 version) Lesson text for six lessons for the God: The Creator King series. Text includes a master planning chart, schedule, lesson overview and outline, detailed story line, review questions, memory verse teaching and more!
Lesson 1 - The King Has Spoken (Jeremiah and Baruch; the Bible is true) Memory verse: Isaiah 40:8
Lesson 2 - The King Creates (God as Creator; six days of creation) Memory verse: Genesis 1:1
Lesson 3 - Sin Enters the King's World (sin in the garden) Memory verse: Ephesians 2:8
Lesson 4 - How to Come to the King (Cain and Abel) Memory verse: Ephesians 2:8-9
Lesson 5 - The King Saves (Noah and the flood) Memory verse: Ephesians 2:8-9
Lesson 6 - Review: Creation Celebration Party第1课——君王如此说! (耶利米和巴录;圣经是真实的) 金句:以赛亚书 40:8
第2课——创造的君王!(神是创造主,六天的创造) 金句:创世记 1:1
第3课——罪进入君王的世界(罪在伊甸园中) 金句:以弗所书 2:8
第4课——如何来到君王前!(该隐和亚伯) 金句: 以弗所书 2:8-9
第5课——拯救人类的君王!(挪亚和洪水) 金句: 以弗所书 2:8-9
第6课——复习:创造庆祝会 -
耶穌:關心世人的神——繁體課文 PDF下載版 Jesus: God Who Cares for People -Traditional Chinese text PDF download
This six lessons on the life of Christ includes Jesus’ miracle at the wedding, accounts of Nicodemus, the Samaritan woman, healing of the nobleman’s son and Bartimaeus. (Compares to Life of Christ 2.) Text includes a master planning chart, schedule, lesson overview and outline, detailed story line, review questions, memory verse teaching and more!這是關於耶穌生平的六堂課,包括耶穌在婚宴上的神蹟、 對尼哥德慕(尼哥底母)的講解、撒馬利亞婦人、醫治大臣的兒子和 巴底買。(比較《基督生平二》)。
教案包括了一個總計劃表、時間表、課程概覽和大綱、詳細的故事内容、複習問題、教導金句和更多!Lesson 1 - Jesus Shows He Is the Almighty God (John 2:1-11)
Lesson 2 - Nicodemus Can't Save Himself (John 3:1-16)
Lesson 3 - Jesus Loves Everyone (John 4:1-30, 39-42)
Lesson 4 - Jesus Heals a Nobleman's Son (John 4:46-54)
Lesson 5 - Jesus Cares for Bartimaeus (Mark 10:46-52; Luke 18:35-43)
Lesson 6 - Review Lesson第1課——耶穌顯明祂是全能的神!(約翰福音2:1-11)
第2課——尼哥德慕(尼哥底母)無法救自己 (約翰福音3:1-16; 19:38-42)
第3課——耶穌愛每一個人 (約翰福音 4:1-30, 39-42)
第4課——耶穌治好大臣的兒子 (約翰福音 4:46-54)
第5課——耶穌關心巴底買 (馬可福音10:46-52; 路加福音18:35-43)
第6課——複習課程 -
耶稣:关心世人的神 ——简体课文 PDF下载版 Jesus: God Who Cares for People - Simplified Chinese text PDF download
This six lessons on the life of Christ includes Jesus’ miracle at the wedding, accounts of Nicodemus, the Samaritan woman, healing of the nobleman’s son and Bartimaeus. (Compares to Life of Christ 2.) Text includes a master planning chart, schedule, lesson overview and outline, detailed story line, review questions, memory verse teaching and more!
这是关于耶稣生平的六堂课,包括耶稣在婚宴上的神迹、 对尼哥德慕(尼哥底母)的讲解、撒马里亚妇人、医治大臣的儿子和巴底买。(比较《基督生平二》)。
教案包括了一个总计划表、时间表、课程概览和大纲、详细的故事内容、复习问题、教导金句和更多!Lesson 1 - Jesus Shows He Is the Almighty God (John 2:1-11)
Lesson 2 - Nicodemus Can't Save Himself (John 3:1-16)
Lesson 3 - Jesus Loves Everyone (John 4:1-30, 39-42)
Lesson 4 - Jesus Heals a Nobleman's Son (John 4:46-54)
Lesson 5 - Jesus Cares for Bartimaeus (Mark 10:46-52; Luke 18:35-43)
Lesson 6 - Review Lesson第1课——耶稣显明祂是全能的神!(约翰福音2:1-11)
第2课——尼哥德慕(尼哥底母)无法救自己 (约翰福音3:1-16; 19:38-42)
第3课——耶稣爱每一个人 (约翰福音 4:1-30, 39-42)
第4课——耶稣治好大臣的儿子 (约翰福音 4:46-54)
第5课——耶稣关心巴底买 (马可福音10:46-52; 路加福音18:35-43)
第6课——复习课程 -
神的計劃在進行:初期教會——繁體課文 PDF下載版 God's Plan in Action: The Early Church -Traditional Chinese text PDF download
Lesson text for six lessons on the early church.
Text includes a master planning chart, schedule, lesson overview and outline, detailed story line, review questions, memory verse teaching and more!以課程教案教導《初期教會》的六堂課。
教案包括了一個總計劃表、時間表、課程概覽和大綱、詳細的故事内容、複習問題、教導金句和更多!Lesson 1 - Jesus Is Alive! (Matt. 28; Luke 24; Acts 1:1-14) Memory verse: 1 Corinthians 15:3-4
Lesson 2 - The Helper Has Come! (Acts 2:1-41) Memory verse: 1 Corinthians 15:3-4
Lesson 3 - God's Church Is Persecuted (Acts 5:12-42) Memory verse: John 14:27
Lesson 4 - Saul Trusts in Jesus as His Savior (Acts 8:3-4; 9:1-22) Memory verse: Romans 5:8
Lesson 5 - Paul Trusts God's Strength (Acts 9:20-31) Memory verse: Romans 5:8
Lesson 6 - Colorful Candy Party (Review lesson)第1課——耶穌活著!(馬太福音 28章;路加福音 24章;使徒行傳 1:1-14)金句: 哥林多前書 15:3-4
第2課——幫助者來了!(使徒行傳2:1- 41)金句: 哥林多前書 15:3-4
第3課——神的教會受迫害 (使徒行傳5:12- 42)金句: 約翰福音14:27
第4課——掃羅相信耶穌為他的救主 (使徒行傳8:3-4;9:1-22)金句: 羅馬書 5:8
第5課——保羅信靠神的力量 (使徒行傳9:20-31)金句: 羅馬書 5:8
第6課——彩色的糖果派對 (複習課程) -
神的计划在进行:初期教会——简体课文 PDF下载版 God's Plan in Action: The Early Church -Simplified Chinese Text PDF download
Lesson text for six lessons on the early church.
