彭柯丽——简体课文 PDF和PPT下载版 Corrie Ten Boom - Simplified Chinese text PDF & PPT download

Corrie remained faithful and strong in the Lord despite the terror of World War II, the danger of hiding Jews in her home and her resulting imprisonment in a German concentration camp. This true five-chapter story of Corrie's faith and courage will inspire the children you teach

尽管在恐怖的第二次世界大战时,柯丽在家中藏匿犹太人的危险中──并因此被关进了德国的集中营,但她始终忠实于主。 这个真实的五章故事讲述了柯丽的信心和勇气,将激励你所教导的孩子。

Lesson 1 - The Good Shepherd (Psalm 46:2): The Lord Jesus can help you overcome your fear. Memory verse: Psalm 46:2
Lesson 2 - A Happy Family (Psalm 1:1, 3): You can serve the Lord even as a child. Memory verse: Psalm 1:1, 3
Lesson 3 - In the School of God (Psalm 32:8): The Lord will teach you through the Bible, through other Christians and through things that happen in your life. Memory verse: Psalm 32:8
Lesson 4 - Jesus Is Victorious (Romans 8:38-39): The Lord is with you wherever you go. Memory verse: Romans 8:38-39
Lesson 5 - A Tramp for the Lord (Matthew 28:19-20): God wants you to follow His leading. Memory verse: Matthew 28:19-20

第1课——好牧人 (诗篇46:2) 主耶稣能帮助你胜过你的恐惧。金句: 诗篇46:2
第2课——一个幸福的家庭 (诗篇1:1,3) 你可以在年幼时服事主。金句: 诗篇1:1,3
第3课——在神的学校(诗篇32:8) 主会通过圣经、其他的基督徒和你生活中发生的事情来教导你。金句: 诗篇32:8
第4课——耶稣是得胜者(罗马书8:38-39) 无论你往何处去,主都与你同在。金句: 罗马书8:38-39
第5课——柯丽为神走遍各地(马太福音28:19-20) 神希望你跟随祂。金句: 马太福音28:19-20

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