Just for Kids

30-Day Every Day with God Devotional books written for 6-8 year olds.

60-Day Wonder Devotional books written for elementary age. 

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  • A Better Life English/Spanish (Una vida mejor)
    • More Stock!

    A Better Life English/Spanish (Una vida mejor)

    This unique tool will allow you to reach children with the life changing Gospel. If you read it one direction it is in English and from the other direction it is in Spanish. (Mexican, Central and South American Spanish—not American Spanish). 

    The booklet shares the story of God’s faithfulness to Abraham. Originally designed for immigrant or refugee children, the message is also applicable for other cross-cultural ministry. 

     32 pages, full-color 8.5 x 5.5

    • $0.99
  • El Evangelio de Juan (Gospel of John)

    El Evangelio de Juan (Gospel of John)

    This special children’s edition of The Gospel of John is complete with illustrations from CEF Press to make the stories come to life.
    • $3.89
  • Things You Need to Know

    Things You Need to Know

    Amazing stories, brainy facts and fun games! Colorful interactive booklet, fill in the blank, coloring and drawing sections. Teaches kids basic truths about God, the Ten Commandments, and Jesus' birth, life and resurrection.
    32 Pages 8.5" x 5.5" (ESV)

    You may view and read this booklet here

    • $3.25
  • Things You Need to Know Spanish

    Things You Need to Know Spanish

    Amazing stories, brainy facts and fun games! Colorful interactive booklet, fill in the blank, coloring and drawing sections. Teaches kids basic truths about God, the Ten Commandments, and Jesus' birth, life and resurrection.
    32 Pages 8.5" x 5.5" (Spanish)

    You may view and read this booklet in English here.

    • $3.25
  • Every Day with God 3

    Every Day with God 3

    30 days of devotionals from Jesus healing a leper to His walking on the water, from the book of Mark. (ESV)
    Full-color on every page
    Designed for 6-8 year olds
    • $3.89
  • Every Day with God 1

    Every Day with God 1

    30 days of devotionals about creation and the person of God, through Moses and the giving of the law. (ESV)
    Full-color on every page
    Designed for 6-8 year olds
    • $3.89
  • Let's Talk about God ESV Book 2 (Make your own Wordless Book)

    Let's Talk about God ESV Book 2 (Make your own Wordless Book)

    The 60-Day Wonder Devotional Book 2 answers 60 Questions: What is a witness?, Why should I witness?, Who can I witness to?, What is God's providence?, Does God have a purpose for my life?, and more. The devotional includes a make-your-own-Wordless-Book-page and teaches how to witness using The Wordless Book. The second half of the book addresses the needs of children dealing with homelessness, divorce, step-family and sibling issues as well as abusive situations.
    64 full-color pages ESV
    • $3.89
  • What a God ESV Book 1

    What a God ESV Book 1

    The 60-Day Wonder Devotional Book 1 answers the questions Who is God?, How old is God?, How much does God love me?, Does God know about things in my life?, Is Jesus really the savior God promised? and more. As children have a daily quiet time they will learn all about God the Father and God the Son.
    64 full-color pages ESV
    • $3.89
  • My Bible Brave Adventures

    My Bible Brave Adventures

    Through the "My Bible Brave Adventures" activity book, children will explore the exciting lives of Old Testament heroes like Moses, Deborah, and Josiah, to learn how God gave them the bravery to serve Him. Fun games, puzzles, coloring, and more throughout the stories will help children learn how God help them be brave to serve Him, too. 
    Designed for ages 8-10. 
    36 Pages 8.5" x 5.5"

    • $4.15
  • Wonder Devotional 60-Day Pack ESV

    Wonder Devotional 60-Day Pack ESV

    Six Wonder Devotional Books - Books 1-6 
    Each book has 60 devotionals

    All new 64 page full-color -

    • $16.75
  • Every Day with God 5

    Every Day with God 5

    30 days of devotionals focusing on Jesus’ last days from the Passover meal with His disciples to His death, Resurrection and ascension. (ESV)
    Full-color on every page
    Designed for 6-8 year olds

    • $3.89
  • Strong through God's Spirit ESV Book 3

    Strong through God's Spirit ESV Book 3

    The 60-Day Wonder Devotional Book 3 teaches kids how God's Holy Spirit works in them to make them strong. Answers 60 Questions: Who is the Holy Spirit?, What does the Holy Spirit do?, How does the Holy Spirit work in my life?, What happens if I sin?, How does the Holy Spirit teach me?, and more. This devotional will teach children how to be winners over sin and how to put on God's armor.
    64 full-color pages  ESV
    • $3.89
  • Standing for God ESV Book 6