Text includes a master planning chart, schedule, lesson overview and outline, detailed story line, review questions, memory verse teaching and more!以课程教案教导《初期教会》的六堂课。
教案包括了一个总计划表、时间表、课程概览和大纲、详细的故事内容、复习问题、教导金句和更多!Lesson 1 - Jesus Is Alive! (Matt. 28; Luke 24; Acts 1:1-14) Memory verse: 1 Corinthians 15:3-4
Lesson 2 - The Helper Has Come! (Acts 2:1-41) Memory verse: 1 Corinthians 15:3-4
Lesson 3 - God's Church Is Persecuted (Acts 5:12-42) Memory verse: John 14:27
Lesson 4 - Saul Trusts in Jesus as His Savior (Acts 8:3-4; 9:1-22) Memory verse: Romans 5:8
Lesson 5 - Paul Trusts God's Strength (Acts 9:20-31) Memory verse: Romans 5:8
Lesson 6 - Colorful Candy Party (Review lesson)第1课——耶稣活着!(马太福音 28章;路加福音 24章;使徒行传 1:1-14)金句: 哥林多前书 15:3-4
第2课——帮助者来了!(使徒行传2:1- 41)金句: 哥林多前书 15:3-4
第3课——神的教会受迫害 (使徒行传5:12- 42)金句: 约翰福音14:27
第4课——扫罗相信耶稣为他的救主 (使徒行传8:3-4;9:1-22)金句: 罗马书 5:8
第5课——保罗信靠神的力量 (使徒行传9:20-31)金句: 罗马书 5:8
第6课——彩色的糖果派对 (复习课程) -
列祖:神的計劃在展開——繁體課文 PDF下載版 The Patriarchs: God's Plan Unfolds -Traditional Chinese text PDF download
(2017 Version) Patriarchs: God's Plan Unfolds includes six lessons that will inspire children to trust God in everything. Includes a master planning chart, schedule, lesson overview and outline, detailed story line, review questions and more!
(2017年版) 《列祖:神的计划在展开》其中包括激励儿童在每件事上信靠神的六堂课。教案包括了一个总计划表、时间表、课程概览和大纲、详细的故事内容、复习问题和更多! (2017年版) 《列祖:神的計劃在展開》其中包括激勵兒童在每件事上信靠神的六堂課。教案包括了一個總計劃表、時間表、課程概覽和大綱、詳細的故事内容、複習問題和更多!
Lesson 1 - The Tower of Babel (Gen. 11:1-9) Memory verse: 1 Corinthians 10:31
Lesson 2 - Abram's Saving Faith (Gen. 12:1-9; Rom. 4:3, 11—2) Memory verse: 1 Corinthians 10:31
Lesson 3 - God Is Faithful to Keep His Promises (Gen. 12:2; 15:1-6; 17:1-7,15-19, 18:1-15; 21:1-7, Rom. 4:3) Memory verse: 1 Thessalonians 5:24
Lesson 4 - God Gives a Picture of the Promised Savior (Gen. 22:1-14, Heb. 11:17-19) Memory verse: John 1:12
Lesson 5 - God Changes Jacob (Gen. 25:19-34; 27:1—28:5, 10-22 Memory verse: John 1:12
Lesson 6 - Jacob and Esau Are Reunited (Gen. 29:1-30; 31:3, 17-18; 32:3-32; 33:1-4, 18-20; 35:1, 9-15, 27-29) Memory verse: 1 Corinthians 10:31第1课——巴别塔 (创世记 11:1-9) 金句: 哥林多前书 10:31第2课——亚伯兰得救的信心 (创世记 12:1-9;罗马书 4:3,11-21) 金句: 哥林多前书 10:31第3课——神是信实地信守祂的应许 (创世记 12:2;15:1-6; 17:1-7,15-19;18:1-15;21:1-7;罗马书4:3) 金句: 帖撒罗尼迦前书 5:24第4课——神为应许救主赐下预表 (创世记 22:1-14; 希伯来书 11:17-19) 金句: 约翰福音 1:12第5课——神改变雅各(创世记 25:19-34;27:1-28:5,10-22) 金句: 约翰福音 1:12第6课——雅各和以扫重聚 (创世记 29:1-30;31:3, 17-18;32:3-32;33:1-4, 18-20;35:1,9-15,27-29) 金句: 哥林多前书 10:31 第1課——巴別塔 (創世記 11:1-9) 金句: 哥林多前書 10:31第2課——亞伯蘭得救的信心 (創世記 12:1-9;羅馬書 4:3,11-21) 金句: 哥林多前書 10:31第3課——神是信實地信守祂的應許 (創世記 12:2;15:1-6; 17:1-7,15-19;18:1-15;21:1-7;羅馬書4:3) 金句: 帖撒羅尼迦前書 5:24第4課——神為應許救主賜下預表 (創世記 22:1-14; 希伯來書 11:17-19) 金句: 約翰福音 1:12第5課——神改變雅各 (創世記 25:19-34;27:1-28:5,10-22) 金句: 約翰福音 1:12第6課——雅各和以掃重聚 (創世記 29:1-30;31:3, 17-18;32:3-32;33:1-4, 18-20;35:1,9-15,27-29) 金句: 哥林多前書 10:31
列祖:神的计划在展开——简体课文 PDF下载版 The Patriarchs: God's Plan Unfolds - Simplified Chinese text PDF download
(2017 Version) Patriarchs: God's Plan Unfolds includes six lessons that will inspire children to trust God in everything. Includes a master planning chart, schedule, lesson overview and outline, detailed story line, review questions and more!
(2017年版) 《列祖:神的计划在展开》其中包括激励儿童在每件事上信靠神的六堂课。教案包括了一个总计划表、时间表、课程概览和大纲、详细的故事内容、复习问题和更多! (2017年版) 《列祖:神的計劃在展開》其中包括激勵兒童在每件事上信靠神的六堂課。教案包括了一個總計劃表、時間表、課程概覽和大綱、詳細的故事内容、複習問題和更多!
Lesson 1 - The Tower of Babel (Gen. 11:1-9) Memory verse: 1 Corinthians 10:31
Lesson 2 - Abram's Saving Faith (Gen. 12:1-9; Rom. 4:3, 11—2) Memory verse: 1 Corinthians 10:31
Lesson 3 - God Is Faithful to Keep His Promises (Gen. 12:2; 15:1-6; 17:1-7,15-19, 18:1-15; 21:1-7, Rom. 4:3) Memory verse: 1 Thessalonians 5:24
Lesson 4 - God Gives a Picture of the Promised Savior (Gen. 22:1-14, Heb. 11:17-19) Memory verse: John 1:12
Lesson 5 - God Changes Jacob (Gen. 25:19-34; 27:1—28:5, 10-22 Memory verse: John 1:12
Lesson 6 - Jacob and Esau Are Reunited (Gen. 29:1-30; 31:3, 17-18; 32:3-32; 33:1-4, 18-20; 35:1, 9-15, 27-29) Memory verse: 1 Corinthians 10:31第1课——巴别塔 (创世记 11:1-9) 金句: 哥林多前书 10:31第2课——亚伯兰得救的信心 (创世记 12:1-9;罗马书 4:3,11-21) 金句: 哥林多前书 10:31第3课——神是信实地信守祂的应许 (创世记 12:2;15:1-6; 17:1-7,15-19;18:1-15;21:1-7;罗马书4:3) 金句: 帖撒罗尼迦前书 5:24第4课——神为应许救主赐下预表 (创世记 22:1-14; 希伯来书 11:17-19) 金句: 约翰福音 1:12第5课——神改变雅各(创世记 25:19-34;27:1-28:5,10-22) 金句: 约翰福音 1:12第6课——雅各和以扫重聚 (创世记 29:1-30;31:3, 17-18;32:3-32;33:1-4, 18-20;35:1,9-15,27-29) 金句: 哥林多前书 10:31 第1課——巴別塔 (創世記 11:1-9) 金句: 哥林多前書 10:31第2課——亞伯蘭得救的信心 (創世記 12:1-9;羅馬書 4:3,11-21) 金句: 哥林多前書 10:31第3課——神是信實地信守祂的應許 (創世記 12:2;15:1-6; 17:1-7,15-19;18:1-15;21:1-7;羅馬書4:3) 金句: 帖撒羅尼迦前書 5:24第4課——神為應許救主賜下預表 (創世記 22:1-14; 希伯來書 11:17-19) 金句: 約翰福音 1:12第5課——神改變雅各 (創世記 25:19-34;27:1-28:5,10-22) 金句: 約翰福音 1:12第6課——雅各和以掃重聚 (創世記 29:1-30;31:3, 17-18;32:3-32;33:1-4, 18-20;35:1,9-15,27-29) 金句: 哥林多前書 10:31
神對我說話——繁體課文 PDF下載版 God Speaks to Me - Traditional Chinese text PDF download
Lesson text to teach the six lessons of God Speaks to Me.
