Just Turn Around

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11" x 17", Eight full-color pages with lyrics to the song "Just Turn Around"
This fun visualized song teaches kids that Jesus can turn their lives around when they believe on Him as Savior and claim His power to live each day!

View demonstration of song here.

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  • $10.65
  • Weight
    0.2500 lbs
  • SKU

Lyrics to this visualized song are:

(Verse 1) Just turn around (clap clap), look to God above! Just turn around (clap clap), and see Christ's great love. He gave His life to pay for your sin; Believe and He will come live within. Just turn around (clap clap), look to God above. Just turn around (clap clap) and see Christ's (clap) great (clap) love.

(Verse 2) I'm turned around; Christ is my Savior. I'm turned around in my behavior. I will plan to read God's Word and pray- and claim Christ's power to live each day. I'm turned around, Christ is my Savior. I'm turned around in my be-hav-ior