Party Lessons, Music, Misc Resources

All song visuals, CD's, DVD's and Order form for the Good News Club year 2024-2025

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  • Light of Life Christmas Party Club ESV Visuals/text/PPT download

    Light of Life Christmas Party Club ESV Visuals/text/PPT download

    In Light of Life, children will learn how God created and used light in amazing ways to announce the birth of the Savior!

    Printed visuals include
    17" x 22" cross
    ESV verse visual & Joy to the World song visual
    English text: teacher text and lots of ideas to have a fun Christmas Party Club: games, decoration, snack and craft ideas, reproducibles and more.

    Resource & PowerPoint files to download.
    All-In-One PPT presentation - lesson visuals, memory verse, MP4 Joy to the World and review games.
    Additional PowerPoint visuals for memory verse John 8:12 in ESV and KJV, visual for lesson and words to CEF version of "Joy to the World" and "Go Tell it on the Mountain."
    PDF files include:
    Reproducibles for invitations, nametags, promotional poster, Christmas card craft, invitations, memory verse take-home sheets (tokens), Christmas card craft.
    Many of these in full-color and black & white.

    Partner with CEF for a Christmas Across America Party!

    Find out more information here. 

    Download ESV Light of Life Quiet Time Sheets 

    Download KJV Light of Life Quiet Time Sheets

    • $14.99
  • I Don't Want Your Money Kit (English) (Christmas) visuals with PPT Download

    I Don't Want Your Money Kit (English) (Christmas) visuals with PPT Download

    I Don't Want Your Money kit includes brand new flashcard artwork, verse visual in ESV and KJV, song visual for Joy to the WorldWord UP!, teacher's text, and Resource PPT download.

    The lesson is about an orphan who finds a home but then learns the greater value found in knowing Jesus Christ. 
    Because this lesson is based on a story rather than a Bible lesson about the Christmas story, it can easily be adjusted to be used for a party club at a different time of year if desired.

    Download files include invitations, games, activities, memory verse teaching, lesson text and visuals to conduct an exciting Christmas Party ClubTM

    Suggested songs: Go Tell It on the Mountain, To All Who Did Receive Him (John 1:12), Joy to the World (all available as MP3 and MP4)

    The Resource PPT download includes an All-in-1 PPT presentation with games and suggested song MP4s. (verse song is ESV. It also includes teaching text, reproducibles, and forms.

    • $14.99
  • Light of Life Christmas Party Club KJV Visuals/text/PPT download

    Light of Life Christmas Party Club KJV Visuals/text/PPT download

    In Light of Life, children will learn how God created and used light in amazing ways to announce the birth of the Savior!

    Printed visuals include
    17" x 22" cross
    KJV verse visual & Joy to the World song visual
    English text: teacher text and lots of ideas to have a fun Christmas Party Club: games, decoration, snack and craft ideas, reproducibles and more.

    Resource & PowerPoint files to download.
    All-In-One PPT presentation - lesson visuals, memory verse, MP4 Joy to the World and review games.
    Additional PowerPoint visuals for memory verse John 8:12 in ESV and KJV, visual for lesson and words to CEF version of "Joy to the World" and "Go Tell it on the Mountain."
    PDF files include:
    Reproducibles for invitations, nametags, promotional poster, Christmas card craft, invitations, memory verse take-home sheets (tokens), Christmas card craft.
    Many of these in full-color and black & white.

    Partner with CEF for a Christmas Across America Party!

    Find out more information here. 

    Download ESV Light of Life Quiet Time Sheets 

    Download KJV Light of Life Quiet Time Sheets

    • $14.99
  • I Don't Want Your Money Kit (Spanish) (Christmas)visuals & text

    I Don't Want Your Money Kit (Spanish) (Christmas)visuals & text

    I Don't Want Your Money kit includes brand new flashcard artwork, verse visual, song visual, teacher's text, and Resource PPT download.

