將喜樂帶給世界(聖誕節)資源和PPT簡報下載(繁體)Joy to the World (Christmas) Resource & PPT Download-Traditional Chinese

This is a PowerPoint version to Download.
這是一款可下載的投影片/簡報( PowerPoint )版本。

Joy to the World Christmas party takes kids on a trip around the world to see how other countries celebrate Christmas. The unique visuals (extra large "Christmas cards") will teach children how Isaiah's prophecies about the Messiah came true through Jesus. This party reinforces the truth that Jesus was prophesied hundreds of years before His birth and that the Bible can be trusted.
《將喜樂帶給世界》聖誕派對帶領孩子們環遊世界,看看其他國家是如何慶祝聖誕節的。獨特的視覺教材(超大的 「聖誕卡」)將告訴孩子們以賽亞關於彌賽亞的預言是如何透過耶穌來實現。這個聚會強化了耶穌在出生前幾百年就被預言的真理,以及聖經是可以被信賴的觀念。

Resource & PPT Download--provides PowerPoint visuals for the lesson, memory verse, and songs. Reproducibles for invitations, nametags, tokens and game pieces in color or black & white.
And a new 'how to video" - how to use these new visuals.

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