Lesson outlines, detailed story line, review questions, memory verse teaching and more!以課程教案教導《神對我說話》系列的六堂課。
課程大綱、詳細的故事内容、複習問題、教導金句等!Lesson 1 - God Speaks Through Creation (Job 38; Genesis 3; Romans 8; Revelation 21-22) Memory verse: Psalm 19:1
Lesson 2 - God Speaks Through Jesus (Matthew 1; 13; 21; 27-28; Luke 1-2; John 14; 18-20; 1 Corinthians 15) Memory verse: Psalm 19:1
Lesson 3 - God Speaks Through His Word Part 1 (2 Kings 21-23; 2 Chronicles 33-34) Memory verse: 2 Timothy 3:16
Lesson 4 - God Speaks Through His Word Part 2 (Genesis 1; 2 Kings 23; Isaiah 40; Jeremiah 36; Matthew 24; John 19-20; Revelation 22) Memory verse: 2 Timothy 3:16,17
Lesson 5 - God Speaks. Are you Listening? (1 Samuel 1 - 3) Memory verse: 2 Timothy 3:16,17
Lesson 6 - Mystery Review Party - Memory verse review: Psalm 19:1; 2 Timothy 3:16-17第1課——神透過創造說話(約伯記38;創世記3;羅馬書8;啟示錄21-22)金句: 詩篇19:1
第2課——神透過耶穌說話 (馬太福音1; 13; 21; 27-28; 路加福音1-2; 約翰福音14; 18-20; 哥林多前書15)金句:詩篇19:1
第6課——神秘複習派對 ——金句複習:詩篇19:1;提摩太後書3:16-17 -
神对我说话——简体课文PDF下载版 God Speaks to Me - Simplified Chinese text PDF download
Lesson text to teach the six lessons of God Speaks to Me.
Lesson outlines, detailed story line, review questions, memory verse teaching and more!以课程教案教导《神对我说话》系列的六堂课。
课程大纲、详细的故事内容、复习问题、教导金句等!Lesson 1 - God Speaks Through Creation (Job 38; Genesis 3; Romans 8; Revelation 21-22) Memory verse: Psalm 19:1
Lesson 2 - God Speaks Through Jesus (Matthew 1; 13; 21; 27-28; Luke 1-2; John 14; 18-20; 1 Corinthians 15) Memory verse: Psalm 19:1
Lesson 3 - God Speaks Through His Word Part 1 (2 Kings 21-23; 2 Chronicles 33-34) Memory verse: 2 Timothy 3:16
Lesson 4 - God Speaks Through His Word Part 2 (Genesis 1; 2 Kings 23; Isaiah 40; Jeremiah 36; Matthew 24; John 19-20; Revelation 22) Memory verse: 2 Timothy 3:16,17
Lesson 5 - God Speaks. Are you Listening? (1 Samuel 1 - 3) Memory verse: 2 Timothy 3:16,17
Lesson 6 - Mystery Review Party - Memory verse review: Psalm 19:1; 2 Timothy 3:16-17第1课——神透过创造说话(约伯记38;创世记3;罗马书8;启示录21-22)金句: 诗篇19:1
第2课——神透过耶稣说话 (马太福音1; 13; 21; 27-28; 路加福音1-2; 约翰福音14; 18-20; 哥林多前书15) 金句:诗篇19:1
第6课——神秘复习派对——金句复习:诗篇19:1;提摩太后书3:16-17 -
耶穌賜予生命和盼望!——繁體課文 PDF下載版 Jesus Gives Life and Hope-Traditional Chinese text PDF download
The Jesus Gives Life and Hope Easter lesson focuses on Jesus as the resurrection and the life.
耶穌賜予生命和盼望! —此復活節課程的重點為耶穌是復活和生命。
He displayed His power over death when He raised Lazarus and He gives us life and hope through His death and resurrection.
Does not include visuals.
耶稣赐予生命和盼望!——简体课文 PDF下载版 Jesus Gives Life and Hope -Simplified Chinese text PDF download
The Jesus Gives Life and Hope Easter lesson focuses on Jesus as the resurrection and the life.
耶稣赐予生命和盼望! —此复活节课程的重点为耶稣是复活和生命。
He displayed His power over death when He raised Lazarus and He gives us life and hope through His death and resurrection.
Does not include visuals.
幼兒可以藉著創造認識神 – 繁體課文PDF下載版 Little Kids Can Know God through Creation – Traditional Chinese text PDF download
Chinese teacher text for Little Kids Can Know God through Creation.
Everything the teacher needs to teach preschoolers and young children.
Lesson outlines, detailed story line, review questions, craft ideas, reproducibles, music and more.《幼兒可以藉著創造認識神》中文教師本。老師教學前兒童和幼兒所需的一切。包含:課程大綱、詳細的故事內容、複習問題、手工點子、可複製的成品、詩歌等。
Use this link for free reproducible activity sheets
1. God Creates Light, Water, Sky and Air (Days 1-2) Genesis 1:1-8
2. God Creates Land and Plants (Day 3) Genesis 1:9-13
3. God Creates the Sun, Moon, Stars, Birds and Fish (Days 4-5) Genesis 1:14-23
4. God Creates Animals and People (Days 6-7) Genesis 1:24-31; 2:1-2, 7, 18, 21-25
5. Adam and Eve Choose to Sin Genesis 2:1-2, 8-9, 15-20; 3:1-19
6. Cain and Abel Give Gifts to God Genesis 3:15, 21; 4:1-81. 神創造光、水、天 神創造光、水、天空和空氣(第1-2天)
2. 創1:1-82. 神創造陸地和植物(第3天)人 創1:9-133.
3. 神創造太陽、月亮、星星、鳥類和魚類(第4-5天)創1:14-234.
4. 神創造動物和人類 (第6-7天) 創1:24-31; 2:1-2, 7, 18, 21-255.
5. 亞當和夏娃選擇犯罪創2:1-2, 8-9, 15-20; 3:1-196.
6. 該隱和亞伯獻禮物給神創3:15, 21; 4:1-8 -
幼儿可以藉着创造认识神– 简体课文PDF下载版 Little Kids Can Know God through Creation – Simplified Chinese text PDF download
Chinese teacher text for Little Kids Can Know God through Creation.
Everything the teacher needs to teach preschoolers and young children.
