Old Testament
Los patriarcas: El plan de Dios se desarrolla, texto (Patriarchs: God's Plan Unfolds - Text)
(2017 Version) Spanish teacher text for Patriarchs: God's Plan Unfolds. This six-lesson series includes accounts of the Patriarchs that will inspire children to trust God in everything. Includes a master planning chart, schedule, lesson overview and outline, detailed story line, review questions and more!
Lesson 1 - The Tower of Babel (Gen. 11:1-9) Memory verse: 1 Corinthians 10:31
Lesson 2 - Abram's Saving Faith (Gen. 12:1-9; Rom. 4:3, 11—2) Memory verse: 1 Corinthians 10:31
Lesson 3 - God Is Faithful to Keep His Promises (Gen. 12:2; 15:1-6; 17:1-7,15-19, 18:1-15; 21:1-7, Rom. 4:3) Memory verse: 1 Thessalonians 5:24
Lesson 4 - God Gives a Picture of the Promised Savior (Gen. 22:1-14, Heb. 11:17-19) Memory verse: John 1:12
Lesson 5 - God Changes Jacob (Gen. 25:19-34; 27:1—28:5, 10-22 Memory verse: John 1:12
Lesson 6 - Jacob and Esau Are Reunited (Gen. 29:1-30; 31:3, 17-18; 32:3-32; 33:1-4, 18-20; 35:1, 9-15, 27-29) Memory verse: 1 Corinthians 10:31
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La soberanía de Dios: La vida de José texto (God's Sovereignty: The Life of Joseph - Text)
Text includes a master planning chart, schedule, lesson overview and outline, detailed story line, review questions memory verse teaching and more!
Lesson 1 - A Family of Promise (Growth Narrative) (Gen. 12:2-3; 29:18--30:24; 35:9-21) Memory verse: Philippians 1:6
Lesson 2 - Joseph Sold by His Brothers (Growth Narrative) (Gen. 35:21, 27-29; 37:1-35) Memory verse: Philippians 1:6
Lesson 3 - Joseph's Temptation (Growth Narrative) (Gen. 39:1-23; Psalm 105:17-19) Memory verse: 1 John 4:4b
Lesson 4 - God Rewards Joseph (Growth Narrative) (Gen. 40--41) Memory verse: Ephesians 1:7
Lesson 5 - God’s Plan Revealed (Evangelistic Narrative) (Gen. 42--45; 46:5-7, 28-30; 47:11-12; 50:15-21) Memory verse: Ephesians 1:7
Lesson 6 – Royal Celebration Review Lesson
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La fidelidad de Dios: El regreso a Canaán texto (God's Faithfulness: Return to Canaan - Text)
Revised 2020
Children will learn about the faithfulness of God through this six-lesson series. Spanish text includes a planning chart, schedule, lesson overview /outline, detailed story line, review questions, memory verse teaching and more!
Lesson 1 - Entering the Land: Refusal, Return and Renewal (Evangelistic Narrative) (Gen.17:8; Num.13:1-14:35; Josh.1:1-3; 3) Memory verse: Proverbs 3:5
Lesson 2 - Rahab: God Saves a Canaanite Woman (Evangelistic Narrative) (Joshua 2;6)
Memory verse: Proverbs 3:6
Lesson 3 - The Judges: Rebellion and Rescue Repeated (Doctrinal Growth) (Josh 24:14-17; Judg.2;3:31; 4:1-5:4, 20-21; 13:1-5; 15:9-15; 16:16-30; 21:25)
Memory verse: 1 Corinthians 15:57
Lesson 4 - Gideon: God Gives Guidance and Victory (Growth Narrative) (Judg. 6:1-24, 33-40; 7:1-23; 8:10) Memory verse: 1 Corinthians 15:58
Lesson 5 - Naomi and Ruth: God Provides a Redeemer (Evangelistic Narrative) (Ruth; Matt. 1:5) Memory verse: Proverbs 3:5-6
Lesson 6 - Superhero Review Lesson
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El Poder de Dios: Escapar de Egipto - texto (God's Power: Escape from Egypt - Text)
Revised 2020
God's Power: Escape from Egypt has six lessons covering Moses' birth through the giving of the Ten Commandments. Spanish text includes a master planning chart, schedule, lesson overview and outline, detailed story line, review questions, memory verse teaching and more!
Lesson 1 - God the Deliverer (Evangelistic Narrative) (Gen. 12:1-3; 46:1-4; Ex. 1:1—4:28) Memory verse: 2 Samuel 22:2b
Lesson 2 - God Shows His Greatness to Pharaoh (Evangelistic Narrative) (Ex. 4:29—6:13; 7:1—12:32) Memory verse: Isaiah 45:5a
Lesson 3 - God Shows His Power to Save (Growth Narrative) (Ex. 12:31-42; 13:17—15:21) Memory verse: Psalm 46:1
Lesson 4 - God Gives the Ten Commandments: Part 1 (Topical Growth) (Ex. 19:1-9a, 16-20; 20:1-11; 31:18) Memory verse: Matthew 22:37-38
Lesson 5 - God Gives the Ten Commandments: Part 2 (Topical Growth) (Ex. 20:1-27; Matt. 5:21-22) Memory verse: Matthew 22:37-39
Lesson 6 - Moses's Song (Review Party)
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Dios: El Rey Creador texto (God: The Creator King - Text)
(2017 version)
Spanish lesson text for six lessons for the God: the Creator King series.
