Revised 2020
PowerPoint visuals to teach six lessons for God's Power: Escape from Egypt Includes ppt visuals for flashcards, memory verses (ESV and KJV), lyrics to suggested songs, and The Pinedas: Faith in the Storm mission story.
PDFs of lesson include text, visuals and review, mission teaching, reproducibles (quiet time sheets, memory verse bookmarks, coloring sheets, sheet music for songs)—everything in digital format that is in the printed resource pack.
Lesson 1 - God the Deliverer (Evangelistic Narrative) (Gen. 12:1-3; 46:1-4; Ex. 1:1—4:28) Memory verse: 2 Samuel 22:2b
Lesson 2 - God Shows His Greatness to Pharaoh (Evangelistic Narrative) (Ex. 4:29—6:13; 7:1—12:32) Memory verse: Isaiah 45:5a
Lesson 3 - God Shows His Power to Save (Growth Narrative) (Ex. 12:31-42; 13:17—15:21) Memory verse: Psalm 46:1
Lesson 4 - God Gives the Ten Commandments: Part 1 (Topical Growth) (Ex. 19:1-9a, 16-20; 20:1-11; 31:18) Memory verse: Matthew 22:37-38
Lesson 5 - God Gives the Ten Commandments: Part 2 (Topical Growth) (Ex. 20:1-27; Matt. 5:21-22) Memory verse: Matthew 22:37-39
Lesson 6 - Moses's Song (Review Party)