Lesson outlines, detailed story line, review questions, craft ideas, reproducibles, music and more.《幼儿可以藉着创造认识神》中文教师本。老师教学前儿童和幼儿所需的一切。包含:课程大纲、详细的故事内容、复习问题、手工点子、可复制的成品、诗歌等
Use this link for free reproducible activity sheets
1. God Creates Light, Water, Sky and Air (Days 1-2) Genesis 1:1-8
2. God Creates Land and Plants (Day 3) Genesis 1:9-13
3. God Creates the Sun, Moon, Stars, Birds and Fish (Days 4-5) Genesis 1:14-23
4. God Creates Animals and People (Days 6-7) Genesis 1:24-31; 2:1-2, 7, 18, 21-25
5. Adam and Eve Choose to Sin Genesis 2:1-2, 8-9, 15-20; 3:1-19
6. Cain and Abel Give Gifts to God Genesis 3:15, 21; 4:1-8- 神创造光、水、天空和空气(第1-2天)创1:1-8
- 神创造陆地和植物(第3天)人 创1:9-13
- 神创造太阳、月亮、星星、鸟类和鱼类(第4-5天)创1:14-23
- 神创造动物和人类(第6-7天) 创1:24-31; 2:1-2, 7, 18, 21-25
- 亚当和夏娃选择犯罪创2:1-2, 8-9, 15-20; 3:1-19
- 该隐和亚伯献礼物给神创3:15, 21; 4:1-8
幼兒可以藉著祂的應許認識神 – 繁體課文PDF下載版 Little Kids Can Know God through His Promises – Traditional Chinese text PDF download
Chinese teacher text for Little Kids Can Know God through His Promises.
Everything the teacher needs to teach preschoolers and young children.
Lesson outlines, detailed story line, review questions, craft ideas, reproducibles, music and more.《幼兒可以藉著祂的應許認識神》中文教師本。老師教學前兒童和幼兒所需的一切。包含:課程大綱、詳細的故事內容、複習問題、手工點子、可複製的成品、詩歌等。
Use this link for free reproducible activity sheets
1. God Helps Noah Build an Ark Genesis 6:5-7:9; Acts 17:24; 2Peter 2:5
2. God Saves Noah and His Family Genesis 6:5,8-9; 7:10-12, 16-23; 8:1-20; 9:8-17; 2 Peter2:5
3. God Blesses Abraham with a Son Genesis 12:1-9; 17:19; 18:14; 21:3; Romans 4:3
4. God Blesses Isaac with a Wife Genesis 24:1-67
5. God Helps David Win over Goliath I Samuel 16:11-13; 17:1-52
6. God Helps David Keep His Promise (Mephibosheth) I Samuel 18:1-5; 20:14-17; 31:1, 6; 2 Samuel 4:4; 8:15; 9:1-131. 神幫助挪亞造方舟1. 神幫助挪亞造方舟創6:5-7:9;徒17:24;彼後2:5
2. 神拯救挪亞和他的家人創6:5,8-9;7:10-12, 16-23;8:1-20; 9:8-17;彼後2:5
3. 神賜福亞伯拉罕給他一個兒子創12:1-9;17:19; 18:14;21:3;羅4:3
4. 神賜福以撒給他一個妻子 創24:1-67
5. 神幫助大衛打敗歌利亞 撒上16:11-13;17:1-52
6. 神幫助大衛遵守諾言撒上18:1-5; 20:14-17;31:1,6;撒下4:4;8:15;9:1-13 -
幼儿可以藉着祂的应许认识神– 简体课文PDF下载版 Little Kids Can Know God through His Promises – Simplified Chinese text PDF download
Chinese teacher text for Little Kids Can Know God through His Promises.
Everything the teacher needs to teach preschoolers and young children.
Lesson outlines, detailed story line, review questions, craft ideas, reproducibles, music and more.《幼儿可以藉着祂的应许认识神》中文教师本。老师教学前儿童和幼儿所需的一切。包含:课程大纲、详细的故事内容、复习问题、手工点子、可复制的成品、诗歌等。
Use this link for free reproducible activity sheets
1. God Helps Noah Build an Ark Genesis 6:5-7:9; Acts 17:24; 2Peter 2:5
2. God Saves Noah and His Family Genesis 6:5,8-9; 7:10-12, 16-23; 8:1-20; 9:8-17; 2 Peter2:5
3. God Blesses Abraham with a Son Genesis 12:1-9; 17:19; 18:14; 21:3; Romans 4:3
4. God Blesses Isaac with a Wife Genesis 24:1-67
5. God Helps David Win over Goliath I Samuel 16:11-13; 17:1-52
6. God Helps David Keep His Promise (Mephibosheth) I Samuel 18:1-5; 20:14-17; 31:1, 6; 2 Samuel 4:4; 8:15; 9:1-131. 神帮助挪亚造方舟1. 神帮助挪亚造方舟创6:5-7:9;徒17:24;彼后2:5
2. 神拯救挪亚和他的家人创6:5,8-9;7:10-12, 16-23;8:1-20; 9:8-17;彼后2:5
3. 神赐福亚伯拉罕给他一个儿子创12:1-9;17:19; 18:14;21:3;罗4:3
4. 神赐福以撒给他一个妻子 创24:1-67
5. 神帮助大卫打败歌利亚 撒上16:11-13;17:1-52
6. 神帮助大卫遵守诺言撒上18:1-5; 20:14-17;31:1,6;撒下4:4;8:15;9:1-13 -
瑪麗‧斯萊瑟——繁體課文 PDF下載版 Mary Slessor - Traditional Chinese text PDF download
Share the true story of how Mary Slessor bravely went alone to the mysterious land of Nigeria to help the people turn from witchcraft to Christ. This powerful five-chapter story teaches children about God's mighty power and inspires them to be missionaries wherever they go.
玛丽‧斯莱瑟——简体课文 PDF下载版 Mary Slessor - Simplified Chinese text PDF download
Share the true story of how Mary Slessor bravely went alone to the mysterious land of Nigeria to help the people turn from witchcraft to Christ. This powerful five-chapter story teaches children about God's mighty power and inspires them to be missionaries wherever they go.
靈高——繁體課文 PDF下載版 Ringu - -Traditional Chinese text PDF download
Ringu of India's Forest is the story of a Korku (Kurku) boy from central India. While Ringu and his family are fictitious characters, the story is based on events in the Korku villages and is true to Life.
The ministry of Mr. Grubbs and is illness and death are true.《印度森林裡的靈高》是一個來自印度中部的科爾庫(Kurku)男孩的故事。雖然靈高和他的家人都是虛構的人物,但故事是根據科爾庫村的事件編寫的,是真實的。
沙迪先生(Mr. Grubbs)的事奉以及他的疾病和死亡都是真實的。 -
灵高——简体课文 PDF下载版 Ringu - Simplified Chinese text PDF download
Ringu of India's Forest is the story of a Korku (Kurku) boy from central India. While Ringu and his family are fictitious characters, the story is based on events in the Korku villages and is true to Life.
The ministry of Mr. Grubbs and is illness and death are true.《印度森林裡的靈高》是一個來自印度中部的科爾庫(Kurku)男孩的故事。雖然靈高和他的家人都是虛構的人物,但故事是根據科爾庫村的事件編寫的,是真實的。
沙迪先生(Mr. Grubbs)的事奉以及他的疾病和死亡都是真實的。 -
西瓜的秘密——繁體課文PDF和故事PPT下載 Secret of the Watermelon -Traditional Chinese text & story PPT download
This is a PowerPoint version to Download.
Through this story of Jon's visit to his grandfather's farm children learn how the colors of the watermelon can be used to share the Gospel. Children will never forget this unique lesson or the fun they have at your watermelon party!
Reproducible invitations, games and other ideas included.這故事透過志超探望住在鄉村農舍的姨父‚來教導兒童如何使用西瓜的顏色來分享福音。兒童永遠不會忘記這獨特的課程或充滿喜悅的西瓜派對。
包括可複製的邀請卡、遊戲和其他點子。 -
西瓜的秘密——简体课文PDF 和故事PPT下载 Secret of the Watermelon - Simplified Chinese text PDF & story PPT download
This is a PowerPoint version to Download.
