Easter Party Clubâ„¢ Lessons

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  • Jesus Gives Life and Hope (Easter)(printed visuals, text, & FREE Resource PPT download)

    Jesus Gives Life and Hope (Easter)(printed visuals, text, & FREE Resource PPT download)

    The Jesus Gives Life and Hope Easter Party Club lesson focuses on Jesus as the resurrection and the life. He displayed His power over death when He raised Lazarus from the dead and when He gave us life and hope through His death and resurrection. This item includes the printed lesson visual (26x19) which unfolds picture by picture until it shows a silhouette of the risen Christ. Includes the complete English text and is full of helpful tools that go along with the lesson. This lesson will help you share the Gospel with children in your area! (English only)
    Resource PowerPoint visuals and additional helps included as download.

    Printed Spanish text available separately with helps.

    Suggested memory verse: John 11:25
    Found on Discovering Jesus Music CD or as MP3
    Purchase MP3 here

    Download ESV Jesus Gives Live and Hope Quiet Time Sheets 

    Download KJV Jesus Gives Live and Hope Quiet Time Sheets

    • $11.99
  • Jesus Gives Life and Hope (Easter Party Club) Resource & PPT Download

    Jesus Gives Life and Hope (Easter Party Club) Resource & PPT Download

    This is a PowerPoint version to Download.

    The Jesus Gives Life and Hope Easter Party Club lesson focuses on Jesus as the resurrection and the life. He displayed His power over death when He raised Lazarus and He gives us life and hope through His death and resurrection. The Resource & PPT download has the same visuals as the printed version as well as helpful tools that go along with the lesson and will help you share the Gospel with children in your area.

    Suggested memory verse is John 11:25, "Jesus said to her, I am the resurrection and the life...."
    Found on Discovering Jesus Music CD or as MP3
    Purchase MP3 here

    • $2.49
  • Jesús da vida Esperanza texto (Jesus Gives Life and Hope text)

    Jesús da vida Esperanza texto (Jesus Gives Life and Hope text)

    Spanish text for Easter Party Club lesson Jesus Give Life and Hope.
    Visuals must be purchased separately

    • $1.40
  • Because God Loves You (printed visuals, text & FREE Resource PPT download)

    Because God Loves You (printed visuals, text & FREE Resource PPT download)

    (Easter Party Club)
    Get ready for a fun and innovative way to teach the story of Jesus and the Resurrection! 
    Walk through six snapshots of Jesus’ life as you unfold a cross-shaped visual to reveal scenes from Jesus' life and death. Surprise children when you refold the visual, place it in the tomb, and later retrieve it to reveal Jesus is alive! 

    Includes English text and the visuals that fold into shape of a cross.
    Party helps include verse visual, invitations, craft, games, review games and snack ideas.

    Suggested Song and Memory Verse: "Have You Heard?" and Romans 5:8

    (download included with purchase online)
    (Physical PPT CD is now sold seperately

    Watch How to Use the Visuals

    Download KJV Because God Loves You Quiet Time Sheets

    Download ESV Because God Loves You Quiet Time Sheets

    • $11.99
  • Because God Loves You (Easter Party Club) Resource & PPT CD

    Because God Loves You (Easter Party Club) Resource & PPT CD

    (Easter Party Club)
    Get ready for a fun and innovative way to teach the story of Jesus and the Resurrection! 
    Walk through six snapshots of Jesus’ life as you share the amazing true story of our Savior with the children in your neighborhood with Because God Loves You.

    Includes English text and the visuals in a slideshow/powerpoint.
    Party helps include verse visual, song visuals, invitations, craft, games, review games and snack ideas.

    Suggested Song and Memory Verse: "Have You Heard?" and Romans 5:8
    (Music to song sold seperately)

    Download KJV Because God Loves You Quiet Time Sheets

    Download ESV Because God Loves You Quiet Time Sheets

    • $12.49
  • Because God Loves You (Easter Party Club) Resource & PPT Download

    Because God Loves You (Easter Party Club) Resource & PPT Download

    This is a PowerPoint version to Download.

    (Easter Party Club)
    Get ready for a fun and innovative way to teach the story of Jesus and the Resurrection! 
    Walk through six snapshots of Jesus’ life as you share the amazing true story of our Savior with the children in your neighborhood with Because God Loves You.
    Party helps include verse visual, invitations, craft, games, review games and snack ideas

    PowerPoint visuals for English lesson text, memory verse and song visuals. 
    (Christ Redeemed Us, Have You Heard About Jesus, Jesus is Caring for You.)
    (Music to songs sold seperately)

    PDFs for verse tokens, verse bookmarks, invitations, craft, name tags, review games 
    Video instructions for the printed visuals.

