難忘的一天——繁體課文 PDF和PPT下載版 - A Day to Remember text & PPT download - Traditional Chinese text PDF & PPT download

A Day to Remember tells of the everlasting impact of the Christmas story. Follow Chathuri, a young girl from Sri Lanka, as she discovers the true meaning of Christmas after experiencing a devastating tsunami. Through this true story, children will learn how they can trust God’s promises, even during hard times. The art for this lesson was drawn by a talented artist who is also from Sri Lanka.

《難忘的一天》講述了聖誕節故事的永恆影響。跟隨來自斯里蘭卡的年輕女孩查圖莉(Chathuri) ,她在經歷毀滅性的海嘯後,發現了聖誕節的真正意義。通過這個真實的故事,孩童將學習如何相信神的應許,即使在困難的時刻也是如此。本課的插圖是由一位來自斯里蘭卡的才華洋溢的插圖畫家所繪製的。

Because this lesson is based on a story from 2004 rather than a Bible lesson about the Christmas story, it can easily be adjusted to be used for a party club at a different time of year if desired.


Suggested songs: I Look to You, Go Tell It on the Mountain, 1 John 4:14


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