    The lesson is about an orphan who finds a home but then learns the greater value found in knowing Jesus Christ. 
    Because this lesson is based on a story rather than a Bible lesson about the Christmas story, it can easily be adjusted to be used for a party club at a different time of year if desired.

    Resourse PPT download included in English only.

    The Resource PPT download includes an All-in-1 PPT presentation with games and suggested song MP4s. Verse song is ESV. It also includes teaching text, reproducibles, and forms.

    • $14.99
  • The King's Crown (Easter) Resource & PPT CD

    The King's Crown (Easter) Resource & PPT CD

    "Here Ye! Hear Ye! The King of Kings died to pay for your sins and now He is alive!" Children everywhere need to hear this good news and you can share it with them by planning a party that is "fit for a king!”
    Most kings wear royal robes and majestic crowns, but The King’s Crown will help children learn that Jesus, the mighty King of Kings, clothed himself as a servant and a sacrifice to become the Savior of the world.
    This Resource & PPT CD includes PowerPoint visuals for lesson, memory verse (John 1:12) songs and Kingdom-themed game pieces. Reproducibles in B&W and color, KJV and ESV. Suggested song "Jesus Is the Good News."

    • $12.49
  • Stop, Go, & Only One Way (Multi-song visual)

    Stop, Go, & Only One Way (Multi-song visual)

    Made to accompany the One Way series, this multi-song visual includes the lyrics to "Stop", "Go," and "Only One Way" songs.
    11" x 17", 16 full-color pages

    Click here to buy the MP4 for "One Way"

    Click here to buy the MP4 for "Stop/Go"

    • $12.45
  • Alto-Anda, Una Via (Stop, Go, One Way)

    Alto-Anda, Una Via (Stop, Go, One Way)

    11" x 17", 16 full-color pages
    Made to accompany the One Way series, this multi-song visual includes the "Stop", "Go," and "One Way" (new words & tune) songs.

    View English demonstration of Stop/God song here.   

    View English demonstration of One Way song here.

    • $12.45
  • Blast Off! The Story of Johannes Kepler

    Blast Off! The Story of Johannes Kepler

    Blast Off!—The Story of Johannes Kepler is a space-themed Party Club lesson that uses the wonders of the universe to help children learn that God the Creator has power to save them from sin and take care of them. Includes reproducibles (ESV and KJV memory verse bookmarks, invitations, review games, skit), snack suggestions, intergalactic interactive games. Sharing the Gospel with children isn’t rocket science, but you can use a bit of rocket science to share the Gospel with children!

    11" x 17" flashcard visuals with English lesson text

    Download KJV Blast Off! Quiet Time Sheet

    Download ESV Blast Off! Quiet Time Sheet

    • $11.99
  • The King's Crown (printed visuals, text, & FREE Resource PPT download)

    The King's Crown (printed visuals, text, & FREE Resource PPT download)

    "Here Ye! Hear Ye! The King of Kings died to pay for your sins and now He is alive!" Children everywhere need to hear this good news and you can share it with them by planning an Easter Party Club that is "fit for a king!”  Most kings wear royal robes and majestic crowns, but The King’s Crown will help children learn that Jesus, the mighty King of Kings, clothed himself as a servant and a sacrifice to become the Savior of the world.

    Suggested song: "Jesus Is the Good News."

    Product includes 17" x 22" fold-up visual and English text
    Free Download (when purchased online) includes PowerPoint visuals for lesson, memory verse (John 1:12) songs and Kingdom themed game pieces. Reproducibles in B&W and color, KJV and ESV. (Physical PPT CD is now sold separately)

    • $11.99
  • Starter Resource Pack

    Starter Resource Pack

    Includes Books of the Bible poster, UPs rules, map, and timeline.

