CD has tracks with and without vocals - all Spanish!
Countdown, Faith Is Just Believing, God's Power, Good News, I Believe the Bible, I Have a Friend, I Have Decided, Isn't He Wonderful?, Jesus My Savior, My God Is So Great, One Way, Praise Him, Stop-Go-Watch, The Lord Is My Shepherd, There Is Victory for Me, My God Is So Great, (remix), There Is Victory for Me (remix)
Admirable, Alabadle, Alto-Anda-Cede, Creo Yo en la Biblia, Cristo Me Ama por Siempre, Cuan Grande Es Dios, Cuenta Regrisiva, El Poder de Dios, El Señor, es mi Pastor, Fe Es Creer la Biblia, Hay una Via, Hay Victoria para Mi, He Decidido, Noticia Grata, You Tengo un Amigo, Cuan Grande Es Dios (remix), Hay Victoria para Mi (remix)