Tell Everyone

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11" x 17", 12 full-color pages with lyrics to the song "Tell Everyone"
When childen have good news they want to share it. Tell Everyone encourages girls and boys to share the very best news of all--salvation through Jesus, God's Son!

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  • $10.65
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Lyrics to this visualized song are:

(Chorus) You gotta tell everyone you know about Jesus. You gotta tell them that He is the only way. You gotta tell them that He'll live in them forever if they will open up their hearts to Him today.

(Verse 1) You gotta tell them that He came to Earth To be a sacrifice for men. You gotta tell them that He died for them And that He didn't stay dead but He rose again (Chorus)

(Verse 2) You gotta tell them that forevermore Their Savior He will be. You gotta tell them if they trust in Christ. That they're gonna be His for eternally (Chorus)