一個普通男孩的特殊任務——繁體課文PDF和 PPT下載版 A Special Job for an Ordinary Boy –Traditional Chinese text PDF & PPT download

In each exciting lesson children will discover how Richard Roe, a missionary to the Philippines, developed a special friendship with a young boy named Nard, and how they worked together to share about the love of Jesus with people in the Philippines.

Can be taught in six short sessions or one longer session.

在每一堂精彩的課程中,孩子們將發現菲律賓宣教士理查德•羅鷗(Richard Roe)如何與一個名叫納德(Nard)的小男孩建立起特殊的友誼,以及他們如何一起努力與菲律賓人分享耶穌的愛。


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