Through this story of Jon's visit to his grandfather's farm children learn how the colors of the watermelon can be used to share the Gospel. Children will never forget this unique lesson or the fun they have at your watermelon party!
Reproducible invitations, games and other ideas included.这故事透过志超探望住在乡村农舍的姨父‚来教导儿童如何使用西瓜的颜色来分享福音。儿童永远不会忘记这独特的课程或充满喜悦的西瓜派对。
包括可复制的邀请卡、游戏和其他点子。 -
阿迪安博——繁體課文 PDF下載版 Adhiambo (Martha Olango)- Traditional Chinese text PDF download
The story of Adhiambo helps children see the importance of consecration as they hear about Adhiambo growing up in an abusive home, coming to know Christ as Savior, and finally giving her life to God to work as a CEF missionary in Kenya and Sudan.
Can be taught in six short sessions or one longer session.阿迪安博的故事帮助儿童看到献身的重要性。因为他们听到阿迪安博在一个受虐的家庭中成长,后来认识了基督为救主,最后将自己的生命交给神,成了万国儿童布道团的宣教士,在肯亚和 苏丹事奉。
可分六次短的课程或一次长的课程来进行教学。 阿迪安博的故事幫助兒童看到獻身的重要性。因為他們聽到阿迪安博在一個受虐的家庭中成長,後來認識了基督為救主,最後將自己的生命交給神,成了萬國兒童佈道團的宣教士,在肯亞和 蘇丹事奉。
可分六次短的課程或一次長的課程來進行教學。 -
阿迪安博——简体课文 PDF下载版 Adhiambo (Martha Olango)- Simplified Chinese text PDF download
The story of Adhiambo helps children see the importance of consecration as they hear about Adhiambo growing up in an abusive home, coming to know Christ as Savior, and finally giving her life to God to work as a CEF missionary in Kenya and Sudan.
Can be taught in six short sessions or one longer session.阿迪安博的故事帮助儿童看到献身的重要性。因为他们听到阿迪安博在一个受虐的家庭中成长,后来认识了基督为救主,最后将自己的生命交给神,成了万国儿童布道团的宣教士,在肯亚和 苏丹事奉。
可分六次短的课程或一次长的课程来进行教学。 阿迪安博的故事幫助兒童看到獻身的重要性。因為他們聽到阿迪安博在一個受虐的家庭中成長,後來認識了基督為救主,最後將自己的生命交給神,成了萬國兒童佈道團的宣教士,在肯亞和 蘇丹事奉。
可分六次短的課程或一次長的課程來進行教學。 -
尋找永遠真實的寶藏 (復活節)資源和PPT光碟下載(繁體)Always True Treasure Hunt (Easter) Resource & PPT Download-Traditional Chinese
This is a PowerPoint version to Download.
這是要下載的PowerPoint版本。You can use this NEW Easter party to lead children on an exciting treasure hunt to discover the Good News that Jesus is truly alive and can save them from their sin!
你可以採用這個全新的復活節派對,帶領孩子們進行一場刺激好玩的尋寶活動,藉以發現耶穌是真正活著並能將他們從罪中拯救出來的好消息。Resource & PPT CD includes:
-PowerPoint visuals for the lesson, memory verse 1 Corinthians 15:3b-4 and suggested songs (Have You Heard About Jesus and Happy Easter to You)
-Reproducibles for invitations, nametags, tokens
-Lesson text
-本課程的視覺教材簡報(PPT)、金句 (哥林多前書15:3下-4)及建議的詩歌(《你是否聽過?》和《復活節真快樂》)。
-課文Digital Download Only
僅限電子檔下載 -
寻找永远真实的宝藏 (复活节)资源和PPT光盘下载(简体)Always True Treasure Hunt (Easter) Resource & PPT Download- Simplified Chinese
This is a PowerPoint version to Download.
这是要下载的PowerPoint版本。You can use this NEW Easter party to lead children on an exciting treasure hunt to discover the Good News that Jesus is truly alive and can save them from their sin!
你可以采用这个全新的复活节派对,带领孩子们进行一场刺激好玩的寻宝活动,藉以发现耶稣是真正活着并能将他们从罪中拯救出来的好消息。Resource & PPT CD includes:
-PowerPoint visuals for the lesson, memory verse 1 Corinthians 15:3b-4 and suggested songs (Have You Heard About Jesus and Happy Easter to You)
-Reproducibles for invitations, nametags, tokens
-Lesson text资源和PPT光盘中包括:
-本课程的视觉教材简报(PPT)、金句 (哥林多前书15:3下-4)及建议的诗歌(《你是否听过?》和《复活节真快乐》)。
-课文Digital Download Only
仅限电子档下载 -
最偉大的故事(復活節)——繁體課文和故事簡報(PPT)下載 The Greatest Story (Easter) - Traditional Chinese text & story PPT download
This is a PowerPoint version to Download.
An Easter lesson suitable for large groups. Each puzzle piece tells a part of the crucifixion and resurrection story. As the lesson unfolds, a picture is built up, revealing the outline of the Lord when the lesson is finished.
This lesson pack includes invitations, name badges, memory verse visuals with tokens, games, a craft idea and a take-home sheet.這是適合大團體使用的復活節課程。每一塊拼圖都講述了耶穌被釘十架和復活的故事的一部分。隨著課程的展開,一幅圖畫被建立起來。當課程結束時,主的輪廓就會顯現出來。
本課程包含:邀請卡、名牌、金句視覺教材與金句卡、遊戲、手工點子及帶回家的作業。 -
最伟大的故事(复活节)——简体课文和故事简报(PPT)下载 The Greatest Story (Easter) - Simplified Chinese text
This is a PowerPoint version to Download.
An Easter lesson suitable for large groups. Each puzzle piece tells a part of the crucifixion and resurrection story. As the lesson unfolds, a picture is built up, revealing the outline of the Lord when the lesson is finished.
This lesson pack includes invitations, name badges, memory verse visuals with tokens, games, a craft idea and a take-home sheet.这是适合大团体使用的复活节课程。每一块拼图都讲述了耶稣被钉十架和复活的故事的一部分。随着课程的展开,一幅图画被建立起来。当课程结束时,主的轮廓就会显现出来。
本课程包含:邀请卡、名牌、金句视觉教材与金句卡、游戏、手工点子及带回家的作业。 -
是誰的生日(聖誕節)——繁體課文和故事簡報下載 Whose Birthday Is It? (Christmas) -Traditional Chinese text & story PPT download
This is a PowerPoint version to Download.
A pre-Christmas birthday party to talk about the first Christmas and the meaning of Christmas.
Children will learn that Christmas is a time to celebrate Jesus' birthday.Party Helps include: decoration & games’ ideas, suggested songs, Bible verse and skits, reproducible: Promotional poster, invitations & Name tags and verse tokens, ‘ What Gift Will You Give Him?’ skits, craft pattern, Challenge card for Christian Child and story
是谁的生日?(圣诞节)——简体课文和故事简报下載 Whose Birthday Is It? (Christmas) - Simplified Chinese text & story PPT download
This is a PowerPoint version to Download.
A pre-Christmas birthday party to talk about the first Christmas and the meaning of Christmas.