    Download KJV Because God Loves You Quiet Time Sheets

    Download ESV Because God Loves You Quiet Time Sheets

    • $2.49
  • Porque te Amo texto (Because God Loves You text)

    Porque te Amo texto (Because God Loves You text)

    Spanish teacher text to teach the Easter Party Club lesson Because I Love You.
    Does not include visuals.

    revised to Because God Loves You. 2018

    • $1.40
  • Always True Treasure Hunt (printed visuals, text & FREE Resource PPT download)

    Always True Treasure Hunt (printed visuals, text & FREE Resource PPT download)

    This Easter Party Club is from the story of the disciples on the road to Emmaus. You can use this Easter party to lead children on an exciting treasure hunt to discover the Good News that Jesus is truly alive and can save them from their sin!

    Kit includes 11" x 17" flashcard, that open to 22" x 17" English text
    English text includes everything fun to have an Easter Party: craft, game, snack ideas and more.
    Resource Download includes:
    -PowerPoint visuals for the lesson, memory verse 1 Corinthians 15:3b-4 in ESV and KJV
    -Reproducibles for invitations, nametags, tokens
    (Spanish text available as a separate item)

    (download included with purchase online)
    (Physical PPT CD is now sold seperately)

    Download ESV Always True Quiet Time Sheets

    Download KJV Always True Quiet Time Sheets

    • $11.99
  • Always True Treasure Hunt (Easter Party Club) Resource & PPT Download

    Always True Treasure Hunt (Easter Party Club) Resource & PPT Download

    You can use this Easter Party Club to lead children on an exciting treasure hunt to discover the Good News that Jesus is truly alive and can save them from their sin!

    Resource & PPT download includes:
    -PowerPoint visuals for the lesson, memory verse 1 Corinthians 15:3b-4 in ESV and KJV and suggested songs (Have You Heard About Jesus and Happy Easter to You)
    -Reproducibles for invitations, nametags, tokens
    -Lesson text 

    Digital Download Only


    • $2.49
  • Siempre verdadera texto (Always True text)

    Siempre verdadera texto (Always True text)

    Spanish teacher text for the Easter Party Club lesson Always True.
    Does not include visuals.

    • $1.40
  • The King's Crown (printed visuals, text, & FREE Resource PPT download)

    The King's Crown (printed visuals, text, & FREE Resource PPT download)

    "Here Ye! Hear Ye! The King of Kings died to pay for your sins and now He is alive!" Children everywhere need to hear this good news and you can share it with them by planning an Easter Party Club that is "fit for a king!”  Most kings wear royal robes and majestic crowns, but The King’s Crown will help children learn that Jesus, the mighty King of Kings, clothed himself as a servant and a sacrifice to become the Savior of the world.

    Suggested song: "Jesus Is the Good News."

    Product includes 17" x 22" fold-up visual and English text
    Free Download (when purchased online) includes PowerPoint visuals for lesson, memory verse (John 1:12) songs and Kingdom themed game pieces. Reproducibles in B&W and color, KJV and ESV. (Physical PPT CD is now sold separately)

    • $11.99
  • The King's Crown (Easter Party Club) Resource & PPT Download

    The King's Crown (Easter Party Club) Resource & PPT Download

    "Here Ye! Hear Ye! The King of Kings died to pay for your sins and now He is alive!" Children everywhere need to hear this good news and you can share it with them by planning an Easter Party Club that is "fit for a king!”
    Most kings wear royal robes and majestic crowns, but The King’s Crown will help children learn that Jesus, the mighty King of Kings, clothed himself as a servant and a sacrifice to become the Savior of the world.
    This Resource & PowerPoint download includes PowerPoint visuals for 17" x 22" fold-up lesson, lesson text, memory verse (John 1:12) songs and Kingdom-themed game pieces. Reproducibles in B&W and color, KJV and ESV. Suggested song "Jesus Is the Good News."

    Digital download product only.

    • $2.49
  • La corona del Rey texto (The King's Crown text)

    La corona del Rey texto (The King's Crown text)

    Spanish teacher text for Easter Party Club lesson The King's Crown.
    Does not include visuals.

    • $1.40