具約翰——繁體課文 PDF和PPT下載版 John Cook - Traditional Chinese text PDF & PPT download

John Cook was used by God to reach many boys and girls for Christ. Serving with Child Evangelism Fellowship both in South Korea and the United States. Your kids will love hearing how God used a house fire, life in an orphanage, and some 'coincidences' to bring John to faith in Christ.

John and Lois Cook 'retired' from CEF but continue to work with Korean churches in the USA and travel back to Korea.

具約翰(John Cook)被神使用,帶領許多兒童歸向基督。在韓國和美國的萬國兒童佈道團事奉。你的孩子會喜歡聽神如何使用房屋火災、孤兒院的生活,以及一些「巧合」來使約翰相信基督。


Can be taught in six short sessions or one longer session.

Includes PPT visuals and the Chinese text

(Also included in God's Plan in Action: the Early Church resource packs.)

  • $2.49
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