    The Starter Resource Pack is designed to be used with the Resource Packs for the following lesson series:

    God's Sovereignty: The Life of Joseph, God Protects His People: The Life of Esther, Jesus: God of Power and Glory, God's Church Expands: The Ministry of Paul, The Wordless Book Visualized.
    God: The One Who Knows My Heart
    (David), God Rules: Be Strong (Daniel), Jesus: God Who Came to Earth, God: The One to Follow (Peter)
    The Creator King: Jesus: God Who Cares for People; God's Plan in Action: The Early Church, The Patriarchs: God's Plan Unfolds, God's Love: Hope for the Outcast

    Purchase the Resource Packs with specific lesson titles for additional teaching helps.

    • $11.00
  • Spanish Starter Resource Pack

    Spanish Starter Resource Pack

    Includes Books of the Bible poster, UPs rules, map, and timeline -- all in Spanish.

    The Starter Resource Pack is designed to be used with the following lesson Series:
    God's Sovereignty: The Life of Joseph, God Protects His People: The Life of Esther, Jesus: God of Power and Glory, God's Church Expands: The Ministry of Paul, The Wordless Book Visualized.
    God: The One Who Knows My Heart (David), God Rules: Be Strong (Daniel), Jesus: God Who Came to Earth, God: The One to Follow (Peter), God: The Creator King, Jesus: God Who Cares for People, God's Plan in Action: The Early Church, The Patriarchs: God's Plan Unfolds, and God's Love: Hope for the Outcast.

    Purchase Resource Packs with specific lesson titles for additional teaching helps.

    • $11.00
  • Good News to All the World

    Good News to All the World

    11" x 17", 12 full-color pages for the lyrics to the song "Good News to All the World". Challenge children to believe that Jesus died, rose again and wants to be their Savior and friend and to share the good news with everyone in their world!

    Clcik here to view a demonstration of this song 

    Click here to buy the MP4 of this song

    • $10.65
  • I Believe

    I Believe

    11" x 17", 16 full-color pages with lyrics to the song "I Believe"
    This visualized song helps children and even adults learn a complete biblical statement of faith!
    Music found on Sing about the King CD 4.

    View demonstration of song here.

    Click here to buy the MP4 of this song

    • $10.65
  • The 7 Most Important Things Song (7 MIT)

    The 7 Most Important Things Song (7 MIT)

    11" x 17", 12 full-color pages with lyrics to "The 7 Most Important Things" song. Kids will enjoy clapping, stomping and shouting as they sing along with this visualized song about the seven most important things in the world: 1. God loves me! 2. Jesus never sinned! 3. I have sinned! 4. Jesus died for me! 5. Now Jesus lives! 6. I put my faith in Christ! 7. I can live for Him!

    View demonstration of song here.

    Click here to buy the MP4 of this song

    • $10.65
  • Jesus Is the Good News

    Jesus Is the Good News

    11" x 17", 12 full-color pages with lyrics to the song "Jesus Is the Good News"
    This exciting visualized song gives children reasons to celebrate that Jesus is the Good News!

    View song demonstration here.

    Click here to buy the MP4 of this song

    • $10.65
  • Turn Your Eyes to Jesus

    Turn Your Eyes to Jesus

    11" x 17", 12 full-color pages with lyrics to the song "Turn Your Eyes to Jesus"
    The motions and catchy calypso beat of this visualized song will help kids to have victory over sin.

    View demonstration of song here.

    Click here to buy the MP4 of this song

    • $10.65
  • What's the News?

    What's the News?

    11" x 17", 12 full-color pages with lyrics to the song "What's the News?"
    Use this lively visualized song as a Good News Club theme song and to remind children that Jesus is the way to have their sin washed away!

    View song demonstration here.

    Click here to buy the MP4 of this song

    • $10.65
  • 365 Dias (God Wants to Spend Time)

    365 Dias (God Wants to Spend Time)

    11" x 17", 12 full-color pages with lyrics to the song "God Wants to Spend Time with Just You" in Sanish
    Kids will want to have a Quiet Time with God when they realize He loves them and wants to spend time with just them! This visualized song encourages kids to develop the habit of a daily devotional time.

    View English demonstration here.

