皮特·門賈雷斯——繁體課文PDF和PPT下載版 Pete Menjares - Traditional Chinese text PDF & PPT download

Pete Menjares, a former drug addict and gang member, experienced God's transforming power and learned that God's path was best for him. Children will learn that God's plans are best and He can save anyone.

皮特·門賈雷斯(Pete Menjares)曾是吸毒者和幫派成員,他經歷了神改變的力量,並了解神的道路對他來說是最好的。兒童將了解神的計劃是最好的,祂可以拯救任何人。

Includes PPT visuals and the Chinese text

(Also included in God: The One to Follow resource packs)


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