Go and Tell! Kit English
Go and Tell! is a highly interactive, 5-hour program designed to help children learn to reach their friends for Christ. It teaches kids how to share basic Gospel truths using colors. Engaging teaching, demonstrations, review games and practice times are all included.
Includes PowerPoint visuals as download when purchased on-line
Kit includes:
Go and Tell! lesson text complete with reproducibles
Large Group Go and Tell! visual (1)
Small Group Go and Tell! visual (3)
Gospel Bookmark (pack of 25)
Good News! tract, ESV (pack of 50)
Supplemental items available to purchase:
Wordlessbook wristbands, Gospel Turnaround, The 7 MIT song visual, How to Lead a Child to Christ, additional Good News! tracts and Gospel Bookmarks. -
Go and Tell! Kit Spanish
Go and Tell! is a highly interactive, 5-hour program designed to help children learn to reach their friends for Christ. It teaches kids how to share basic Gospel truths using colors. Engaging teaching, demonstrations, review games and practice times are all included.
Includes PowerPoint visuals as download when purchased on-line
Spanish Kit includes:
Spanish Go and Tell! lesson text complete with reproducibles
Spanish Large Group Go and Tell! visual (1 copy)
Spanish Small Group Go and Tell! visual (3 copies)
Spanish Gospel Bookmark (pack of 25)
Good News! tract, Spanish (pack of 50)
Supplemental items available to purchase:
Wordlessbook wristbands, Gospel Turnaround, The 7 MIT song visual, How to Lead a Child to Christ, additional Good News! tracts and Gospel Bookmarks. -
Go and Tell visual, small
Additional 5.5 x 7.5 visuals for Go and Tell kit.
Guiding a Child to the Savior: Key Questions
This leaflet gives questions to ask when counseling a child to help determine the child's understanding of the Gospel. The questions are divided into the following categories for easy reference: True and Living God, Need of Salvation, Way of Salvation, Believe in Jesus, Child Response and Assurance and Growth. (Fomerly called Counseling Tool.)
5" x 7" -
Guiando a un niño al Salvador (Guiding a Child to the Savior)
This leaflet gives questions to ask when counseling a child to help determine the child's understanding of the Gospel. The questions are divided into the following categories for easy reference: True and Living God, Need of Salvation, Way of Salvation, believe in Jesus, Child Response and Assurance and Growth.
5" x 7" -
El Libro Sin Palabras-Entrenamiento por DVD (Wordless Book Training)
Training for your teachers on how to lead a child to Christ using the Wordless Book.
Wordless Book Training DVD
Training in effective methods for using the Wordless Book are now available on DVD. Great for summer ministry: VBS, 5-Day Club®, camp, fair ministry and mission trips, Sunday school training or AWANA. The 30-minute seminar is designed to equip individuals to effectively present the message of salvation. Also, included is a complete demonstration of a Wordless Book presentation.