    • $10.65
  • Cristo Buenas Nuevas Da (Jesus Is the Good News)

    Cristo Buenas Nuevas Da (Jesus Is the Good News)

    11" x 17", 12 full-color pages
    This exciting visualized song gives children reasons to celebrate that Jesus is the Good News.

    View English demonstration of song here.

    • $10.65
  • God's Way

    God's Way

    11" x 17", 16 full-color pages with lyrics to the song "God's Way"
    Kids question the right way to act or make a decision. This song teaches children that God's Word, the Bible, tells them how to live God's way.

    View song demonstration here

    Click here to buy the MP4 of this song

    • $10.65
  • Tell Everyone

    Tell Everyone

    11" x 17", 12 full-color pages with lyrics to the song "Tell Everyone"
    When childen have good news they want to share it. Tell Everyone encourages girls and boys to share the very best news of all--salvation through Jesus, God's Son!

    View demonstration of song here.

    Click here to buy the MP4 of this song

    • $10.65
  • Christ Redeemed Us

    Christ Redeemed Us

    11"x17", 12 full-color pages with lyrics to the song "Christ Redeemed Us"
    This visualized song teaches children the important who, what, when, where and how of redemption. More importantly they will realize they are in need of a Savior.

    View demonstration of song here.

    Click here to buy the MP4 of this song

    • $10.65
  • Go Tell It on the Mountain

    Go Tell It on the Mountain

    11" x 17", 12 full-color pages with lyrics to the song "Go Tell It on the Mountain". This song emphasizes the important message that Jesus came to Earth as a baby to be the Savior. That is news worth sharing with everyone!

    Suggested song in Light of Life Christmas lesson

    View demonstration here.

    Click here to buy the MP4 of this song

    • $10.65
  • Di las Buenas Nuevas (Go Tell It on the Mountain)

    Di las Buenas Nuevas (Go Tell It on the Mountain)

    11" x 17", 12 full-color pages with lyrics to the song "Go Tell It on the Mountain"
    This song emphasizes the important message that Jesus came to Earth as a baby to be the Savior. That is news worth sharing with everyone!

    View English demonstration of song here.

    • $10.65
  • Jump


    11" x 17", Eight full-color pages with lyrics for the song "Jump"
    This song celebrates God--the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and what He has done to save people from sin!

    View song demonstration here.

    Click here to buy the MP4 of this song

    • $10.65
  • No Turning Back

    No Turning Back

    11" x 17", Eight full-color pages with lyrics to the song "No Turning Back"
    This song will help remind children of their spiritual commitment.

    View song demonstration here.

    Click here to buy the MP4 of this song

    • $10.65
  • I Look to You

    I Look to You

    11" x 17", 12 full-color pages with lyrics to the song "I Look to You"
    Today's world presents a child with many frightening situations--being bullied, moving to a new school, divorce of parents, natural disasters, fear of the dark or snakes, the serious illness of a friend, famiy member or even themself. This song will remind girls and boys what to do when they are scared.

    View song demonstration here.

    Click here to buy the MP4 of this song

    • $10.65
  • Sing about the King 3 Music CD

    Sing about the King 3 Music CD

    Songs on this CD are recommended for use in the following lessons:

    God's Love: Hope for the Outcast
    God's Power: Escape from Egypt
    God's Faithfulness: Return to Canaan
    Jesus: God Who Saves 

    Songs: Christ Redeemed Us; Do You Believe?; God's Way; Good News to All the World; Go Tell it on the Mountain; Happy Birthday, Jesus; I Believe; I Look to You; Jesus is the Good News; Jesus Loves Me/Amazing Grace; Jump; Let's Get Started; No Turning Back; One Way (Full Version); One Way (Short Version); Salvation Poem; Stop/Go; Tell Everyone; The Seven Most Important Things (7 MIT); Turn Your Eyes to Jesus; and What's the News?