Children will learn that Christmas is a time to celebrate Jesus' birthday.Party Helps include: decoration & games’ ideas, suggested songs, Bible verse and skits, reproducible: Promotional poster, invitations & Name tags and verse tokens, ‘ What Gift Will You Give Him?’ skits, craft pattern, Challenge card for Christian Child and story
彭柯麗——繁體課文 PDF和PPT下載版 Corrie Ten Boom -Traditional Chinese text PDF & PPT download
Corrie remained faithful and strong in the Lord despite the terror of World War II, the danger of hiding Jews in her home and her resulting imprisonment in a German concentration camp. This true five-chapter story of Corrie's faith and courage will inspire the children you teach
儘管在恐怖的第二次世界大戰時,柯麗在家中藏匿猶太人的危險中──並因此被關進了德國的集中營,但她始終忠實於主。 這個真實的五章故事講述了柯麗的信心和勇氣,將激勵你所教導的孩子。
Lesson 1 - The Good Shepherd (Psalm 46:2): The Lord Jesus can help you overcome your fear. Memory verse: Psalm 46:2
Lesson 2 - A Happy Family (Psalm 1:1, 3): You can serve the Lord even as a child. Memory verse: Psalm 1:1, 3
Lesson 3 - In the School of God (Psalm 32:8): The Lord will teach you through the Bible, through other Christians and through things that happen in your life. Memory verse: Psalm 32:8
Lesson 4 - Jesus Is Victorious (Romans 8:38-39): The Lord is with you wherever you go. Memory verse: Romans 8:38-39
Lesson 5 - A Tramp for the Lord (Matthew 28:19-20): God wants you to follow His leading. Memory verse: Matthew 28:19-20第1課——好牧人 (詩篇46:2) 主耶穌能幫助你勝過你的恐懼。 金句: 詩篇46:2
第2課——一個幸福的家庭 (詩篇1:1,3) 你可以在年幼時服事主。 金句: 詩篇1:1,3
第3課——在神的學校(詩篇32:8) 主會通過聖經、其他的基督徒和你生活中發生的事情來教導你。金句: 詩篇32:8
第4課——耶穌是得勝者(羅馬書8:38-39) 無論你往何處去,主都與你同在。金句: 羅馬書8:38-39
第5課——柯麗為神走遍各地(馬太福音28:19-20) 神希望你跟隨祂。金句: 馬太福音28:19-20 -
彭柯丽——简体课文 PDF和PPT下载版 Corrie Ten Boom - Simplified Chinese text PDF & PPT download
Corrie remained faithful and strong in the Lord despite the terror of World War II, the danger of hiding Jews in her home and her resulting imprisonment in a German concentration camp. This true five-chapter story of Corrie's faith and courage will inspire the children you teach
尽管在恐怖的第二次世界大战时,柯丽在家中藏匿犹太人的危险中──并因此被关进了德国的集中营,但她始终忠实于主。 这个真实的五章故事讲述了柯丽的信心和勇气,将激励你所教导的孩子。
Lesson 1 - The Good Shepherd (Psalm 46:2): The Lord Jesus can help you overcome your fear. Memory verse: Psalm 46:2
Lesson 2 - A Happy Family (Psalm 1:1, 3): You can serve the Lord even as a child. Memory verse: Psalm 1:1, 3
Lesson 3 - In the School of God (Psalm 32:8): The Lord will teach you through the Bible, through other Christians and through things that happen in your life. Memory verse: Psalm 32:8
Lesson 4 - Jesus Is Victorious (Romans 8:38-39): The Lord is with you wherever you go. Memory verse: Romans 8:38-39
Lesson 5 - A Tramp for the Lord (Matthew 28:19-20): God wants you to follow His leading. Memory verse: Matthew 28:19-20第1课——好牧人 (诗篇46:2) 主耶稣能帮助你胜过你的恐惧。金句: 诗篇46:2
第2课——一个幸福的家庭 (诗篇1:1,3) 你可以在年幼时服事主。金句: 诗篇1:1,3
第3课——在神的学校(诗篇32:8) 主会通过圣经、其他的基督徒和你生活中发生的事情来教导你。金句: 诗篇32:8
第4课——耶稣是得胜者(罗马书8:38-39) 无论你往何处去,主都与你同在。金句: 罗马书8:38-39
第5课——柯丽为神走遍各地(马太福音28:19-20) 神希望你跟随祂。金句: 马太福音28:19-20 -
因为神爱你 (复活节) (简) (Because God Loves You PPT Download- Simplified Chinese)
This is a PowerPoint version to Download.
Get ready for a new, fun, innovative way to teach the story of Jesus and the Resurrection.
Walk through six snapshots of Jesus’ life as you share the amazing true story of our Savior with the children in your neighborhood with this brand new party club, Because God Loves You.
Party helps include verse visual, invitations, craft, games, review games and snack ideas. -
因為神愛你 (復活節) (繁) (Because God Loves You PPT Download - Traditional Chinese)
This is a PowerPoint version to Download.
Get ready for a new, fun, innovative way to teach the story of Jesus and the Resurrection.
Walk through six snapshots of Jesus’ life as you share the amazing true story of our Savior with the children in your neighborhood with this brand new party club, Because God Loves You.
Party helps include verse visual, invitations, craft, games, review games and snack ideas. -
将喜乐带给世界(圣诞节)资源和PPT简报下载(简体)Joy to the World (Christmas) Resource & PPT Download- Simplified Chinese
This is a PowerPoint version to Download.
这是一款可下载的投影片/简报( PowerPoint )版本。Joy to the World Christmas party takes kids on a trip around the world to see how other countries celebrate Christmas. The unique visuals (extra large "Christmas cards") will teach children how Isaiah's prophecies about the Messiah came true through Jesus. This party reinforces the truth that Jesus was prophesied hundreds of years before His birth and that the Bible can be trusted.
《将喜乐带给世界》圣诞派对带领孩子们环游世界,看看其他国家是如何庆祝圣诞节的。独特的视觉教材(超大的 “圣诞卡”)将告诉孩子们以赛亚关于弥赛亚的预言是如何通过耶稣来实现。这个聚会强化了耶稣在出生前几百年就被预言的真理,以及圣经是可以被信赖的观念。Resource & PPT Download--provides PowerPoint visuals for the lesson, memory verse, and songs. Reproducibles for invitations, nametags, tokens and game pieces in color or black & white.
And a new 'how to video" - how to use these new visuals.
-还有一个新的 "如何使用视频"(英文)--如何使用这些新的视觉教材。 -
將喜樂帶給世界(聖誕節)資源和PPT簡報下載(繁體)Joy to the World (Christmas) Resource & PPT Download-Traditional Chinese
This is a PowerPoint version to Download.
這是一款可下載的投影片/簡報( PowerPoint )版本。Joy to the World Christmas party takes kids on a trip around the world to see how other countries celebrate Christmas. The unique visuals (extra large "Christmas cards") will teach children how Isaiah's prophecies about the Messiah came true through Jesus. This party reinforces the truth that Jesus was prophesied hundreds of years before His birth and that the Bible can be trusted.
《將喜樂帶給世界》聖誕派對帶領孩子們環遊世界,看看其他國家是如何慶祝聖誕節的。獨特的視覺教材(超大的 「聖誕卡」)將告訴孩子們以賽亞關於彌賽亞的預言是如何透過耶穌來實現。這個聚會強化了耶穌在出生前幾百年就被預言的真理,以及聖經是可以被信賴的觀念。Resource & PPT Download--provides PowerPoint visuals for the lesson, memory verse, and songs. Reproducibles for invitations, nametags, tokens and game pieces in color or black & white.
And a new 'how to video" - how to use these new visuals.
