(Replaces Life of Christ 3)
PowerPoint visuals to teach six lessons for Jesus: God of Power and Glory ppt visuals for flashcards, memory verses (ESV and KJV), lyrics to suggested songs, and Angie Goes West mission story
PDFs of lesson include text, visuals and review, mission teaching, reproducibles (quiet time sheets, memory verse bookmarks, coloring sheets, sheet music for songs)—everything in digital format that is in the printed resource pack.
Lesson 1 - Jesus Teaches with Power (Topical Evangelistic) (Heb. 1:1-2; Matt. 4:23-25; Jn. 10:22-31; 14:1-6; Mk. 1:21-22; 7:1-9) Memory verse: Matthew 6:9
Lesson 2 - Jesus Calms a Terrible Storm (Growth Narrative) (Mark 4:35-41) Memory verse: Matthew 6:10
Lesson 3 - Jesus Feeds a Huge Crowd (Evangelistic Narrative) (John 6; Mark 6:30-44) Memory verse: Matthew 6:11
Lesson 4 - Jesus Offers Hope to a Samaritan Leper (Evangelistic Narrative) (Lk. 17:11-19; Lev. 13:45-46; 14:2) Memory verse: Matthew 6:12
Lesson 5 - Jesus Explains His Awesome Plan (Doctrinal Evangelistic) (Matt. 16:13-17, 21-23; 17:1-9) Memory verse Matthew 6:13
Lesson 6 - Penguin Party! Review Lesson and Memory verse review: Matthew 6:9-13