Stop, Go, & Only One Way (Multi-song visual)

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Made to accompany the One Way series, this multi-song visual includes the lyrics to "Stop", "Go," and "Only One Way" songs.
11" x 17", 16 full-color pages

Click here to buy the MP4 for "One Way"

Click here to buy the MP4 for "Stop/Go"

  • $12.45
  • Weight
    0.4000 lbs
  • SKU

Lyrics to this visualized song are

"Stop" lyrics:
Stop: And let me tell you, what the Lord has done for me. Stop: And let me tell you what the Lord has done for me. He forgave my sin and He saved my soul. He cleansed my heart and He made me whole. Stop: and let me tell you, what the Lord has done for me.

"Go" lyrics:
Go: and tell the story, of the Christ of Calvary. Go: and tell the story, of the Christ of Calvary. He'll forgive their sins, He will save their souls, He'll cleanse their hearts, He will make them whole. Go: and tell the story of the Christ of Calvary.
"One Way" lyrics:
Only one way to get to Heaven, Jesus is the only way. One way to live with God forever, Jesus is the only way. No other way. No other way. No other way to go . . . oh, oh, oh! (Repeat twice)
Only one way to get to Heaven Jesus is the only way.
(Spoken) "Break it down!" God did say there's just one way. (Repeat)
God did say there's only one way, only one way to go. Only one way to get to Heaven, Jesus is the only way. (Repeat twice)