    Bible Verse Songs (ESV): (2 Samuel 22:2) The Lord Is; (Psalm 46:1) God is Our Refuge; (Psalm 86:15) A God Merciful and Gracious; (Psalm139:14) I Praise You; (Proverbs 3:5-6) Trust in the Lord; (Isaiah 45:5a) I Am the Lord; (Isaiah 53:6) All We Like Sheep; (Matthew 22:37-39) You Shall Love; (John 20:31) Life in His Name; (Romans 8:38-39) Nothing Can Separate; (I Corinthians 15:57-58) Thanks Be to God; (2 Corinthians 5:21) For Our Sake; (Ephesians 4:32) Be Kind to One Another; (1 Peter3:18) Christ Also Suffered; (1 John4:14) The Savior of the World; (Ephesians 2:8-9) By Grace; and (John 1:12) To All Who Did Receive Him.

    • $9.99
  • Sing about the King 3 Music Album MP3 Download

    Sing about the King 3 Music Album MP3 Download

    Songs on this Download are recommended for use in the following lessons:

    God's Love: Hope for the Outcast
    God's Power: Escape from Egypt
    God's Faithfulness: Return to Canaan
    Jesus: God Who Saves 

    Songs: Christ Redeemed Us; Do You Believe?; God's Way; Good News to All the World; Go Tell it on the Mountain; Happy Birthday, Jesus; I Believe; I Look to You; Jesus is the Good News; Jesus Loves Me/Amazing Grace; Jump; Let's Get Started; No Turning Back; One Way (Full Version); One Way (Short Version); Salvation Poem; Stop/Go; Tell Everyone; The Seven Most Important Things (7 MIT); Turn Your Eyes to Jesus; and What's the News?

    Bible Verse Songs (ESV): (2 Samuel 22:2) The Lord Is; (Psalm 46:1) God is Our Refuge; (Psalm 86:15) A God Merciful and Gracious; (Psalm139:14) I Praise You; (Proverbs 3:5-6) Trust in the Lord; (Isaiah 45:5a) I Am the Lord; (Isaiah 53:6) All We Like Sheep; (Matthew 22:37-39) You Shall Love; (John 20:31) Life in His Name; (Romans 8:38-39) Nothing Can Separate; (I Corinthians 15:57-58) Thanks Be to God; (2 Corinthians 5:21) For Our Sake; (Ephesians 4:32) Be Kind to One Another; (1 Peter3:18) Christ Also Suffered; (1 John4:14) The Savior of the World; (Ephesians 2:8-9) By Grace; and (John 1:12) To All Who Did Receive Him.

    • $9.99
  • Let's Get Started

    Let's Get Started

    11" x 17", Eight full-color pages with lyrics to the song "Let's Get Started"
    Children will learn through this visualized song that telling others about Jesus is an important job that they can do now!

    View song demonstration here

    Click here to buy the MP4 of this song

    • $9.25
  • Salvation Poem song visual

    Salvation Poem song visual

    11"x17", Eight full-color pages with lyrics to the "Salvation Poem" song
    As children sing this song they will learn foundational truths about Jesus, how He can be their Savior and how they can live for Him.

    View song demonstration here.

    • $9.25
  • Poema sobre la salvaciĆ³n (Salvation Poem Song)

    Poema sobre la salvaciĆ³n (Salvation Poem Song)

    11"x17", Eight full-color pages with lyrics to the "Salvation Poem" song in Spanish (Poema sobre la salvación)
    As children sing this song they will learn foundational truths about Jesus, how He can be their Savior and how they can live for Him.

    View English song demonstration here.

    • $9.25
  • Do You Believe

    Do You Believe

    11"x17", Eight full-color pages with lyrics to the song "Do You Believe?"
    As children sing this song they will learn foundational truths about Jesus, how He can be their Savior and how they can live for Him.

    View demonstration of song here.

    Click here to buy the MP4 of this song

    • $9.25
  • Light, tract (NKJV) Pack of 25

    Light, tract (NKJV) Pack of 25

    Keep the light shining after your Christmas Party Club™!
    With this tract and its activities, children will be reminded of the Gospel truths they heard at the “Light of Life” Christmas Party Club. This tract also gives saved children the opportunity to share the Gospel themselves using the cutout page to create their own Light of Life cross.

