阿迪安博——简体课文 PDF下载版 Adhiambo (Martha Olango)- Simplified Chinese text PDF download

The story of Adhiambo helps children see the importance of consecration as they hear about Adhiambo growing up in an abusive home, coming to know Christ as Savior, and finally giving her life to God to work as a CEF missionary in Kenya and Sudan.
Can be taught in six short sessions or one longer session.

阿迪安博的故事帮助儿童看到献身的重要性。因为他们听到阿迪安博在一个受虐的家庭中成长,后来认识了基督为救主,最后将自己的生命交给神,成了万国儿童布道团的宣教士,在肯亚和  苏丹事奉。
可分六次短的课程或一次长的课程来进行教学。 阿迪安博的故事幫助兒童看到獻身的重要性。因為他們聽到阿迪安博在一個受虐的家庭中成長,後來認識了基督為救主,最後將自己的生命交給神,成了萬國兒童佈道團的宣教士,在肯亞和  蘇丹事奉。

  • $2.49
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