幼儿可以藉着祂的应许认识神– 简体课文PDF下载版 Little Kids Can Know God through His Promises – Simplified Chinese text PDF download

Chinese teacher text for Little Kids Can Know God through His Promises.
Everything the teacher needs to teach preschoolers and young children.
Lesson outlines, detailed story line, review questions, craft ideas, reproducibles, music and more.


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1. God Helps Noah Build an Ark Genesis 6:5-7:9; Acts 17:24; 2Peter 2:5
2. God Saves Noah and His Family Genesis 6:5,8-9; 7:10-12, 16-23; 8:1-20; 9:8-17; 2 Peter2:5
3. God Blesses Abraham with a Son Genesis 12:1-9; 17:19; 18:14; 21:3; Romans 4:3
4. God Blesses Isaac with a Wife Genesis 24:1-67
5. God Helps David Win over Goliath I Samuel 16:11-13; 17:1-52
6. God Helps David Keep His Promise (Mephibosheth) I Samuel 18:1-5; 20:14-17; 31:1, 6; 2 Samuel 4:4; 8:15; 9:1-13

1. 神帮助挪亚造方舟1. 神帮助挪亚造方舟创6:5-7:9;徒17:24;彼后2:5
2. 神拯救挪亚和他的家人创6:5,8-9;7:10-12,    16-23;8:1-20;   9:8-17;彼后2:5
3. 神赐福亚伯拉罕给他一个儿子创12:1-9;17:19;   18:14;21:3;罗4:3
4. 神赐福以撒给他一个妻子 创24:1-67
5. 神帮助大卫打败歌利亚 撒上16:11-13;17:1-52
6. 神帮助大卫遵守诺言撒上18:1-5;    20:14-17;31:1,6;撒下4:4;8:15;9:1-13

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