    Product size:  5 7/8 inches square  14.92 cm square
    8 full-color pages (NKJV)
    Packs of 25

    • $7.89
  • Happy Birthday Jesus
    • 46% off

    Happy Birthday Jesus

    11" x 17", Eight full-color pages
    Children sing birthday greetings to friends . . . now they can celebrate the Savior’s birth by singing happy birthday to Jesus! The lyrics emphasize how Jesus died and rose to life and how they can believe and receive the gift of salvation. Suggested song in Backwards Birthday Bash.

    Lyrics to this visualized song are:
    Happy birthday to You! Happy birthday to You!
    Happy birthday, dear Jesus. Happy birthday to You!
    Jesus gave me a gift when He died for my sin. He was put in a tomb then He rose again.
    His gift becomes mine right when I believe. Happy birthday, dear Jesus. I know You can save me!


    • $5.00
  • CumpleaƱos feliz (Happy Birthday)
    • 46% off

    CumpleaƱos feliz (Happy Birthday)

    11" x 17", six full-color pages
    Children sing birthday greetings to friends . . . now they can celebrate the Savior’s birth by singing happy birthday to Jesus! The lyrics emphasize how Jesus died and rose to life and how they can believe and receive the gift of salvation.
    (Tune is traditional Happy Birthday.)

    Lyrics to this visualized song are:
    Cumpleaños feliz. Yo te amo, Jesús.
    Yo te amo a Ti.  Cumpleaños feliz.
    En un pesebre naciste, siendo el Hijo de Dios.
    Para mostrar Tu amor a la humanidad.
    Y moriste por mí para que pueda yo
    Ir al cielo un día a vivir junto a Ti. 

    • $5.00
  • I Don't Want Your Money "Money" (Packs 25)

    I Don't Want Your Money "Money" (Packs 25)

    Take home 'Money' for I Don't Want Your Money' lesson.
    Solve the puzzle on the back to remember God's promise.
    7 3/4" x 2 3/4"  
    Packs of 25

    • $3.94
  • Light of Life Resource & PPT 'Download'

    Light of Life Resource & PPT 'Download'

    In Light of Life, children will learn how God created and used light in amazing ways to announce the birth of the Savior!

    The download includes PowerPoint visuals for lesson, memory verse (John 8:12), songs, decoration and game ideas.
    Reproducibles in B&W and color for invitations, nametags, Christmas card craft, poster, KJV and ESV verse tokens.
    Words to suggested songs "Joy to the World" and "Go Tell it on the Mountain."
    English music found on Sing About the King 1 music CD.

    Partner with CEF for a Christmas Across America Party!
    Find out more information here.

    Download ESV Light of Life Quiet Time Sheets

    Download KJV Light of Life Quiet Time Sheets

    • $2.49
  • I Don't Want Your Money Resource & PPT 'Download'

    I Don't Want Your Money Resource & PPT 'Download'

    I Don’t Want Your Money includes invitations, games, activities, memory verse teaching, and lesson text and visuals to conduct an exciting Christmas Party ClubTM. The lesson is about an orphan who finds a home but then learns the greater value found in knowing Jesus Christ. 
    Because this lesson is based on a story rather than a Bible lesson about the Christmas story, it can easily be adjusted to be used for a party club at a different time of year if desired.

    Suggested songs: Go Tell It on the Mountain, To All Who Did Receive Him (John 1:12), Joy to the World (all available as MP3 and MP4)

     The Resource PPT download includes an All-in-1 PPT presentation with games and suggested song MP4s. (verse song is ESV. It also includes teaching text, reproducibles, and forms.


    • $2.49
  • La corona del Rey texto (The King's Crown text)

    La corona del Rey texto (The King's Crown text)

    Spanish teacher text for Easter Party Club lesson The King's Crown.
    Does not include visuals.

    • $1.40