JYC Following Jesus

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Following Jesus answers the question “Why follow Jesus?” through a study of the lives of Peter, John, Judas, Andrew, and Mary.

Twelve ready to use lessons for teens that could easily be split into 24 lessons. Perfect for teaching 11-15 year olds and adaptable to 16-18 year olds.

The Junior Youth Challenge curriculum has been updated with a new look! The text, PowerPoint, and reproducible handouts are now designed in full color and updated to be relevant to teenagers today.

The PowerPoint visuals and reproducible handouts are available through download only. Scan the QR code on page 7 of this lesson text to download the extra materials.

Lesson 1: Why Follow Jesus?
Lessons 2-3: Peter: Changed Forever, Failures and Victories
Lessons 4-5: John: A Devoted Follower, Looking Forward
Lessons 6-7: Judas: Pretending to Follow, On the Road to Ruin
Lessons 8-9: Andrew: Bringing Others to Jesus, Sharing the Message
Lessons 10-11: Mary: Freed From Sin, Empowered to Serve
Lesson 12: Being a True Believer

  • $33.59
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    0.7000 lbs
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