Party Lessons, Music, Misc Resources

All suggested songs and party club lessons for Good News Clubs 2025-2026

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  • Sing about the King 4 Music CD

    Sing about the King 4 Music CD

    Songs on this CD are recommended for use in the following lessons:
    Jesus: God Who
    Cares for People
    God: The One Who Knows My Heart (David)
    God Rules: Be Strong (Daniel)
    God: The One to Follow (Peter)

    Songs: Books of the New Testament, Books of the Old Testament, Children All around the World, Christ Redeemed Us, Did You Ever Talk to God Above?, God Wants to Spend Time with Just You, God's Way, Have You Heard?, His Name Is Jesus, I'll Stand for God, Jesus Is Caring for You, Jesus Is the Good News, Jump, Let's Get Started, No Turning Back, and What's the News?

    Bible Verse Songs (ESV): (Psalm 119:9-11) Keep Your Way Pure, (John 3:16-17) That the World Might be Saved, (John 3:36) Whoever Believes in the Son, (Romans 5:8) God Shows His Love, (2 Corinthians 5:17) New Creation, (Ephesians 6:10) Be Strong in the Lord, (James 1:5) If You Lack Wisdom, (1 Peter 5:7) Casting All Your Anxieties, (2 Peter 3:18) Amen, and (1 John 1:9) If We Confess

    Christmas Songs: Go Tell It on the Mountain and Joy to the World

    • $9.99
  • Starter Resource Pack

    Starter Resource Pack

    Includes Books of the Bible poster, UPs rules, map, and timeline.

    The Starter Resource Pack is designed to be used with the Resource Packs for the following lesson series:

    God's Sovereignty: The Life of Joseph, God Protects His People: The Life of Esther, Jesus: God of Power and Glory, God's Church Expands: The Ministry of Paul, The Wordless Book Visualized.
    God: The One Who Knows My Heart
    (David), God Rules: Be Strong (Daniel), Jesus: God Who Came to Earth, God: The One to Follow (Peter)
    The Creator King: Jesus: God Who Cares for People; God's Plan in Action: The Early Church, The Patriarchs: God's Plan Unfolds, God's Love: Hope for the Outcast

    Purchase the Resource Packs with specific lesson titles for additional teaching helps.

    • $11.00
  • The Thank You Spy

    The Thank You Spy

    The Thank-You Spy Party Club(formerly “Caleb, The Thank-You Spy)

    In this Party Club lesson, Carlos doesn’t feel like giving thanks or playing his favorite spy games because the military has moved his family again! His dad’s imminent deployment weighs heavily on Carlos’ mind. Through a series of clues and hidden messages children will discover that because of Jesus, Carlos always has reasons to thank God. Children will be sure to enjoy this story with a spy-themed game, activity ideas and teaching helps!

    Includes suggestions for using with military children

    Comes with 11 X 17 visuals and lesson text

    Recommended songs
    “His Name Is Jesus” and “Three Questions"

    Download ESV Thank You Spy Quiet Time Sheets

    Download KJV Thank You Spy Quiet Time Sheets

    • $11.99
  • Backwards Birthday Bash (Christmas Party Club Kit)

    Backwards Birthday Bash (Christmas Party Club Kit)

    Backwards Birthday Bash is the true Christmas story where the visuals are displayed behind gift wrapping. As the "present" is unwrapped, different aspects of the Christmas story are revealed.
    Suggested songs:* Happy Birthday Jesus, Go Tell it on the Mountain, By Grace (Ephesians 2:8-9)

    Christmas Party Club Kit Includes: English text (revised 2020), lesson visuals and Resource & PPT CD. Resource & PPT CD includes visuals for lesson, memory verse (ESV and KJV), song lyrics and reproducibles for invitations, Quiet Time sheets (ESV and KJV), game pieces for suggested games, song sheets. (use the text on the PPT CD for most updated version)

    *Songs are included on Sing about the King 3 music CD.

