Joy to the World (printed visuals,text, & FREE Resource PPT download)

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Printed visuals & English text, and free Resource PowerPoint as download

To download, click link on confirmation email.

Joy to the World Christmas Party Club takes kids on a trip around the world to see how other countries celebrate Christmas. The unique visuals (extra large "Christmas cards") will teach children how Isaiah's prophecies about the Messiah came true through Jesus. This party reinforces the truth that Jesus was prophesied hundreds of years before His birth and that the Bible can be trusted.

Joy to the World Christmas party kit includes: 
Unique visuals--4 extra large Christmas cards
English text--includes everything for a fun Christmas Party: craft, game, snack ideas, and more.
Resource & PPT Download provides PowerPoint visuals for the lesson, memory verse, and songs. Reproducibles for invitations, nametags, tokens and game pieces in color or black & white.

See how to use these visuals by clicking on the link below!
Watch video here!

Download the ESV Quiet Time Sheets Here 

Download the KJV Quiet Time Sheets Here 

  • $11.99
  • Weight
    0.4500 lbs
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