Turn Your Eyes to Jesus

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11" x 17", 12 full-color pages with lyrics to the song "Turn Your Eyes to Jesus"
The motions and catchy calypso beat of this visualized song will help kids to have victory over sin.

View demonstration of song here.

Click here to buy the MP4 of this song

  • $10.65
  • Weight
    0.2500 lbs
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Lyrics to this visualized song are:

(Verse 1) When Satan tries to get you down, Turn your eyes to Jesus.
Put on a smile, take away your frown! Turn your eyes to Jesus.

(Verse 2) When you need freedom from sin's power, Turn your eyes to Jesus.
He'll be your strong and mighty tower. Turn your eyes to Jesus

(Chorus) Turn your eyes to Jesus. He'll see you through.
Turn your eyes to Jesus. He cares for you.