    • $11.99
  • Always True Treasure Hunt (printed visuals, text & FREE Resource PPT download)

    Always True Treasure Hunt (printed visuals, text & FREE Resource PPT download)

    This Easter Party Club is from the story of the disciples on the road to Emmaus. You can use this Easter party to lead children on an exciting treasure hunt to discover the Good News that Jesus is truly alive and can save them from their sin!

    Kit includes 11" x 17" flashcard, that open to 22" x 17" English text
    English text includes everything fun to have an Easter Party: craft, game, snack ideas and more.
    Resource Download includes:
    -PowerPoint visuals for the lesson, memory verse 1 Corinthians 15:3b-4 in ESV and KJV
    -Reproducibles for invitations, nametags, tokens
    (Spanish text available as a separate item)

    (download included with purchase online)
    (Physical PPT CD is now sold seperately)

    Download ESV Always True Quiet Time Sheets

    Download KJV Always True Quiet Time Sheets

    • $11.99
  • Always True Treasure Hunt (Easter Party Club) Resource & PPT Download

    Always True Treasure Hunt (Easter Party Club) Resource & PPT Download

    You can use this Easter Party Club to lead children on an exciting treasure hunt to discover the Good News that Jesus is truly alive and can save them from their sin!

    Resource & PPT download includes:
    -PowerPoint visuals for the lesson, memory verse 1 Corinthians 15:3b-4 in ESV and KJV and suggested songs (Have You Heard About Jesus and Happy Easter to You)
    -Reproducibles for invitations, nametags, tokens
    -Lesson text 

    Digital Download Only


    • $2.49
  • Sing about the King 1 Music CD

    Sing about the King 1 Music CD

    Songs on this CD are recommended for use in the following lessons:
    (Beginnings series)
    God: The Creator King
    The Patriarchs: God's Plan Unfolds
    Jesus: God Who Came to Earth
    God's Plan in Action: The Early Church

    Songs: Books of the New Testament, Books of the Old Testament, Christ Redeemed Us, God Wants to Spend Time with Just You, Have You Heard?, He Is God, His Name Is Jesus, Jesus Is the Good News, Jesus Loves Me/Amazing Grace, Jump, Salvation Poem, Stop/Go, Three Questions, Trinity Song, and What's the News?
    Bible Verse Songs (ESV): (Genesis 1:1) In the Beginning, (Isaiah 40:8) The Grass Withers, (Luke 2:11) Unto You Is Born, (John 1:12) To All Who Did Receive Him, (John 14:27) Peace I Leave with You, (Romans 5:8) God Shows His Love, (1 Corinthians 10:31) Do All to the Glory of God, (1 Corinthians 15:3-4) According to the Scriptures, (Ephesians 2:8-9) By Grace, (Philippians 2:13) For It Is God Who Works in You, (1 Thessalonians 5:24) He Will Do It, and (Hebrews 2:8) Because He Suffered When Tempted.

    Chrimas Songs: Go Tell It on the Mountain and Joy to the World

    Spanish Songs: El Es Dios (He Is God)

    • $9.99
  • Christ Redeemed Us

    Christ Redeemed Us

    11"x17", 12 full-color pages with lyrics to the song "Christ Redeemed Us"
    This visualized song teaches children the important who, what, when, where and how of redemption. More importantly they will realize they are in need of a Savior.

    View demonstration of song here.

    Click here to buy the MP4 of this song

    • $10.65
  • God Wants to Spend Time with Just You

    God Wants to Spend Time with Just You

    11" x 17", 12 full-color pages with lyrics to the song "God Wants to Spend Time with Just You"
    Kids will want to have a Quiet Time with God when they realize He loves them and wants to spend time with just them! This visualized song encourages kids to develop the habit of a daily devotional time.

    View demonstration of song here.

    Click here to buy the MP4 of this song

    • $10.65
  • Have You Heard

    Have You Heard

    11" x 17", 12 full-color pages with the lyrics to the song "Have You Heard?"
    Kids will love singing this echo song as they ask, “Have you heard about Jesus? Have you told about Jesus?” Kids will get excited about sharing the Gospel with their family and friends!

    View demonstration of song here.