Text includes lesson outlines, detailed story line, review questions, memory verse teaching and more.
Lesson 1 - The King Has Spoken (Evangelistic Narrative) (Jeremiah and Baruch; the Bible is true, Jer. 36: 1-32; 2 Pet. 1:21; 2 Tim. 3:15) Memory verse: Isaiah 40:8
Lesson 2 - The King Creates (Evangelistic Doctrinal) (God as Creator; six days of creation, Gen. 1:1--2:4) Memory verse: Genesis 1:1
Lesson 3 - Sin Enters the King's World (Evangelistic Narrative) (sin in the garden, Gen. 2:15-17; 3) Memory verse: Ephesians 2:8
Lesson 4 - How to Come to the King (Evangelistic Narrative) (Cain and Abel, Gen. 3; 4:1-16; Heb. 11:4; 1 Jn. 3:12) Memory verse: Ephesians 2:8-9
Lesson 5 - The King Saves (Evangelistic Narrative) (Noah and the flood, Gen. 6--8; 9:12-17; 2 Pet. 2:5) Memory verse: Ephesians 2:8-9
Lesson 6: Review Lesson - Creation Celebration
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Dios: El que conoce mi corazón texto (God: The One Who Knows My Heart - Text)
Lesson text for six lessons about David in God: The One Who Knows My Heart. Text includes a master planning chart, schedule, lesson overview and outline, detailed story line, review questions, memory verse teaching and more!Lesson 1 - The Heart that Follows God (Growth Narrative) (Saul is given the kingdom, 1 Sam. 8:1-22; 9:1-27; 10:1, 17-26; 13:5-15) Memory verse: Psalm 119:9
Lesson 2 - A Heart after God (Growth Narrative) (David is annointed king, 1 Sam. 16:1-13) Memory verse: Psalm 119:10
Lesson 3 - The Heart Bold for God's Glory (Growth Narrative) (David and Goliath, 1 Sam. 16:13-23; 17:1-52) Memory verse: Psalm 119:10
Lesson 4 - The Heart that Trusts God's Plan (Growth Narrative) (David and Jonathan; David sparing Saul's life, 1 Sam. 18:1-9; 24:1-22; 31:6; 2 Sam. 1:11-12; 2:1-4)
Memory verse: Psalm 119:11
Lesson 5 - God's Heart of Kindness (Evangelistic Narrative) (David is made king; Mephibosheth, 2 Sam. 4:4; 9:1-13) Memory verse: Psalm 119:11
Lesson 6 - Remote Control Review Party! (Topical Evangelistic), 2 Sam. 7:1-17, 12:1-15; 1 Chron. 22:1-5; 1 Kings 2:1-10; Luke 1:26-33; 2 Pet. 3:13; Rev. 11:15)
Memory verse: Psalm 119:9-11
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Dios reina: Sé fuerte texto (God Rules: Be Strong - Text--Daniel)
Lesson text for God Rules: Be Strong on the life of Daniel. Text includes a master planning chart, schedule, lesson overview and outline, detailed story line, review questions, memory verse teaching and more!
Lesson 1 - God Is Honored by Four Young Men (Growth Narrative) (Dan. 1)
Memory verse: Ephesians 6:10
Lesson 2 - God Gives Wisdom to Daniel (Growth Narrative) (Dan. 2)
Memory verse: James 1:5
Lesson 3 - God Delivers in the Fiery Furnace (Growth Narrative) (Dan. 3)
Memory verse: Ephesians 6:10
Lesson 4 - God Confronts the Sin of King Belshazzar (Growth Narrative) (Dan. 5)
Memory verse: 1 John 1:9
Lesson 5 - God Rescues Daniel in the Lions' Den (Growth Narrative) (Dan. 6)
Memory verse: Ephesians 6:10
Lesson 6 - BIG Review Party
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Dios protege a Su Pueblo: La vida de Ester texto (God Protects His People: The Life of Esther - Text)
Lesson text for six lessons about the life of Esther includes a master planning chart, schedule, lesson overview and outline, detailed story line, review questions, memory verse teaching and more.
Lesson 1 - Esther Becomes Queen (Growth Narrative) (Esther 1:1--2:20)
Memory verse: Proverbs 3:5
Lesson 2 - Mordecai's Choice (Growth Narrative) (Esther 2:21--4:3)
Memory verse: Proverbs 3:6
Lesson 3 - God's People Ask for Help (Growth Narrative) (Esther 4:1-17)
Memory verse: Philippians 4:6
Lesson 4 - God Humbles Haman (Growth Narrative) (Esther 5:1--6:14)
Memory verse: Romans 8:28
Lesson 5 - God Rescues His People (Growth Narrative) (Esther 7:1--9:5, 20-32)
Memory verse: Romans 8:28
Lesson 6 – Royal Picnic Review Lesson
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