耶稣:大能荣耀的神——简体课文 PDF下载版 Jesus: God of Power and Glory -Simplified Chinese text PDF download

The powerful ministry of Jesus is explained through this six-lesson series. Lesson text includes lesson outlines, detailed story line, review questions, memory verse teaching and more! Memory verses teaches the Lord's Prayer.


Lesson 1 - Jesus Teaches with Power (Topical Evangelistic) (Heb. 1:1-2; Matt. 4:23-25; Jn. 10:22-31; 14:1-6; Mk. 1:21-22; 7:1-9) Memory verse: Matthew 6:9
Lesson 2 - Jesus Calms a Terrible Storm (Growth Narrative) (Mark 4:35-41)
Memory verse: Matthew 6:10
Lesson 3 - Jesus Feeds a Huge Crowd (Evangelistic Narrative) (John 6; Mark 6:30-44) Memory verse: Matthew 6:11
Lesson 4 - Jesus Offers Hope to a Samaritan Leper (Evangelistic Narrative) (Lk. 17:11-19; Lev. 13:45-46; 14:2) Memory verse: Matthew 6:12
Lesson 5 - Jesus Explains His Awesome Plan (Doctrinal Evangelistic) (Matt. 16:13-17, 21-23; 17:1-9) Memory verse Matthew 6:13
Lesson 6 - Penguin Party! Review Lesson and Memory verse review: Matthew 6:9-13

第1课——耶稣带着权柄教导 (主题布道课程) (来 1:1-2; 太 4:23-25; 约10:22-31;14:1-6; 可 1:21-22; 7:1-9) 金句:马太福音6:9
第2课——耶稣平静可怕的风浪(灵命成长叙述课程) (可 4:35-41)金句:马太福音6:10
第3课——耶稣喂饱了一大群人(布道叙述课程) (约 6; 可 6:30-44)金句:马太福音6:11
第4课——耶稣赐盼望给撒马利亚麻疯病人(布道叙述课程) (路17:11-19; 利13:45-46; 14:2)
金句: 马太福音6:12
第5课——耶稣讲解他的奇妙计划 (布道教义课程) (太16:13-17, 21-23; 17:1-9)金句: 马太福音6:13

Suggested mission story (in resource pack): Angie Goes West


Flashcard visuals and mission story must be purchased separately


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