    Click here to buy the MP4 of this song

    • $10.65
  • His Name Is Jesus

    His Name Is Jesus

    11" x 17", 12 full-color pages with lyrics to the song "His Name is Jesus!"
    It’s no mystery-- kids will love singing this song that is jam-packed with truth about who Jesus is!

    View demonstration of song here.

    Click here to buy the MP4 of this song

    • $10.65
  • Jesus Is the Good News

    Jesus Is the Good News

    11" x 17", 12 full-color pages with lyrics to the song "Jesus Is the Good News"
    This exciting visualized song gives children reasons to celebrate that Jesus is the Good News!

    View song demonstration here.

    Click here to buy the MP4 of this song

    • $10.65
  • Stop song visual (while supply lasts)

    Stop song visual (while supply lasts)

    13 1/4", Two two-color signs
    A favorite visualized song that inspires children to stop and share the good news of Jesus Christ.
    Includes wooden sticks for mounting.
    This is only the Stop song visual, the Go sign visual has been discontinued. 

    Click here to buy the MP4 of this song

    Click here to buy the Stop, Go, One Way Multi Song

    Click here to to buy the Stop, Go, Wordless Book Multi Song

    • $8.15
  • The Trinity Song

    The Trinity Song

    11" x 17", Eight full-color pages with lyrics to the "Trinity Song"
    The illustrations in this visualized song will help chldren know and love their three-in-one God: God the Father, who loves them; God the Son, who died for them and God the Holy Spirit, who helps them witness.

    View demonstration of song here.

    Click here to buy the MP4 of this song

    • $9.25
  • Three Questions

    Three Questions

    11"  x 17", Six full-color pages with lyrics to the song "Three Questions"
    Teach kids how to apply God's Word to their lives by asking three important questions: What does it say? What does it mean? What is God saying to me?

    View demonstration of song here.

    Click here to buy the MP4 of this song

    • $10.65
  • What's the News?

    What's the News?

    11" x 17", 12 full-color pages with lyrics to the song "What's the News?"
    Use this lively visualized song as a Good News Club theme song and to remind children that Jesus is the way to have their sin washed away!

    View song demonstration here.

    Click here to buy the MP4 of this song

    • $10.65
  • Los Ninos Pueden Alabar a Dios (Children Can Worship God)

    Los Ninos Pueden Alabar a Dios (Children Can Worship God)

    Use this Spanish music CD of 17 songs in your children's ministry to help children worship God!

    Songs on the CD include: 365 Días, Alto/Anda, Cristo Buenas Nuevas da,  Cumpleaños feliz,  Di las Buenas Nuevas, El poder de Dios, Feliz Cumpleaños, Jesús, ¿Has hablado alguna vez con Dios?, He decidido, Hoy nació,  Jesús es la luz, Oh Señor, envìame a mì, Poema sobre la salvación, ¿Qué me puede dar perdón?, Una vía, Vendrá,  Yo tengo un Amigo (version en español), and Yo tengo un Amigo1 (version en español e inglès)

    Each song on this music CD is available as a Spanish visualized song

    • $9.99
  • Spanish Starter Resource Pack

    Spanish Starter Resource Pack

    Includes Books of the Bible poster, UPs rules, map, and timeline -- all in Spanish.

    The Starter Resource Pack is designed to be used with the following lesson Series:
    God's Sovereignty: The Life of Joseph, God Protects His People: The Life of Esther, Jesus: God of Power and Glory, God's Church Expands: The Ministry of Paul, The Wordless Book Visualized.
    God: The One Who Knows My Heart (David), God Rules: Be Strong (Daniel), Jesus: God Who Came to Earth, God: The One to Follow (Peter), God: The Creator King, Jesus: God Who Cares for People, God's Plan in Action: The Early Church, The Patriarchs: God's Plan Unfolds, and God's Love: Hope for the Outcast.

    Purchase Resource Packs with specific lesson titles for additional teaching helps.

    • $11.00
  • Alto-Anda, Una Via (Stop, Go, One Way)

    Alto-Anda, Una Via (Stop, Go, One Way)

    11" x 17", 16 full-color pages
    Made to accompany the One Way series, this multi-song visual includes the "Stop", "Go," and "One Way" (new words & tune) songs.