    Standing for God ESV Book 6

    Childen may think it's okay to do whatever they want to-but that's not what God says! The 60-Day Wonder Devotional Book 6 lets kids know that God expects His children to take a stand for what is right and true. Answers questions: Are some things absolutely right or wrong?  How can I make choices that honor God? How can I become wise? How does Satan lie about the Bible? And more.
    64 full-color pages ESV
    • $3.89
  • The Gospel of John (ESV)

    The Gospel of John (ESV)

    This special children’s edition of The Gospel of John is complete with illustrations from CEF Press to make the stories come to life.
    • $3.89
  • Every Day with God Pack (Books 1-6)

    Every Day with God Pack (Books 1-6)

    All Six Every Day with God devotional books. Devotional for 180 days.
    $6.59 less than purchasing the six separate books!

    Full-color on every page
    Designed for 6-8 year olds

    • $16.75
  • Every Day with God 2

    Every Day with God 2

    30 days of devotionals from the birth of Christ, His early ministry, and the Sermon on the Mount. (ESV)
    Full-color on every page
    Designed for 6-8 year olds
    • $3.89
  • Spend Time with God ESV Book 4

    Spend Time with God ESV Book 4

    The 60-Day Wonder Devotional Book 4 helps children learn about God's Word and how it was written. Answers 60 Questions : What is the Bible? Where did the Bible come from? Is the Bible true? What is a quiet time? When and where can I pray? Does God always answer prayer? How do I worship God? and more.
    64 full-color pages ESV
    • $3.89
  • Choices that Please God ESV Book 5

    Choices that Please God ESV Book 5

    The 60-Day Wonder Devotional Book 5 will help kids learn to make right choices, what God thinks about complaining, anger, forgiveness, fear as well as how to have wise lips. Answers 60 Questions: Who should I obey? How do I obey God’s commandments? What does it mean to be humble? How can I be thankful? What does God think about complaining? How can I avoid being greedy? plus more.
    64 full-color pages ESV
    • $3.89
  • Meet the King (ESV)

    Meet the King (ESV)

    Sixteen page evangelism tool written for children. This is the true story from the Bible about a King who existed long before He was born.
    Quantity pricing - ideal for free distribution - fair ministry - mission trips. 
    16 page, full-color 5 1/2" x 8 1/2" ESV

    Download a sample here

    • $0.75
  • Meet the King (KJV)

    Meet the King (KJV)

    Sixteen page evangelism tool written for children. This is the true story from the Bible about a King who existed long before He was born.
    Quantity pricing - ideal for free distribution - fair ministry - mission trips. 
    16 page, full-color 5 1/2" x 8 1/2" KJV

    Download a sample here. (approx 6 MB file)

    • $0.75
  • The Gospel of John (KJV)

    The Gospel of John (KJV)

    This special children’s edition of The Gospel of John is complete with illustrations from CEF Press to make the stories come to life.
    • $3.89
  • Standing for God KJV Book 6

    Standing for God KJV Book 6

    Childen may think it's okay to do whatever they want to-but that's not what God says! The 60-Day Wonder Devotional Book 6 lets kids know that God expects His children to take a stand for what is right and true. Answers questions: Are some things absolutely right or wrong?  How can I make choices that honor God? How can I become wise? How does Satan lie about the Bible? And more.
    64 full-color pages KJV
    • $3.89
  • Choices that Please God KJV Book 5

    Choices that Please God KJV Book 5

    The 60-Day Wonder Devotional Book 5 will help kids learn to make right choices.  Devotionals explain what God thinks about complaining, anger, forgiveness, fear as well as how to have wise lips. Answers questions, such as, Who should I obey? How do I obey God’s commandments? What does it mean to be humble? How can I be thankful?  How can I avoid being greedy? plus more.
    64 full-color pages KJV
    • $3.89
  • Wonder Devotional 60-Day Pack KJV

    Wonder Devotional 60-Day Pack KJV

    Six Wonder Devotional Books - Books 1-6 
    Each book has 60 devotionals

    All new 64 page full-color -

    • $16.75
  • Let's Talk about God KJV Book 2 (Make your own Wordless Book)

    Let's Talk about God KJV Book 2 (Make your own Wordless Book)

    The 60-Day Wonder Devotional Book 2 answers 60 Questions: What is a witness?, Why should I witness?, Who can I witness to?, What is God's providence?, Does God have a purpose for my life?, and more. The devotional includes a make-your-own-Wordless-Book-page and teaches how to witness using The Wordless Book. The second half of the book addresses the needs of children dealing with homelessness, divorce, step-family and sibling issues as well as abusive situations.
    64 full-color pages KJV
    • $3.89
  • What a God KJV Book 1