-還有一個新的「如何使用視頻」(英文)--如何使用這些新的視覺教材。 -
生命之光(圣诞节)资源和PPT简报下载 (简体) (Light of Life Resource & PPT Download Simplified Chinese)
This is a PowerPoint version to Download.
In the Light of Life Christmas party lesson children will learn how God created and used light in some amazing ways to announce the birth of the Savior!
The download includes Power Point visuals for lesson, memory verse (John 8:12), songs, decoration and game ideas. Reproducibles in B&W and color for invitations, nametags, Christmas card craft, poster, KJV and ESV tokens. Even includes a Spanish church bulletin insert to promote the Light of Lght. (Printed Spanish lesson text sold separately.)
Words to suggested songs "Joy to the World" and "Go Tell it on the Mountain."
English and Spanish music found on Sing About the King 1 music CD. -
生命之光(聖誕節)資源和PPT簡報下載 (繁體) (Light of Life Resource & PPT Download Traditional Chinese)
This is a PowerPoint version to Download.
In the Light of Life Christmas party lesson children will learn how God created and used light in some amazing ways to announce the birth of the Savior!
The download includes Power Point visuals for lesson, memory verse (John 8:12), songs, decoration and game ideas. Reproducibles in B&W and color for invitations, nametags, Christmas card craft, poster, KJV and ESV tokens. Even includes a Spanish church bulletin insert to promote the Light of Lght. (Printed Spanish lesson text sold separately.)
Words to suggested songs "Joy to the World" and "Go Tell it on the Mountain."
English and Spanish music found on Sing About the King 1 music CD. -
一颗星星的信息(圣诞节)——简体课文和故事简报下載 (The Message of a Star (Christmas) Simplified Chinese)
This is a PowerPoint version to Download.
Take children on an incredible journey as you share the story of the wise men who followed the star to Jesus. Kids learn that God reveals Himself to those who seek Him.
Party Helps include: decoration & snack ideas, suggested songs, review games, reproducible invitations & take-home token, memory verse visual.
一顆星星的信息(聖誕節)——繁體課文和故事簡報下載 (The Message of a Star(Christmas) Tradtional Chinese)
This is a PowerPoint version to Download.
Take children on an incredible journey as you share the story of the wise men who followed the star to Jesus. Kids learn that God reveals Himself to those who seek Him.
Party Helps include: decoration & snack ideas, suggested songs, review games, reproducible invitations & take-home token, memory verse visual.
幼儿可以藉着祂的神迹认识神 – 简体课文PDF下载版 LKCKG through His Miracles Text - Simplified Chinese PDF
Same teacher text for Little Kids Can Know God through Miracles that is in the kit. Lesson outlines, detailed story line, review questions, craft ideas, reproducibles, music and more. Handy if you are team teaching - each teacher can have a text without purchasing two complete kits.
Use this link for free reproducible activity sheets
幼兒可以藉著祂的神蹟認識神 – 繁體課本PDF下載版 LKCKG through His Miracles Text Traditional Chinese PDF
Same teacher text for Little Kids Can Know God through Miracles that is in the kit. Lesson outlines, detailed story line, review questions, craft ideas, reproducibles, music and more. Handy if you are team teaching - each teacher can have a text without purchasing two complete kits.
Use this link for free reproducible activity sheets
耶稣:降临世界的神——简体课文PDF下载版 Jesus: God Who Came to Earth Text - Simplified Chinese PDF
Lesson text for six lessons about the life of Jesus from birth through the beginning of His early ministry. Text includes a master planning chart, schedule, lesson overview and outline, detailed story line, review questions, memory verse teaching and more!(Replaces Life of Christ 1.)
教案包含总计划表、时间表、课程概览、课程大纲、详细的故事内容、复习问题、教导金句等!Lesson 1 -The Savior Is Born! (Memory verse Luke 2:11)
Lesson 2 - Wise Men Worship the Savior King (Memory verse Luke 2:11)
Lesson 3 - Jesus Obeys His Heavenly Father (Memory verse Philippians 2:13)
Lesson 4 - Jesus Is the Promised Savior (Memory verse Philippians 2:13)
Lesson 5 - Jesus is the Sinless Savior (Memory verse Hebrews 2:18)
Lesson 6 - Happy Birthday Review Party第一课——救主降生!(金句:路加福音2:11)
第二课——博士敬拜救主 —— 君王(金句:路加福音2:11)
第六课——生日快乐复习派对 -
耶穌:降臨世界的神——繁體課文PDF下載版 Jesus: God Who Came to Earth Text - Traditional Chinese PDF
Lesson text for six lessons about the life of Jesus from birth through the beginning of His early ministry. Text includes a master planning chart, schedule, lesson overview and outline, detailed story line, review questions, memory verse teaching and more! (Replaces Life of Christ 1)
教案包含總計劃表、時間表、課程概覽、課程大綱、詳細的故事内容、複習問題、教導金句等!Lesson 1 -The Savior Is Born! (Memory verse Luke 2:11)
Lesson 2 - Wise Men Worship the Savior King (Memory verse Luke 2:11)
Lesson 3 - Jesus Obeys His Heavenly Father (Memory verse Philippians 2:13)
Lesson 4 - Jesus Is the Promised Savior (Memory verse Philippians 2:13)
Lesson 5 - Jesus is the Sinless Savior (Memory verse Hebrews 2:18)
Lesson 6 - Happy Birthday Review Party第一課——救主降生!(金句:路加福音2:11)
第六課——生日快樂複習派對 -
唯一方法——简体课文PDF下载版 One Way Text, Simplified Chinese PDF
Children learn the One Way to God through these 5 lessons! Text provides lesson outlines, detailed story line, review questions, memory verse teaching, song suggestionsLesson 1 – Naaman: One Way to Be Cleansed (2 Kings 5:1-16) Memory verse: John 14:6
Lesson 2 – Cain and Abel: One Way to Come to God (Genesis 4:1-16) Memory verse: Ephesians 1:7
Lesson 3 - Rahab: One Way to Be Saved (Joshua 2:1-24; 5:1; 6:1-25) Memory verse: 1 Peter 3:18a
Lesson 4 – Jairus’s Daughter: One Way to Have Hope (Mark 5:21-24, 35-43) Memory verse: John 20:31
Lesson 5 - The Prodigal Son: One Way to Be Forgiven (Luke 15:1-2, 11-32) Memory verse: Jeremiah 31:3b第一课——乃缦:得到洁净的唯一方法(列王纪下5:1-16) 金句:约翰福音14:6
第2课——该隐和亚伯:来到神面前的唯一方法 (创世记4:1-16) 金句:以弗所书1:7
第3课——喇合:得救的唯一方法 (约书亚记 2:1-24; 5:1; 6:1-25)金句:彼得前书3:18上
第4课——睚鲁的女儿:通往盼望的唯一方法(马可福音5:21-24; 35-43) 金句:约翰福音20:31
第5课——浪子:获得宽恕的唯一方法 (路加福音15:1-2; 11-32) 金句: 耶利米书31:3中
Text provides lesson outlines, detailed story line, review questions, memory verse teaching, song suggestions.教案包含课程大纲、详细的故事内容、复习问题、教导金句及建议的诗歌等!
