What's the News?

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11" x 17", 12 full-color pages with lyrics to the song "What's the News?"
Use this lively visualized song as a Good News Club theme song and to remind children that Jesus is the way to have their sin washed away!

View song demonstration here.

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  • $10.65
  • Weight
    0.3000 lbs
  • SKU

Lyrics to this visualized song are:

(Verse 1) Come on, everyone! We're gonna have a ton of fun And before the day is done, We will learn about God's Son. He Paid the price for everyone!

(Verse 2) Jesus is the way - The one and only way to say All my sins are washed away!
Now I'll read His Word and pray And I'll obey Him every day!

(Chorus) Good News Club! Good News Club! Whoa, yeah!

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