    What a God KJV Book 1

    The 60-Day Wonder Devotional Book 1 answers the questions Who is God?, How old is God?, How much does God love me?, Does God know about things in my life?, Is Jesus really the savior God promised? and more. As children have a daily quiet time they will learn all about God the Father and God the Son.
    64 full-color pages KJV

    • $3.89
  • Spend Time with God KJV Book 4

    Spend Time with God KJV Book 4

    The 60-Day Wonder Devotional Book 4 helps children learn about God's Word and how it was written. Answers 60 Questions : What is the Bible? Where did the Bible come from? Is the Bible true? What is a quiet time? When and where can I pray? Does God always answer prayer? How do I worship God? and more.
    64 full-color pages KJV
    • $3.89
  • Strong through God's Spirit KJV Book 3

    Strong through God's Spirit KJV Book 3

    The 60-Day Wonder Devotional Book 3 teaches kids how God's Holy Spirit works in them to make them strong. Answers 60 Questions: Who is the Holy Spirit?, What does the Holy Spirit do?, How does the Holy Spirit work in my life?, What happens if I sin?, How does the Holy Spirit teach me?, and more. This devotional will teach children how to be winners over sin and how to put on God's armor.
    64 full-color pages KJV

    • $3.89
  • Every Day with God 4

    Every Day with God 4

    30 days of devotionals focusing on key stories from the life of Christ including, Jesus blessing the children, the rich young ruler, Bartimaeus, Zacchaeus and His triumphal entry into Jerusalem. (ESV)
    Full-color on every page
    Designed for 6-8 year olds
    • $3.89
  • Kids Mini Guide to the Bible

    Kids Mini Guide to the Bible

    Boys and girls can find their way around the Bible--God's library of 66 books--by using this mini guide. Kids will learn what God says about anger, fear, respect, pride or love. How to get to Heaven, what God is like, how to know the Bible is God's Word, plus many, many other topics to help children grow in God's family. Specifically designed to glue on the inside cover of a Bible. 13 Panels. Folded size 2 3/4 x 4 1/4.
    Packs of 10

    • $4.99
  • Every Day with God 6

    Every Day with God 6

    30 days of devotionals that take children through key parts of the book of Acts. They will read exciting stories about the early Church and its leaders such as Peter, Philip, Paul and Timothy. The book ends with a glimpse of Heaven, with the saints surrounding the throne, giving praise to Jesus. Includes lots of interactive elements to keep children’s attention.(ESV)

    Full-color on every page
    Designed for 6-8 year olds

    • $3.89
  • Life of Christ Jesus in Bible Language  "Free"

    Life of Christ Jesus in Bible Language "Free"

    A 5” x 7” booklet of selected Scriptures from the King James Version compiled by Genevieve Olson. Outlines events from the annunciation to the promise of Christ’s return. Taken from the Gospels. The booklet presents the Gospel on the final page. A great giveaway for any children’s ministry.

    • $0.00
  • Wonder Devotional 60-Day Pack Spanish

    Wonder Devotional 60-Day Pack Spanish

    Six 60-Day Wonder Devotional books - 360 days of devotionals for elementary age children.



    • $9.99
  • Conoce el Rey (Meet the King)

    Conoce el Rey (Meet the King)

    Sixteen page evangelism tool written for children. This is the true story from the Bible about a King who existed long before He was born. Quantity pricing - ideal for free distribution - fair ministry - mission trips -
    51/2" x 81/2" 


    • $0.75
  • El Libro Devocional de Maravillas 6 60 Dias

    El Libro Devocional de Maravillas 6 60 Dias

    Teaches kids to stand for God!

    • $1.85
  • El Libro Devocional de Maravillas 5 60 Dias

    El Libro Devocional de Maravillas 5 60 Dias

    Kids will learn to keep from making wrong choices, what God thinks about complaining, anger, forgiveness and fear as well as how to have "wise" lips.

    • $1.85
  • El Libro Devocional de Maravillas 4 60 Dias

    El Libro Devocional de Maravillas 4 60 Dias

    Spend Time with God! 60-Day Wonder Devotional Book #4.

    • $1.85
  • El Libro Devocional de Maravillas 3 60 Dias

    El Libro Devocional de Maravillas 3 60 Dias

    Fuerte por medio del Espiritu de Dios! Kids will learn how to have strength on the inside to do what's right.

    • $1.85
  • El Libro Devocional de Maravillas 2 60 Dias

    El Libro Devocional de Maravillas 2 60 Dias

    Hablemos de Dios! Kids will find out how to grow in their relationship with God through prayer and witnessing.

    • $1.85
  • El Libro Devocional de Maravillas 1 60 Dias

    El Libro Devocional de Maravillas 1 60 Dias

    Kids will get to know who God is, what He is like and how to know Him personally. Spanish.

    • $1.85