唯一方法——繁體課文PDF下載版 One Way Text, Traditional Chinese PDF
Children learn the One Way to God through these 5 lessons! Text provides lesson outlines, detailed story line, review questions, memory verse teaching, song suggestions
Lesson 1 – Naaman: One Way to Be Cleansed (2 Kings 5:1-16) Memory verse: John 14:6
Lesson 2 – Cain and Abel: One Way to Come to God (Genesis 4:1-16) Memory verse: Ephesians 1:7
Lesson 3 - Rahab: One Way to Be Saved (Joshua 2:1-24; 5:1; 6:1-25) Memory verse: 1 Peter 3:18a
Lesson 4 – Jairus’s Daughter: One Way to Have Hope (Mark 5:21-24, 35-43) Memory verse: John 20:31
Lesson 5 - The Prodigal Son: One Way to Be Forgiven (Luke 15:1-2, 11-32) Memory verse: Jeremiah 31:3b第一課——乃縵:得到潔淨的唯一方法(列王紀下 5:1-16) 金句:約翰福音14:6
第2課——該隱和亞伯:來到神面前的唯一方法 (創世記4:1-16) 金句:以弗所書1:7
第3課——喇合:得救的唯一方法 (約書亞記2:1-24; 5:1; 6:1-25)金句:彼得前書3:18上
第4課——睚魯的女兒:通往盼望的唯一方法 (馬可福音5:21-24; 35-43) 金句 : 約翰福音20:31
第5課——浪子:獲得寬恕的唯一方法 (路加福音15:1-2; 11-32) 金句 : 耶利米書31:3中Text provides lesson outlines, detailed story line, review questions, memory verse teaching, song suggestions
神: 明白我心的那位(大卫)——简体课文 PDF下载版God: The One Who Knows My Heart (David) - Simplified Chinese text PDF download
(2022 Version) This series on the life of David encourages children to have a heart after God. Text includes a master planning chart, schedule, lesson overview and outline, detailed story line, review questions, memory verse teaching and more!
(2022年版) 这个关于大卫生平的系列鼓励儿童有一颗跟随神的心。教案包括了一个总计划表、时间表、课程概览和大纲、详细的故事内容、复习问题、教导金句和更多
Lesson 1 - The Heart that Follows God (Growth Narrative) (Saul is given the kingdom, 1 Sam. 8:1-22; 9:1-27; 10:1, 17-26; 13:5-15) Memory verse: Psalm 119:9
Lesson 2 - A Heart after God (Growth Narrative) (David is annointed king, 1 Sam. 16:1-13) Memory verse: Psalm 119:10
Lesson 3 - The Heart Bold for God's Glory (Growth Narrative) (David and Goliath, 1 Sam. 16:13-23; 17:1-52) Memory verse: Psalm 119:10
Lesson 4 - The Heart that Trusts God's Plan (Growth Narrative) (David and Jonathan; David sparing Saul's life, 1 Sam. 18:1-9; 24:1-22; 31:6; 2 Sam. 1:11-12; 2:1-4)
Memory verse: Psalm 119:11
Lesson 5 - God's Heart of Kindness (Evangelistic Narrative) (David is made king; Mephibosheth, 2 Sam. 4:4; 9:1-13) Memory verse: Psalm 119:11
Lesson 6 - Remote Control Review Party! (Topical Evangelistic), 2 Sam. 7:1-17, 12:1-15; 1 Chron. 22:1-5; 1 Kings 2:1-10; Luke 1:26-33; 2 Pet. 3:13; Rev. 11:15)
Memory verse: Psalm 119:9-11第1课——跟随神的心(灵命成长叙述课程)(扫罗被立为王,撒上8:1-22; 9:1-27; 10:1, 17-26; 13:5-15)金句: 诗篇119:9
第2课——合神心意的心(灵命成长叙述课程)(大卫被膏为王,撒上16:1-13)金句: 诗篇119:10
第3课——为神的荣耀而胆壮的心(灵命成长叙述课程)(大卫和歌利亚,撒上16:13-23;17:1-52)金句: 诗篇119:10
第4课——信靠神计划的心(灵命成长叙述课程)(大卫和约拿单;大卫饶了扫罗的命,撒上18:1-9;24:1-22;31:6;撒下1:11-12;2:1-4 )金句: 诗篇119:11
第5课——神仁慈的心(布道叙述课程)(大卫作王;米非波设,撒下4:4;9:1-13)金句: 诗篇119:11
代上22:1-5;王上2:1-10;路1:26-33;彼后3:13;启11:15)金句: 诗篇119:9-11Suggested mission story (in resource pack): Lottie Moon
Flashcard visuals and mission story must be purchased separately
神: 明白我心的那位(大衛)——繁體課文 PDF下載版 God: The One Who Knows My Heart (David) -Traditional Chinese text PDF download
(2022 Version) This series on the life of David encourages children to have a heart after God. Text includes a master planning chart, schedule, lesson overview and outline, detailed story line, review questions, memory verse teaching and more!
Lesson 1 - The Heart that Follows God (Growth Narrative) (Saul is given the kingdom, 1 Sam. 8:1-22; 9:1-27; 10:1, 17-26; 13:5-15) Memory verse: Psalm 119:9
Lesson 2 - A Heart after God (Growth Narrative) (David is annointed king, 1 Sam. 16:1-13) Memory verse: Psalm 119:10
Lesson 3 - The Heart Bold for God's Glory (Growth Narrative) (David and Goliath, 1 Sam. 16:13-23; 17:1-52) Memory verse: Psalm 119:10
Lesson 4 - The Heart that Trusts God's Plan (Growth Narrative) (David and Jonathan; David sparing Saul's life, 1 Sam. 18:1-9; 24:1-22; 31:6; 2 Sam. 1:11-12; 2:1-4)
Memory verse: Psalm 119:11
Lesson 5 - God's Heart of Kindness (Evangelistic Narrative) (David is made king; Mephibosheth, 2 Sam. 4:4; 9:1-13) Memory verse: Psalm 119:11
Lesson 6 - Remote Control Review Party! (Topical Evangelistic), 2 Sam. 7:1-17, 12:1-15; 1 Chron. 22:1-5; 1 Kings 2:1-10; Luke 1:26-33; 2 Pet. 3:13; Rev. 11:15)
Memory verse: Psalm 119:9-11第1课——跟隨神的心(靈命成長敘述課程)(掃羅被立為王,撒上8:1-22; 9:1-27; 10:1, 17-26; 13:5-15)金句: 詩篇119:9
第2课——合神心意的心(靈命成長敘述課程)(大衛被膏為王,撒上16:1-13)金句: 诗篇119:10
第3课——為神的榮耀而膽壯的心(靈命成長敘述課程)(大衛和歌利亞,撒上16:13-23;17:1-52)金句: 诗篇119:10
第4课——信靠神計劃的心(靈命成長敘述課程)(大衛和約拿單;大衛饒了掃羅的命,撒上18:1-9;24:1-22;31:6;撒下1:11-12;2:1-4 )金句: 诗篇119:11
第5课——神仁慈的心(佈道敘述課程)(大衛作王;米非波設,撒下4:4;9:1-13)金句: 诗篇119:11
王上2:1-10;路1:26-33;彼後3:13;啟11:15)金句: 诗篇119:9-11Suggested mission story (in resource pack): Lottie Moon
Flashcard visuals and mission story must be purchased separately
我敢:艾美·卡麦可——简体课文PDF下载版 I Dare: The Amy Carmichael Text Simplified Chinese PDF
Dare children to accept the challenge of living for God through this five-chapter story on the life of missionary Amy Carmichael. The true story from India is sure to impact the children you teach.
我敢:艾美·卡麥可——繁體課 文PDF下載版 I Dare: The Amy Carmichael Text Traditional Chinese PDF
Dare children to accept the challenge of living for God through this five-chapter story on the life of missionary Amy Carmichael. The true story from India is sure to impact the children you teach.