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  • Luke 10:2 Postcards with Logo

    Luke 10:2 Postcards with Logo

    Luke 10:2 tells us that Jesus said, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.” Right now Child Evangelism Fellowship is begging God to send more people who are willing to tell children everywhere about the gospel. Will you pray with us? You can use these post cards to ask your friends, family, and ministry supporters to pray too. Just address them, add postage, and drop them in the mail box. Click here for more Luke 10:2 resources.
    Packs of 25  4" x 5.5" (ca. 10 x 14 cm)

    • $5.00
  • Life of Christ Jesus in Bible Language  "Free"

    Life of Christ Jesus in Bible Language "Free"

    A 5” x 7” booklet of selected Scriptures from the King James Version compiled by Genevieve Olson. Outlines events from the annunciation to the promise of Christ’s return. Taken from the Gospels. The booklet presents the Gospel on the final page. A great giveaway for any children’s ministry.

    • $0.00
  • Happy Birthday Jesus
    • 46% off

    Happy Birthday Jesus

    11" x 17", Eight full-color pages
    Children sing birthday greetings to friends . . . now they can celebrate the Savior’s birth by singing happy birthday to Jesus! The lyrics emphasize how Jesus died and rose to life and how they can believe and receive the gift of salvation. Suggested song in Backwards Birthday Bash.

    Lyrics to this visualized song are:
    Happy birthday to You! Happy birthday to You!
    Happy birthday, dear Jesus. Happy birthday to You!
    Jesus gave me a gift when He died for my sin. He was put in a tomb then He rose again.
    His gift becomes mine right when I believe. Happy birthday, dear Jesus. I know You can save me!


    • $5.00
  • Cumpleaños feliz (Happy Birthday)
    • 46% off

    Cumpleaños feliz (Happy Birthday)

    11" x 17", six full-color pages
    Children sing birthday greetings to friends . . . now they can celebrate the Savior’s birth by singing happy birthday to Jesus! The lyrics emphasize how Jesus died and rose to life and how they can believe and receive the gift of salvation.
    (Tune is traditional Happy Birthday.)

    Lyrics to this visualized song are:
    Cumpleaños feliz. Yo te amo, Jesús.
    Yo te amo a Ti.  Cumpleaños feliz.
    En un pesebre naciste, siendo el Hijo de Dios.
    Para mostrar Tu amor a la humanidad.
    Y moriste por mí para que pueda yo
    Ir al cielo un día a vivir junto a Ti. 

    • $5.00
  • Christmas Tote
    • 50% off

    Christmas Tote

    Silver and black Christmas Across America tote bag. 
    Large enough for our largest song visuals - 11 x 17.

    Regular $10.00. 

    • $5.00