    View English demonstration of Stop/God song here.   

    View English demonstration of One Way song here.

    • $12.45
  • 365 Dias (God Wants to Spend Time)

    365 Dias (God Wants to Spend Time)

    11" x 17", 12 full-color pages with lyrics to the song "God Wants to Spend Time with Just You" in Sanish
    Kids will want to have a Quiet Time with God when they realize He loves them and wants to spend time with just them! This visualized song encourages kids to develop the habit of a daily devotional time.

    View English demonstration here.

    • $10.65
  • Poema sobre la salvación (Salvation Poem Song)

    Poema sobre la salvación (Salvation Poem Song)

    11"x17", Eight full-color pages with lyrics to the "Salvation Poem" song in Spanish (Poema sobre la salvación)
    As children sing this song they will learn foundational truths about Jesus, how He can be their Savior and how they can live for Him.

    View English song demonstration here.

    • $9.25
  • Go Tell It on the Mountain

    Go Tell It on the Mountain

    11" x 17", 12 full-color pages with lyrics to the song "Go Tell It on the Mountain". This song emphasizes the important message that Jesus came to Earth as a baby to be the Savior. That is news worth sharing with everyone!

    Suggested song in Light of Life Christmas lesson

    View demonstration here.

    Click here to buy the MP4 of this song

    • $10.65
  • Joy to the World, song visual

    Joy to the World, song visual

    This CEF version of Joy to the World shares the joyful message that Jesus the Lord has come as King and Savior. Children will learn how they should respond to the exciting news. (See lyrics at bottom)

    11" x 17", 12 full-color pages
    Suggested song in "Light of Life" Christmas lesson

    Music is on Sing about the King 1 and Sing about the King 4 music CDs.

    View demonstration here

    Click here to buy the MP4 of this song

    • $10.65
  • Jesús es la luz (Joy to the World)

    Jesús es la luz (Joy to the World)

    11" x 17", 12 full-color pages
    This CEF version of Joy to the World shares the message that Jesus the Lord has come as King and Savior. Children will learn how they should respond to the exciting news. Suggested song in "Light of Life" Christmas lesson. Included on Sing about the King 1 and Sing about the King 4 music CD.
    View English song demonstration here.

    Lyrics to this visualized song are:
    Él es Cristo, Dios Creador. Él es Cristo, del mundo la Luz.
    (Estrofa 1)
    Felicidad! Nació Jesús, del mundo el Salvador.
    Que cada corazón prepare un lugar al recibir al Rey.
    Venid, a recibir al Rey Jesús.
    Él es Cristo, Dios Creador. Él es Cristo, del mundo la Luz. (Repite)

    (Estrofa 2)
    La Luz del mundo es Jesús, Él vino a ser tu luz!
    Si sigues a Jesús, no andarás en la oscuridad.
    Tendrás en ti Su luz. (Repite)
    Tendrás, tendrás en ti Su luz.
    Él es Cristo, Dios Creador. Él es Cristo, del mundo la Luz.

    • $10.65
  • Di las Buenas Nuevas (Go Tell It on the Mountain)

    Di las Buenas Nuevas (Go Tell It on the Mountain)

    11" x 17", 12 full-color pages with lyrics to the song "Go Tell It on the Mountain"
    This song emphasizes the important message that Jesus came to Earth as a baby to be the Savior. That is news worth sharing with everyone!

    View English demonstration of song here.

    • $10.65
  • Always True Treasure Hunt (Easter) Resource & PPT CD

    Always True Treasure Hunt (Easter) Resource & PPT CD

    You can use this NEW Easter party to lead children on an exciting treasure hunt to discover the Good News that Jesus is truly alive and can save them from their sin!

    Resource & PPT CD includes:
    -PowerPoint visuals for the lesson, memory verse 1 Corinthians 15:3b-4 in ESV and KJV and suggested songs (Have You Heard About Jesus and Happy Easter to You)
    -Reproducibles for invitations, nametags, tokens
    -Lesson text 

    (Spanish text available as a separate item)


    • $12.49